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Purpose: A few sentences about what you will be doing in the lab/what the experiment is going to be about.

Draw out the reaction (with mechanisms): Necessary for organic labs. Do not just write CxHyNz. As you will discover soon, these formulas do not tell which atoms are connected to each other. That is why it is important to draw out the structure so that you can see what is in the vicinity.

Physical Properties: Write the physical constants of each substance (including the reagents, reactants, products, and solvents) so that if you were to heat something, you know the boiling point or which layer will be on top or bottom when you separate two liquids. In your physical constants, include structure of the molecule, name, MW, BP, MP, Density.

Protocol/Observations: Make a “T” and on the left write “Protocol” and on the right “Observations”. Protocols will be what the lab manual says and include any changes that Dr. Perks mentions. In the observations section, you will write what you actually did. I.e., if the protol says “weigh out 10 grams of NaCl” you will write Weight of NaCl: x(actual weight) grams or if the protocol says “add 10 mL of water”, you will write Volume of water: 10 mL. You should also include qualitative descriptions “when I added X, the solution turned cloudy”

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