CSE101 Assignment HW1 C++ code

CSE101 Assignment HW1 C++ code


Here are the relevant files and directories.

hw_twain.pdf: The file contains a description of the assignment. You can click on the file in the left pane to open it in your browser. Please read it carefully!

Twain/: This folder contains the files for your submission. You must write your code in this folder. Do not put code in a subfolder. Your Makefile
must be in this directory, and should create the executable “twain” in this directory. Here is a description of files
within this directory.

CSE101 Assignment HW1 C++ code

  • twain-cleaned.txt: This file has all of Mark Twain’s writings, cleaned up. Each line has a separate word, all in lowercase.

    Moreover, all words of length less than six have been removed.

  • simple-input.txt, simple-output.txt: These are test input files, to check your code. Please leave these files in this directory.

    The checking script with check whether your output (for simple-input.txt) matches this output.

  • Tests/more-input.txt, Tests/more-output.txt: These are more test I/O files that are comprehensive. First try to get your code to

    work on simple-input.txt, before testing with these files.

  • The Tests/ folder contains an extra copy of simple-input.txt, simple-output.txt, and twain-cleaned.txt, if you accidentally overwrite them.

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