The Black Death was a huge pandemic of a disease called ___________ _____________, which spread to Europe from ___________. Many experts believe the plague originated in Tibet as a localized epidemic but then spread, carried by ___________ and mice and ____________.

  1. The Black Death was a huge pandemic of a disease called ___________

    _____________, which spread to Europe from ___________. Many

    experts believe the plague originated in Tibet as a localized epidemic

    but then spread, carried by ___________ and mice and ____________.

    1. What were some of the symptoms of the plague?

    2. Somewhere between _____________ of people infected died.

    3. The latest research claims, in Europe as a whole, around _______

      of all people died.

  2. What was the Hundred Years War? Describe the sides involved in the war and the reasons the war was fought.

    1. What was the Code of Chivalry?

    2. The 116 Years War also changed the nature of war through __________________.

    3. The Hundred Years War also saw the spectacular rise and fall of ______________

      _____________, born to a prosperous French peasant family in __________.

  3. One of Europe’s great questions was whether the ______________ had authority over the entire Catholic world, or if _____________ had the ultimate authority in their kingdoms.

    1. The __________________________ was a huge blow to

      the Church and its claims of spiritual leadership.

    2. Ultimately others in the Church called a council to end

      the Great Schism, and church leaders finally elected

      a single pope, ________________________, in 1417.

  1. _____________ went on to replace Christianity as the leading

    religion in ____________________.

Artists, philosophers, architects, and others were simultaneously

creating Europe’s rebirth or ________________________.



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