Market Analysis Report

Market Analysis Report

Positioning and Differentiation

Definition of Positioning (100 words)

Brief (one paragraph) description of the market (100-150 words)

Analysis of Current Positioning in the Market

  • Current annual sales volume in dollars and/or units sold in the market

  • Current competitors and their offerings, including points of differentiation for each offering indicating how they are positioned to each other in the market

  • Current price points of competitors

Projections for the Market

  • Projected overall market growth rate for the next five years

  • Projected changes to overall pricing in the market for the next five years

Recommended Position for JGJ Inc.

  • Recommended position and points of differentiation for the JGJ Inc. offering

  • Complete buyer profile of the target customer

Product Development and Market Demand

Product Development

  • Key differentiating characteristics of the offering

  • Analysis of demand in the market

Market Segment Demand

  • Quantitative data used to determine projected demand

  • Methodology used to determine demand

Internal and External Marketing Environments

Analysis of Key External Factors in the Market

  • Porter’s five forces model

  • Other macroenvironmental external factors

Required Internal Resources and Competencies to Compete in the Market

Required Licenses, Patents, and Rulings or Legal Requirements to Compete in the Market



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