1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Team and individual competencies can also be characterized along these two dimensions as “hard” (technical) and “soft” (social and psychological) skills. Naturally, this leads us to ask: What skills do I bring to complex decision problems? Am I a skillful leader and communicator with a deep understanding of human nature and the social, psychological, and organizational aspects of decision making? Am I a skillful analyst, mathematical modeler, and problem solver with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of value modeling and data-driven decision making?

In preparing your answers, follow the outline below exactly. This is not a free-form essay.

  1. How would you describe your own current skills and abilities in terms of the two dimensions depicted in the grid?

    • Primarily Hard Skills

    • Primarily Soft Skills

    • Both Hard and Soft Skills

1.1.1 Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Support your answers with details about your skills and why you rated yourself as you did.

  1. Given your self-assessment in Question 1, consider not where you are now, but where you would like to be eventually.

    • Are you content with the balance of skills you currently have?

    • Would you like to improve in either your hard or soft skills or both?

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