1. _______________________ begins in the testes. FSH stimulates the _______________________ _______________________  and gamete production begins.
  2. The _______________________ _______________________  support the developing spermatocytes, and secrete the hormone   This hormone has an inhibitory effect on GnRH, and indirectly _______________________, thereby decreasing the rate of _______________________.
  3. As sperm cells mature, they move through the tubules and enter the
  4. Testosterone is produced by the _______________________ _______________________ of the testis.
  5. Sperm cells begin their pathway through the male reproductive tract in the _______________________ They travel to the _______________________, where maturation occurs.  Mature sperm migrate to the _______________________  _______________________.  Upon sexual stimulation, sperm journey through the _______________________ _______________________ before they enter the _______________________.
  6. The urethra is located within the _______________________ _______________________ .
  7. The _______________________ _______________________ are highly vascular tissues that, upon sexual arousal, result in an
  8. The _______________________ _______________________ contribute to about 60% of seminal fluid volume. This gland contributes a liquid used to help _______________________ the female reproductive tract. It also contains _______________________, which nourish sperm.
  9. The _______________________ _______________________ secretes a fluid that contributes approximately 30% to seminal fluid. This gland secretes a fluid that contains _______________________, which nourish sperm, as well.  Additionally, the prostatic fluid is involved in _______________________, motility, and _______________________ of sperm.
  10. The _______________________ _______________________ secrete an alkaline fluid that neutralizes both the male and female reproductive tracts. _______________________ is also produced which serves to _______________________ the urethra and protect the sperm.
  11. The _______________________ of the sperm is covered by an _______________________, which contains enzymes needed to penetrate the ovum. Numerous _______________________ are tightly packed in the   ATP from here is used to power the _______________________ for _______________________.


  1. _______________________ is the process of producing eggs for reproduction. It begins during the _______________________ period with the production of a _______________________ _______________________ in a primordial follicle within the ovary.
  2. _______________________ occurs when the secondary oocyte is expelled from the mature follicle and ovary. The ruptured follicle becomes the _______________________ _______________________, which secretes progesterone, under the direction of LH.
  3. _______________________ are finger-like projections that sweep the ovulated ovum into the _______________________ _______________________.
  4. The uterus is composed of three layers. The innermost layer is the _______________________ and served as the site of _______________________ for a fertilized ovum.  The _______________________ is composed of smooth muscle and is responsible for _______________________   The _______________________ is the outermost layer and forms an _______________________ covering around the uterus.
  5. The _______________________ encompasses all of the external female genitalia.
  6. _______________________ stimulates breast development. Breastfeeding stimulates the release of more _______________________ and   _______________________ stimulates milk letdown.
  7. _______________________ acts on the ovaries to secrete _______________________ and stimulate _______________________ LH stimulates _______________________ and acts on the ruptured follicle to stimulate _______________________ _______________________ maturation.  It also stimulates _______________________ and _______________________ secretion from this structure.
  8. Menstruation occurs on days 1-5 of the _______________________ The _______________________ _______________________ phase is characterized by high estrogen levels due to the developing follicle.  _______________________ typically occurs on day 14.  The corpus luteum _______________________ secretes _______________________ during the _______________________ _______________________ phase.
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