HR Challenge: Hire From Within or Outside?

Your Challenge
You are now in a situation with a tough call to make. As the responsible HR professional, you must consider and decide which
course of action will provide the greatest benefit for the company and its employees, and how to make a persuasive argument
for your recommendation. Your options are to support the CEO’s guidance, or to take a hiring position that protects the
organization’s legal posture and maintains an ethical work environment.
Prepare a 3–4-page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with your recommendation, include the
Analyze how your proposed HR solution to an HR challenge contributes to organizational goals and strategies.
Should you just follow the guidance of the CEO, or discuss the consequences of placing unqualified people in
managerial roles?
What might be the implications to you and the organization, if you remain silent without any further discussion?
What is the potential opportunity cost of ignoring outstanding external candidates?
Describe key legal factors you considered in the formulation of a proposed HR solution.
Explain the role of the HR practitioner in advancing a proposed HR solution.
Explain briefly the role you will take to influence the eventual outcome. Consider aspects of leadership, negotiation, and consultation



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