HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment

HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment

HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment. In this unit, you met Tammy and her family. In the discussion board, you identified a barrier in their micro, meso, and macro level systems. For this assignment, you will be taking these barriers into consideration, as well as any developmental transitions that you feel that the family is experiencing (see page 86 of the text), as you create interventions based on resources in your community.

Assignment Directions

First, review the completed Unit 2 Sample Assignment before you begin your work. The completed form is not based on Tammy and her family. It was created to show you what a completed form should look like, using a different client.

Then, complete each section of the Unit 2 Assignment Template using all of the relevant information that you have about Tammy and her family.

  1. Summarize the barriers that you identified in the discussion board. You need to include one micro, one meso, and one macro level barrier.
  2. Explore resources in your community, either online or in person, which you think could benefit Tammy and her family. Make sure that you are considering both interventions to strengthen the person and interventions to strengthen the environment (see page 87 of the text). Create a resource list, one resource per barrierthat you identified for the family. You should find a different resource for each barrier. If you have difficulty finding resources in your community, you are welcome to look for resources in surrounding areas. In addition to the name of the resource, you will also need to include the type of service provided and the website or phone number of the agency.
  3. Explain how each of the resources that you identified will benefit Tammy and her family. State what intervention each resource would provide for the family. For example, if you selected a social services agency to provide services to Tammy’s family, the intervention could be assistance with transportation or heat for their home, etc.
  4. Provide a conclusion and personal reflection. In a paragraph, share what this Assignment has been like for you. Reflect on the resources that are available in your community. Share the most surprising thing that you learned about your community and how that will influence your future work as a case manager or other human service professional.

Assignment Guidelines

Use the Unit 2 Assignment Template document (linked in the directions above and found in Course Resources). Answers to the questions should be in sentence/paragraph format. Be sure to use correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Submitting your Assignment




HN330 – Unit 2 Assignment



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