US history

The following question set will be used in almost all of our primary source analyses. It contains the questions that all historians ask of their primary sources as they seek to do what I ask you to do in examining primary sources in our course: to understand the past. Here are those questions:

  1. Source the document. That is, who (or what) wrote or produced this source? How do you know? When was the source made? It’s important to know, as precisely as possible, what was going on at the time. List three important events from our history textbook that occurred at about the same time that this document was created.

  2. In at least 250 words, summarize the key points of the source. Put your answer entirely in your own words. Quote nothing. Offer no editorials, context, or opinion: focus only on the document and convey its key points.

  3. Using only this document and our assigned reading, who was the probable audience for this source? That is, to whom was this document aimed at? Using the document and its context, justify your answer.

  4. What Larger Themes of those listed in the “Principal Themes in Our Class” does this source link to and shed light on? List and discuss at least two. If more linkages exist, discuss them.

  5. What is most memorable about this source for you – you personally?

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