Qualitative research

1. Describe your selected fictional client and the setting you have chosen from the options above. Select only one group for your fictional client and write a well-detailed, thick description of your client and the client’s housing conditions.

For example, “I will be describing social work with Ludmilla, a 26-year-old Russian mail order bride with limited English proficiency who was found singing on the street corner for money after she was abandoned by her husband ten months after arriving in this country. She lives in an SRO that contains….” [add your description here]. (4-5 sentences).

If you chose one or several pictures, describe how you are affected by the conditions as a social worker who is attempting to see the situation through the perspective of the client who resides in the SRO.

If you chose a quote, explain in your words what type of condition or reaction the interviewee is describing from their perspective.

2. Interpret the quote or picture, explaining what it means to you as a social worker. Defend your interpretation, supporting it with information obtained from Marsiglia and Booth (2015) and/or Lee at al. (2016). (Maximum: 3-4 sentences).

3. From your interpretation of the quote or picture in Question 2, suggest a problem that your fictional client (identified in Question #1) might experience in the environment you selected in Question 2 (1 sentence)

4. Describe a specific intervention to address the problem you suggested in Question #3. Explain how the meaning you drew from the picture or quote (Question #2) would specifically inform and guide your approach. Your recommendation can be on the micro, mezzo, or macro level. (Maximum: 3 concise, informative, descriptive sentences).

5. Choose and state one of the general cultural adaptations that Marsiglia and Booth (2015) reviewed from pages 424-426 of their article, such as content adaption to include surface and/or deep culture, cognitive adaptations, affective-motivational adaptations, etc.) that might be appropriate for your client. For example “An adaptation of [my intervention] that might apply to a [person from my selected group] is [choose from Marsiglia and Booth (2015), pp. 424-426]. (Maximum: 2 accurate, brief, and clear sentences).

6. Explain how you would use the cultural adaptation identified in Question 5 to make your intervention (described in Question #5) culturally responsive and relevant for the type of client (a SRO resident) that you selected for Question #1. State specific actions, statements, or work that you would perform if employed to intervene in this situation, using references to the learning resources to support your ideas. In other words, translate the broad description of the cultural adaptation into actions or statements you could actually do, if the situation arose.

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