ECON 178 WI 2021: Normal (also called Gaussian) distributions.

ECON 178 WI 2021: Normal (also called Gaussian) distributions.

Question 4
We want to predict which variables are the most correlated with the balance in a bank account. To
do so we use the credit data set (Dua, D. and Graff, C., 2019, UCI Machine Learning Repository)
available on Canvas ⇒ Assignments.
1. Download the dataset from Canvas and open it using the command “read.csv”.
2. Open the data and report how many columns and rows the dataset has;
3. See the names of the variables (see online the command “names”);
4. Run a linear regression with Balance as a function of Income using the command “lm”;
5. Report the summary of your results (see online the command “summary”)
7. Plot a scatter plot of the regression (Hint: use abline() to draw the regression line)
8. Write down the interpretation of the coefficients as a comment in your .R script (Hint: see
template file).



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