Accounting Question

week 2a

This week you will completing Milestone 1. There are 2 tabs in the Excel file you should be working through which will related to the information you’ve been studying the last two weeks — Cost Classifications and Variable and Fixed Costs. One note: on the Cost Classification tab you do not need to put in the dollar amounts. Simply indicate the correct cost type with an X.

Here are some reminders of upcoming deadlines and tips that will help you manage the project for the term.


Week 3 – Paper on Costing Methods (2-4 pages)

Week 4 – Milestone 2

Week 5 – Milestone 3

Week 7 – Final Presentation (Investor Report – either a PowerPoint Presentation or an 8-10 page paper)


  • Get started on your deliverables early – I will grade the Milestones as I receive them throughout the week. If there are things I think you may want to look at I will be grading the rubric and adding general notes. If you get your assignments in earlier, you will have time to make corrections. You can also email me your milestones if you want feedback prior to submitting.

  • Print out the Rubric and mark it up as you go. Make sure you cover all the elements required.

  • When working in Excel, wherever possible, use formulas. This allows me to see what you did and give you feedback to modify, but also will keep you from recalculating totals, etc. because it will flow to any other schedules are using the data.

  • Once you’ve completed each Milestone, I suggest you take some time to incorporate it into your Final Presentation. The material will be fresh on your mind and it will make weeks 6 & 7 easier because you will only need to put the finishing touches on your presentation or paper.

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