What does Patricia Hill Collins mean by a “matrix of domination”?

  1. What does Patricia Hill Collins mean by a “matrix of domination”?
    a. Multiple forces combine to keep women confined to their current roles.
    b. Second-wave feminism did more harm than good by lumping all women together into one oppressed class.
    c. Race is more important than gender in the understanding of oppression.
    d. The nature and extent of a person’s oppression is a function of multiple factors, not just one.

1 points 


  1. Match each term to the correct definition.
    a. the perceived biological differences thought to distinguish men from women
    b. a social position that is often treated as if it were associated with biological differences
    c. a set of preferences for romantic and sexual partners

1 points 


  1. How does social constructionism, championed by Candace West and Don H. Zimmerman, differ from structural functionalism, psychoanalytic theory, and conflict theory when it comes to gender roles?
    a. Social constructionism supports the idea that gender roles are grounded in biological components.
    b. Social constructionism focuses on the essentialist nature of sex.
    c. Social constructionism focuses more on the macro level than the other theories.
    d. Social constructionism is less deterministic.

1 points 


  1. Advocates for children and adults with intersex conditions want to change the way intersex infants are treated. Identify the major goals of this movement (select ALL that apply).
    a. To remove the stigma of intersex conditions.
    b. To promote tolerance of people who have had, or want, sex reassignment surgery.
    c. To encourage acceptance of behavior that crosses traditional gender boundaries.
    d. To discourage surgery on infants with ambiguous genitalia.

1 points 


  1. How do we socially construct biological sex? Based on the sex assigned to a child at birth, how do we socially construct gender to appear natural? How are some modern parents challenging this? (Make sure to respond to ALL parts of this question).



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