C# Question

This lab relates to the following Skill Outcome:

  • Students will design and develop Windows-based database applications

  • Students will implement multi-tier application design

This lab covers the material in Chapter 12. The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the creation of a database using Visual Studio to incorporate a DataGridView and Details view controls, and manipulate the data in the table by sorting and searching.

1. Complete the programming problem provided in the attached document entitled, 3343 Lab 03 Problem Statement.

2. Include the appropriate identification information per the course syllabus using comment statements at the top of your project code:

  • Name

  • 9-Digit ID

  • Due Date

  • Date Submitted

  • Brief Description of Program

3. Name your project using the naming convention provided in the course syllabus: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabXX (e.g., 3343_SharpJ_Lab03)

4. You will need to compress/zip the project folder using an appropriate zip/compression utility such as the one found in the Windows or 7-Zip, etc. Please DO NOT submit .rar (archive) files.

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