If you slipped and fell on the ice and you landed on your tailbone, what specific structure would you land on?

  1. If you slipped and fell on the ice and you landed on your tailbone, what specific structure would you land on? Answer should be from abdominopelvic structures in your lab manual you need to know.

  2. Your index or pointer finger is what digit? Answer should be a number.

  3. Is the thumb medial or lateral?

  4. On what surface of your foot would you get sunburned if you were walking barefoot on a sunny, summer day at the beach?

  5. What is found within the peritoneal cavity?

  6. Is your right medial malleolus and right olecranon on the ipsilateral or contralateralside?

  7. Circle the correct terms in the following sentence. The popliteal area is found on the pelvic/pectoral appendage and is distal/inferiorto the greater trochanter.

  8. What is the plural term of phalanx?

  9. Which of the following regions is not part of the upper limb? carpal/cubital/brachial/palmar/plantar

  10. What plane of section is represented in the image?


Refer to image to answer questions 11-20. Surface Anatomy Anterior View

Be sure to pay attention to the question, is it asking for a specific feature or a general area?

11. Identify specific bony structure.

12. Identify specific feature on anterior portion of arm.

13. Identify anatomical name of digit

14. Name of bony structure.

15. Name of bony structure.

16. Identify specific area within circle

17. Specific name of feature.

18. Identify area

19. Identify area

20. Identify area



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