Calculate the profit for each demand and order quantity combination using Excel Data Table method. Calculate the Expected profit for each order quantity.

  1. [20 points] Import the Exam 1 Data.txt dataset into Excel. Answer following questions.
  2. [10 points] Refer to Question 5 data set. Use conditional formatting in Excel and perform following operations.
    1. Highlight the “Customers” who have ordered between 01/01/2013 and 06/30/2013 and ordered 500 or less per order. (red)
    2. Highlight the “Order ID” which have shipped from PLANT01 to PORT02. (blue)
  3. [15 points] Following table shows number of picking errors made by employees during last 11 days. Number of units picked each day is also given. The warehouse manager wants to keep average number of errors per 1000 picks below 0.20. What is the maximum number of errors allowed on 12th day if the number of units picked is 19073?
  4. (question 8 on the Excel sheet) [15 points] A medical equipment supplier is deciding on how many units of N-95 masks should be ordered from the manufacturer for the next month. From each mask sold, they would earn $1.00 profit. If the mask is not sold within the next month, the supplier has to sell at a salvage price, that would cost them $0.75. The demand is assumed to be distributed in a discrete distribution as given in the “Exam 1 Q8.xlsx” file. The Excel file shows the profit calculation when demand is 50,000 units and when the supplier orders 50,000 units. (Profit value is given in E4). The supplier may order between 30,000-80,000 units for the next month in a multiple of 5000. The supplier wants to find out the number of units that would maximize the expected profit.

a.How many total orders were shipped from origin port? What is the average weight per order?

b.Which carrier shipped highest number of units? How many units were shipped by that carrier? How many orders were shipped by that carrier?

c.Which plant shipped least weight? How many units were shipped by that plant? How many orders were shipped by that plant?

d.How many orders were shipped in 2012, 2013, and 2014?

Day No. of Units picked No. of errors
1 16899 2
2 15785 3
3 15740 2
4 15393 5
5 15891 5
6 17256 4
7 19883 2
8 15431 3
9 15782 3
10 15403 3
11 19662 3
12 19073 ??

a.Calculate the profit for each demand and order quantity combination using Excel Data Table method.

b.Calculate the Expected profit for each order quantity.

c.What is the order quantity that gives highest expected profit? What is the profit?



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