Theory of Flight Project : Basic Physics

To introduce aviation/aeronautics/aerospace students to wind tunnel(s) and methods
used in experimental identification of various aerodynamic (and stability) coefficients of airfoils
(2D), wings (3D) and scale models. To understand the value and purpose of wind-tunnel and
experimental identification (measurement) of lift, drag, sideforce, and aerodynamic moments
(pitching, rolling, yawing). To review the basic aerodynamic theory and knowledge of wings and
airfoils presented in classroom. To apply and correlate knowledge acquired in the lab to better
understanding of fixed- and rotary-wing flight control, stability and performance. To practice unit
conversions (from SI to English engineering and vice versa). To perform visualization study of the
boundary layer separation and stall patterns at higher AOAs. To visualize wingtip vortices when
3D (finite wing) airfoil is installed.



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