Philosophy Questions; Global poverty cannot be eliminated by sharing the wealth.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

1st assignment: you need to read Article 1 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following these steps:

1. What does Taylor state to be the metaphysical thesis of determinism?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

2. What concern(s) does Taylor raise in terms of accepting determinism as an explanation for human behavior?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

3. According to Taylor where does ultimate responsibility lie for anything that exists?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

4. Is everything determined? Is free will really just an illusion? What do you think? Explain.

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.


2nd Assignment: You need to read the philosophical note below then answer the question on Bold

The River (Heraclitus)

Heraclitus (535-475 BCE) – This Pre-Socratic Greek philosopher is noted for having said . . . “You cannot step in the same river twice.”

Heraclitus of Ephesus, also known as the Weeping Philosopher and Heraclitus the Obscure, has left us only a few philosophical sentences. His belief seems to have been that the universe is in a constant state of flux, as this famous quote indicates.

By the time that you attempt to step into the river a second time, the waters of the river will have moved on and so, the river will not be the same one you stepped into the first time.

The sentence also has a second meaning; you cannot step into the same river again because you are no longer the same as the person who took the first step. The question of how identity is preserved over time is one which still animates philosophers today.

Answer 1 of the following two questions:

1) Do you agree with Heraclitus that everything in the universe is in a state of flux (always changing)?

2) If everything is in a state of constant change why then do we tend to believe that certain things do not change (remain constant), including:

– our identities?

– the laws that govern the universe?

– God (or gods)? (if you are a believer)


3rd assignment: you need to read Article 2 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following these steps:

1. “Global poverty cannot be eliminated by sharing the wealth.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

The answer should be at least one paragraph in length and double-spaced

2. McMillan argues that inequality is an obstacle to growth. if so, should we try to reduce or eliminate inequality? why is this your view?

The answer should be at least one paragraph in length and double-spaced


4th Assignment: You need to read the scenario below then answer the question on Bold:

War or Family?

The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre provided an example of a thorny dilemma faced by a student who came to him for advice during WW II. The man’s brother had been killed by the Germans, and it was his fervent wish to join the war effort, avenge his brother’s death, and help to free France, but he lived at home with his ailing mother and knew that she needed him.

Which should take precedence: the big issue of the war, in which his contribution may be very small, or a family responsibility that only he can fulfill? Explain in a few sentences.

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