Business Question

(this is Ann example of one of the other students) For me personally, I’ve found the entire course very insightful and have learned a lot more about how a business operates, and have been extremely interested in the “small business/franchise” portions, as that is the type of business I work for. Chapters 6-8 have given me so much more information about management specifically, and the need to be able to adapt quickly as a business in an ever-changing economy. I am currently training for a management position at my work, and to be able to apply this information into my everyday life is incredible; on our meetings, I am able to critically think about changes that need to be made, benchmarking with our competitors, and designing ideas to help us succeed during a time where most people would spend their money elsewhere. Learning about different management personalities and the vital skills needed to be a successful manager has better helped me sit back and assess changes in tone, and realize that good leaders possess a headstrong attitude and that it takes bits and pieces of each style of management to be productive. So to answer the question, I think the biggest takeaway from this class in general and this section in particular, is that I truly believe it is something that I will be able to continue to apply to my career daily, and is something that will help me and the business I work with prosper.

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