Art Question

Select one songyou like and that in your opinionhasanimportantmessage about life today — something that mattersin 2021. Writeat leastfour double-spaced pages(not including title informationabout it. The song you select must have beencomposed anytimefrom 1945 up until now, have lyrics, and be accessible now to the public in an online performance. Properly citea source forthe lyrics and for the specific online performance you watched (otherwise you will receive 0 out of 120 points).See page two for citation detailsAddress all of the components in this handout. You may(but are not required to) include a very modest amount of information regarding what others have published about the songonly if you compare those ideas to yours and cite the sourceInclude a few very short passages from the lyrics.Do not write aboutthe song American Pie or any specific song we have covered in class up to the date that you start your paper.Writing mechanics will be factored into your grade.Use paragraphs and check grammar and spelling.

Paper Guidelines

What do you hear?

Vividly convey what you hear, indicating how the sound develops and progresses. Clearly identify any instruments/sound sources — be very specific. A screeching distorted electric guitar riff is different from the delicate pluck of a single, low acoustic guitarstring. Thoroughly describesounds;use adjectives/comparisons. Describe vocal qualities.Characterize all these elements in your own voice, using terminology thatyou are comfortable with. Identify the name of the song and the performer’s name.I will post some current online writings as examples… and inspiration!

What does it mean?

Interpretation is your persuasive argument regarding what the big idea of the song is, what the songsays about life,why ithas important implications for the world today – in 2021,and why you personally connect with it.Decide on one clear interpretation– the big idea that this song conveys – and provide a thorough rationale for itNote the following.

• Consideryour descriptions of the musicyour emotional response, current or recent events/issues that connect to itlyrics, ambience,energytempo,and any ideas related to genre, if important.

• Thoroughly discuss and summarize thekey idea conveyed by the performer’s fictional bodyandhow thisinformsyourbig interpretive ideaNote that they can be one and the same. Include all relevant elements of the fictional body that the performers convey in the online performance. Consider how thedress, move, gesture, expressideasand interact with the audience. Alsowrite about how this song engages with your body when you experience itIn what specific ways does it affect you — how do you interact bodily with it? Why? Explain.

• Include other performance factors (e.g., stage lighting) only if you find that they inform your big idea.

• Explain how the music and lyrics relate to one another, including a few very short passages from the lyrics.

• Thoroughly discusswhy you find the songimportant and personally meaningful andhow it connects with some aspects of your identity and worldview

• Explain specifically how it relates to the world today.

• Include a few examples of short passages from the lyrics in quotation marks to illustrate your ideas

• Write from your perspective; don’t assume that otherpeople view itin a way similar to yours.

How/when do you experience it?

Explain when, where, and how (using which technology) you listen to the song. Describe the scenario in which you typically experience it, including the situation, and the kind and effects of the technology that you often use to listen to it. For example, how does listening to the song on an MP3 player with ear buds in a public space affect your musical, emotional, bodily, and intellectual experience?

How did you express ideas in writing?

Carefully craft your writing well regarding grammarorganization, word choices, and spelling.Make it lively and engaging. If possible, ask a trusted reader give you feedback on your writing.

Paper Format and Style Guidelines and Requirements

• Must be turned in on time. Only under very extenuating documented circumstances will an exception be made.

• Submit your paper in one of the following formats: .doc.docx, .pdf

• Save a digital copy of your paper until after final grades for the course are posted.

• Doublespace, use 11 or 12-point type and margins no larger than 1,” and include page numbers.

• Choose a citation style and follow it consistently. If you want more information about citation styles, see, for example the following website:….

• You must cite a source for the lyrics at the end of your paper even if you know the lyrics by heart. Sourcesmight includea website or the liner notes from an album.

• You must cite the online performance at the end of your paper.

• For some examples in APA, see…

• Title your paper – something other than just the song title. Include a title information according to the citation style you prefer. For an example in APA, see…

• You can but are not required to include a full set of the lyrics in the resources at the end of your paper.

• All sources paraphrased or directly quoted must be properly cited.Failure to use proper citation and acceptable sources (i.e., not Wikipedia) will result in an automatic ‘0’.

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