BIS 241 Triton College Physiology 2 Human Anatomy



  1. Describe the neuron function.

  2. Contrast graded potentials and action potentials.

  3. a. Describe how there can be an electrical change on either side of a membrane thereby generating a membrane potential.



  1. What two characteristics must a membrane possess in order to generate and maintain electrical signals critical to nervous tissue?


Membrane Transport Proteins

  1. What three membrane proteins are required if a membrane is to carry electrical impulses?


  1. Describe the activity of sodium and potassium ion channels.

  1. How do the following differentially affect gated channels?

  • Chemicals (ligands)

  • Voltage changes

  • Mechanical deformation


  1. Where are each of the following types of gated channels located AND what type of function do they serve?

            Ligand gated –                                                                                                             



            Voltage gated –                                                                                                               


            Mechanically gated –                                                                                                      




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