Romans and Republican Sources Quiz
1.How does the Laudatio Turiae ‘Eulogy for a Wife: In Praise of Turia’ (source 5.4) offer insight into gender and family roes in Roman society? What virtues does Turia’s husband extol the most?
2.How is ‘Virgil, The Aeneid‘ (source 5.3) grafting Roman history onto the story of the Trojan War and why?
3.According to Livy, ‘Battle of Cannae’ (source 5.1) what were the main reasons for the Roman army’s crushing defeat? What were the principal reasons for Hannibal’s success?
4.Livy, ‘Battle of Cannae’ (source 5.1) reports that when the news of the defeat at Cannae reached Rome, ‘never before … had there been such excitement or panic within its walls.’ Which members of Roman society were singled out for punishment as a result of the defeat?
5.What larger political events serve as a backdrop to Laudatio Turiae ‘Eulogy for a Wife: In Praise of Turia’ (source 5.4)? How do the put the Laudatio Turiae into historical context?