Simple statistics

Causal research review: Oreo Promotion Experiment (Slide No.2)

Let’s do it and example of 7-Eleven is running an Oreo promotion experiment. They have 3 stores. 3711 commission is stores which are really think about it are kind of the test units along with they have 200 men that they’re randomly sampled and notice the word random. And next to the Oreo aisle in each different store, they’ve a leg out one it has a coupon dispenser. One has a large-scale sign and one has no sales information.

You basically have a control group or controlled test with 3rd option and then marketing tracked the sales units Oreo sold before and after applying the treatment. The treatment being the coupon dispenser the sale sign.

  • So, what is the dependent variables? (What is it that researchers are measuring, and they can’t control the outcome? They make the changes, but they can’t control the outcome).

  • What is the independent variables?

  • Any extraneous variables to consider? (Explain specific)

  • Better internal or external validity?

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Preference for toothpaste brands using rank order scaling (Slide 27)

  • Any issues with this test?

Answer here:

Class exercise (Slide No.32)

You are a market researcher for Instagram. You’ve been asked to validate the GenZ College Study findings on apps (next slide).

Develop 3 comparative scales (paired comparison, rank order and constant sum) to measure attitude toward the top 4 college apps.

  • Which scale do you think will give you the best results?

  • Which is the easiest to institute, most difficult?

  • What types of measurements for each? NOIR

Answer here:

Answer here:

Answer here:

Class exercise #2 (Slide No. 34)

Experiment for Kraft Foods

Kraft foods is testing new recipes (V#1-more cheese and V#2- more flavor)

They choose 1000 randomly selected shoppers and ask the panelist to taste the two versions in the grocery store.

Shoppers were then asked to pick the product they preferred.

Shoppers then chose a box of Version #1 or Version #2 to take home.

(You read an experiment for Kraft foods. You work for Kraft and you’re testing a new mac & cheese recipe. You get 1000 grocery shoppers; you randomly select them. Remember the keyword random. You ask them to try version one American cheese and version2 mac and cheese so they’ve different flavors. And then shoppers are asked to pick the product they preferred. Then they take a box of version 1 or version 2 home.)

  1. What are the independent and dependent variables of the test?

Answer here:

  1. What type of design is this? (e.g. quasi, true, etc.)

Answer here:

  1. What type of comparative test?

Answer here:

  1. What extraneous variables may be present and how could the researchers control this? (Explain specific)

Answer here:

  1. What measurements would be collected? NOIR?

Answer here:

  1. Which validity is stronger and why?

Answer here:

Chapter 10

Class exercise/mini assignment (Slide No. 38)

Based on your OWN research and hypotheses, develop 2 survey questions.

  • Consider the question decisions

  • Type (comparative/non-comp)

  • What measurement? NOIR

  • Criteria (balanced, forced? etc.)

  • How might you prove reliability/validity?

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