Writing a poster in an article Electrical and electronic engineering fundamentals

Writing a poster in an article Electrical and electronic engineering fundamentals

  • The requirements;
  • A description of Selective Laser Melting (SLM), including

➢ suitable supporting images (with appropriate referencing)

➢ the equation for the average heat flux of a laser spot found in this document

➢ a description of the multidisciplinary nature of SLM

➢ its advantages and disadvantages over competing metal AM processes, with suitable

versions of the table and graph found in this document

➢ a brief description of the applications and markets for SLM.

(A poster template is provided for

  • a project plan, including

➢ objectives

➢ tasks – with short (3-4 sentences) descriptions

➢ milestones (at least 2)

➢ deliverables (at least 2), and

➢ a GANNT chart.

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