Use any one of the above four tables along with a real-life example to demonstrate whether the operation of JOIN is an idempotent on the set of tables. Use any two of the above four tables along with a real-life example to demonstrate whether the operation of JOIN is commutative on the set of tables.

  • A database usually takes the key areas of business and breaks them into structured tables. Each table will store information on a key area; four of which are listed below.
  1. Staff table– A record of each member of staff and usually includes the hierarchy of management and job description. Let this table be denoted by T1.
  2. Customer table – This table will store who the customers are and how to contact them; e.g., address, email, …, etc. Let this table be denoted by T2.
  3. Product table – A table that brings all the product information together; such as product name, product color, product description, …, etc. Let this table be denoted by T3.
  4. Orders table – This table keeps a record of each order the company has processed and would refer to a lot of key areas in the business; e.g., who made the sale, who was sold to, what was sold, when it was sold, …, etc. Let this table be denoted by T4.
  • Background 2:
  1. An operator or a relation R acting on a set of elements is said to be an idempotent if, for any element x in the set, we have: xRx=x. For example, the logical conjunction AND is idempotent since for any statement p, we have (p AND p)=p; that is, the statements (p AND p) and p have the same truth values. Other examples of idempotent operations are (1): the absolute value function (ABS(x)=|x|) since ABS(ABS(x))=ABS(x) for any real number x, and (2): any function looking up a customer’s address in a database.
  2. An operator or a relation R acting on a set of elements is said to be commutative if for any two elements x and y in the set, we have xRy=yRx. For example, the operation of addition is commutative over the set of real numbers since for any two real numbers x and y, we have: x+y=y+x; e.g., 3+5=5+3. Multiplication of real numbers is also commutative but subtraction and division are not commutative operations.
  3. An operator or a relation R acting on a set of elements is said to be associative if for any three elements xy, and z in the set, we have (xRy)Rz=xR(yRz). For example, the operations of addition and multiplication are both associative since for example, (3+5)+2=3+(5+2), or (3*5)*2=3*(5*2).
  • Question 1: Use any one of the above four tables along with a real-life example to demonstrate whether the operation of JOIN is an idempotent on the set of tables (first indicate which of the four tables you have used in your demonstration).

  • Question 2: Use any two of the above four tables along with a real-life example to demonstrate whether the operation of JOIN is commutative on the set of tables (first indicate which of the four tables you have used in your demonstration).

  • Question 3: Use any three of the above four tables along with a real-life example to demonstrate whether the operation of JOIN is associative on the set of tables (first indicate which of the four tables you have used in your demonstration).

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