Business analysis – Create histograms and box plots

Exobank Financial Holdings (EFH) is in the process of acquiring a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending company known as FundZap. P2P lending companies are essentially marketplaces that primarily serve the needs of individuals looking for loans. A single loan, say, for $5000, may be funded by several notes from individuals chipping in, say, $25 each. The benefit to using P2P lending for the borrower is often a lower interest rate or more flexible terms. For the peer lender, the benefit is 1 an investment with potentially higher returns than savings accounts or CDs. gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform. EFH is interested in gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform.

2.b. (b) Create neatly formatted and labeled histograms and box plots for each numeric variable in the data set that you identified in the previous question. Present the graphs in pairs for each variable, and describe, briefly and specifically, what insights each pair of graphs gives you about the customers that EFH has acquired through FundZap.

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