Creating and Manipulating Tables

Creating and Manipulating Tables

After you install Oracle, run the SQL Command Line utility as follows:

  1. On the Start menu, select Programs> Oracle Database Express Edition> Run SQL Command Line.

  2. You will see a Login screen and the SQL> prompt.

  3. Type ” connect”.

  4. Enter ” System” as the user name when presented with the “Enter user-name” prompt.

  5. Enter the password that you selected in the setup program when presented with the “Enter password” prompt.

  6. You should see the SQL> prompt.

Now create, run, and test SQL queries to accomplish the tasks listed below. Note: Be careful to add a semicolon at the end of each statement before you press the Enter key.
Include a screen shot to verify the successful completion of each SQL command.  Each Screen shot must be preceded by a comment that includes the student’s name, the instructor’s name, and the date the command was executed.

E.g.  SQL>/* Student: John Doe  Instructor: Sally Smith  Date: 4/4/2021 */

Note:  Don’t forget the /* and */ at the start and end of the command to make it into a comment!!

In addition, the screen shot must include the SQL command and the output from the command.
See example below:

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