Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20

Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20

Paragraph 1 (150 words minimum– 30 points for this paragraph)

Sentence 1:
Start by giving the author, title of document, and when the document was written in order to clearly cite your source of information.
 (3 points)

State the main point that the author is making here (consider audience, purpose–to persuade, to inform, to criticize…). Then describe the supporting points the author provides. Is the author convincing in his main point–why/why not.
 (15 points)

Select and incorporate a direct quote (word for word from the document). Remember to cite the quote by putting it in quotation marks, with the page number after it in parenthesis, like this: (page 244). Incorporate this into this paragraph–do not attach it at the end of the paragraph. Please limit this quote to a brief sentence. Discuss why you picked the quote and its meaning in relation to the document and topic as a whole. (12 points)

Paragraph 2: (125 words minimum–20 points)

First sentence:
Select and INTRODUCE  ONE of these sources that you selected to use to compare to the document: Takaki’s A Different Mirror Chapter 8, or Calderon’s lecture “Strangers in a Strange Land,” or The Chinese American Experience video. Students will NOT use more than one of these. (3 points)

Describe the information that this source provides about the challenges of Chinese migration to the US, and their experiences at Angel Island. What was the motivation for coming to the US? Why were they detained at Angel Island? How were they treated their? Were they allowed to come into the US? (
17 points)

Paragraph 3 (125 words minimum– 20 points)

First sentence:
Create a transition statement, such as: “The Jann Mon Fong (or the 
Lee Puey You) document was similar to (name the source) because…. OR, The document was different from the (name the source) because….
(2 points)

Take one section of the source that you picked and describe how it relates to the Fong or You document. Compare each “point by point”, by selecting specific areas and by showing how each source discusses that issue.
 ( 13 points)

What did you learn from these readings regarding  the challenges faced by Chinese immigrants in their attempts to come to a better life in the United States? (5 points)

Module 3: Writing Assignment 2 SM 20



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