Software Engineering: Problem&Solution Analysis


We are a software development startup whose market has been to provide logistics for restaurants (ordering, table reservation, user reviews, order-ahead etc.)

That was all pre-covid.

Now with only 25% max capacity at restaurants, more ordering of remote services, the lack of a social dining/shopping experience for the most part, we need to adapt a solution to this area. Most of our customers (restaurants and food services) cannot sustain themselves or need help. We clearly are not a critically needed service with the “new normal” of food businesses.


You are going to develop a system that satisfies this problem domain. You will develop and architect a system to support the features of a system that can exist in a post-covid business environment.

This system must support these actions:

  • You define a list of services for this app based on what YOU think will work in a post-covid world.
  • + three features you come up with during your brainstorm/design thinking/requirements gathering


  • Identify and flesh out the problem domain for what is needed.

  • From the problem domain above, use any types of requirements engineering techniques to take the problem domain and engineer it into requirements. Use established requirements engineering practices (cite the process/practices you’re using)

  • Include at least two requirements models attached to define two separate requirements.

  • Identify a way to implement a solution by evaluating three different architectural patterns/styles, cite each pattern/style.

  • List pros and cons of each pattern/style, choose one for your architecture and justify your answer.

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