SAS Critical Thinking Project

Primary work on SAS Project – Due next week

1. As described above, you must upload the Real Estate Database into SAS.

2. You must perform the described analysis in Excel and submit the Spreadsheet.

3. You must perform the described analysis in SAS and submit a PDF.

4. You must complete the Word document (answers from 2 and 3 above) and submit.

For the SAS (Critical Thinking) project, I always want to add clarity regarding the output from Excel Regression (see below). The Output gives you what you need to complete the Critical Thinking Project form for the Excel part. You will see below that I highlighted “R” (called Multiple R here and Correlation Coefficient in my slides) in Yellow. R2 is highlighted in Blue (that is the Coefficient of Determination). Remember, if you multiply it by 100, you get the percentage of the change in the Dependent Variable that is explained by the Independent Variable(s) – in this case 92.6%.

Finally, you need to know how to build your Regression model from the output below. The formula coefficients are highlighted below in Green. This is the output from the Nodel Construction example you find in the PowerPoint slides for Chapter 4. If Sales is “Y,” Payroll is X1, and Interest Rate is X2, then your Regression model would read as follows:

Y = 5.214 – 0.017(X1) – 30.155(X2)

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.96207063
R Square 0.925579897
Adjusted R Square 0.875966495
Standard Error 0.222740661
Observations 6
Regression 2
Residual 3
Total 5
Intercept 5.213917526
Payroll -0.016752577
Interest Rate -30.15463918



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