Financial analysis . Conduct a thorough financial analysis.

1. Financial analysis (2 pages max). Conduct a thorough financial analysis.

2. Is the company able to seize market opportunities and nullify external threats (SWOT analysis)?

3. Are the company’s cost structure and customer value proposition competitive (Value Chain analysis)?

4. Is the company competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals (Representative weighted Competitive Strength Assessment)?

5. Identify “one” strategic issue you think merits front-burner managerial attention. The issues should be framed in a question format (How to…, What to do about …, and Whether to ….). Make sure you only identify one strategic issue. While there very well may be more issues that deserve managerial attention the focus of your report is going to be based on supporting only the one issue you identified.

6. Identify all of the relevant facts from your appendix that led you to conclude that the issue you identified deserves managerial attention. List these facts in this section by including the relevant reference from your appendix. You only have to use the numbered heading like (1.1). Every fact that you feel is related to supporting your issue choice should be identified. This section will ultimately become an outline for the analysis section of your report.



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