Pro/Con Articles Graphic Organizer

  • Read and annotate James Brumley’s “Delivery Drones Are a Bad Idea.”

  • Pay particular attention to the reasons he thinks we should not allow widespread use of delivery drones and the data and anecdotal evidence he provides.

  • Then consider whether you want to use his information to support your position on allowing widespread use of delivery drones, or if you would like to argue against his points.

  • In addition to annotating what we read, we will continue another helpful strategy, which is to graphically organize what we read for college. Typically, when we read informational text full of facts and details, we can create a graphic organizer to help unpack an author’s main idea, main subpoints, and important details. In Christa Avampato and James Brumley’s articles, they each argue their position in support of or against the widespread use of delivery drones, providing reasons, facts, examples, and cause effect explanation to illustrate their points. Directions: After reading and annotating Christa Avampato’s “Delivery Drones are a Good Idea” and James Brumley’s “Delivery Drones Are a Bad Idea” complete the graphic organizer below using details from their articles. For your own example connections, these can be hypothetical, or stories you have heard about the use of delivery drones from people you know or a news story you have seen showing the benefits or disadvantages of delivery drones. (Do not use any outside research–Use details from the articles to complete the graphic organizer).

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