Who to interview?

1.Who to interview?

Select someone in whom you are genuinely

interested in learning more about their past or current job. Make sure

you able to set up a time to interview this person.

2.Make contact.

If you are reaching out to a person you found online or

someone you don’t know via email, make sure to write a professional,

polite email (err on the side of formality).

3.Prepare your questions in advance.

Have a neatly written list and a

plan to take organized notes.

4.If you want to record the session, make sure to ask permission.

5.Take notes as carefully as you can

, and then, if you haven’t recorded,

make sure to type up or rewrite a fuller version of your notes the



, so you don’t forget information.

Developing Your Questions

1.What do you want to know? At this point, do not worry about the

phrasing; simply brainstorm what you hope to learn from conducting

this interview



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