Analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts

Analyze a historical event from the perspective of the operational art & design concepts and terms from chapter IV, JP 5-0, Joint Planning and/or from other appropriate joint doctrinal publications. You can analyze the entire campaign/operation, a single battle, or a group of battles from the campaign/operation.

How did country X’s military leaders apply operational art during the campaign/operation? How did country X’s military leaders design the campaign/operation? How did country X’s military leaders understand the operational environment? What problems did country X’s military have to solve? What approaches did country X’s military use to solve the problem and achieve the termination criteria or military end state? What were the termination criteria and/or military end state? What were the military objectives? What effects were established to obtain the military objectives? What was the adversary/friendly center of gravity and the associated critical factors? How did country X’s military attack/defend the adversary/friendly center of gravity, directly or indirectly? What decisive points were established? What lines of operation/effort were established? What defeat/stability mechanisms were used? How did country X’s military apply the concepts of anticipation, operational reach, or culmination? How were operations arranged? Did country X’s military consider the arranging factors – simultaneity, depth, timing, or tempo? Did country X’s military use the arranging tools – phases, branches and sequels, or operational pauses? Was the campaign/operation design focused on defeating either adversary forces, functions, or a combination of both? Was the campaign/operation phased? Did country X’s military consider numbers, sequence, overlap, or transitions? What phases of the joint operation model were used?

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