Film 2 Analysis on the movie Citizen Kane

Film 2 Analysis on the movie Citizen Kane

1. First, explain what is meant by mise-en-scène in film. Next, how is the mise-en-scène of this film used as a cinematic tool to help tell the narrative? Select a key scene in the film. Make note of the elements of design. Does it indicate things about the events and characters that go beyond any dialogue? Give examples from the film in which the director is trying to convey meaning through mise-en-scène. Be specific as possible. Make sure to discuss specifically the various elements of design, and how it is used in this film (setting, props, décor, lighting, costumes, makeup, hair).

2. Select a key scene in the film (Do not use the same example from #1). Make note of the composition within the frame in key shots. Where are figures placed? Does it indicate things about the events and characters that go beyond any dialogue? What is the relationship among the figures in the foreground, middle ground, and background?

3. Does the film employ lots of camera movement or very little camera movement? By camera movement, does the camera physically move during the shot (do not confuse this with changing camera position through editing). Give an example. Describe how the use of a moving or still camera complements or detracts from the development of the narrative.

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