Build a Logistics network

You are the seller of a product on This product represents your country, region, city, etc. or something you really enjoy. In order to start selling the product, you will have to design a logistics network. Now, let’s get started!

Make sure to include the following:

  1. A description of your product.

  2. Documentation of your warehouse locations and the time to customers.

  3. A justification of why your warehouse network is ideal for your product and the current economic situation.

There is no need to include any cost calculations, but if you believe there is value in that you can certainly do so to impress your fellow learners.

How to create your assignment:

Follow the instructions below to prepare your assignment:

  1. Decide how many warehouses you will need. You can only use existing Amazon warehouses. For a list of warehouse locations, please see the document below. A good reference to the implications of more or less warehouses is an annual study on the best warehouse networks in the US. Of course there are trade-offs between having more warehouses of less warehouses. It will be up to your judgement to decide.
  2. Once you decide on how many warehouses you will use and where they are located, I want you to visualize it on a map. You can use various tools, but I would use Google Maps as it would be freely accessible to most. Here is an example of how you can add multiple locations to a map. In case you are not sure how it could look, here is an example of a map I created.
  3. Now let’s look at possible customers. To get your product marketed, you will send a sample to the mayors of the ten largest metro areas. You hope that they will like it so much, that they will tell everyone they know. Please see the list of city halls addresses, where the mayors work.
  4. You must also decide from which of your warehouses to send the sample to each mayor. I want you to determine the lead time from your warehouse to each customer. You can use resources by UPS and FedEx to determine the transit time from your warehouse to each customer (in days).
  5. Please justify why your logistics network is the best you can make it for now and the forseeable future. Be sure to talk about what the expectations of your customers will be; what the current economic environment looks like; and, where you expect interest rates and fuel prices to go in the future.

Finally, please write a short memo about the following topics (ungraded):

  1. What did you find most surprising in this assignment?

  2. What was the most difficult part of this assignment?

  3. Which part of the assignment was the most fun?



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