Category Archives: Discussions

ISU Wk 10 How the Change in Mass Affects the Rate of Transpiration Project Summary

ISU Wk 10 How the Change in Mass Affects the Rate of Transpiration Project Summary

Plant Form and Function: Transpiration

A vascular plant must overcome the force of gravity to transport life-sustaining water from the soil throughout its tissues. The particular cohesion-adhesion properties of water are what allow plants to pull water up from the roots against gravity and to distribute it to the leaves and other parts of the plant. This process is known as transpiration, the movement of water and minerals through the xylem. Transpiration is a central mechanism by which plants deal with external conditions and internal needs.

Transpiration occurs when the drier air outside pulls out the water vapor inside the leaf. The water vapor from the air spaces inside the leaf is replaced by the evaporation of water from the mesophyll cells. As water molecules evaporate, they exert a pulling force on the rest of the water in the cells. This pulling force is due to two unique properties of water: water molecules tend to stick to one another (cohesion) and they also tend to stick to the sides of the cells (adhesion). Thus, evaporation pulls water out from the cells, creating tension on the xylem cells to replace this lost water. In this manner, water is pulled up through the xylem as explained by the cohesion-tension hypothesis.

Transpiration rates are affected by a variety of factors. For one, specialized cells called guard cells surround leaf pores called stomata that open and close depending on the environmental conditions surrounding the plant. When water is in excess, light is low, and the temperature is cool, the stomata remain open; when water is scarce, light is in abundance, and the temperature is warm, the stomata are closed. Stomata help regulate water loss from the plant and are critical parts of the transpiration process. Plants in different environments experience different conditions thus have different adaptations that prevent excessive water loss, while still allowing for transpiration to occur.

            In this lab you will design, and your TA will carry out, an experiment in which you ask how do transpiration rates differ in “condition x” compared with “condition y”? By comparing transpiration rates among plants and among environmental conditions, we can understand the process of transpiration and the adaptations involved in transpiration. Your TA will collect the data, but you will analyze the data and write an illustrated summary describing your findings.

Learning Goals of this Lab Activity

  1. Design an experiment that allows you to identify the effect of a manipulation of your choosing on the rate of transpiration.

  2. Convey findings by authoring an abstract that summarizes your study using references, and includes a figure, caption, and statistics.



Financial Accounting Homework.


This is a two-part task with the following descriptions:

1).  The first part of the task focuses on your practical knowledge of analysis of accounting transactions and also contents and structures of the two key financial statements, balance sheet and income statement. These issues are the entry points to understand the information of corporate financial reporting.

2). In part two of this task, you will conduct a short investigation around some legal and ethical issues (if any) which could significantly impact corporate financial performance and reporting. These are examples of the issues that any business might face within the real world.

Specific Requirements

Part 1                                                                                                       (25 +10+ 15 = 50 marks)

Sam Petros has graduated with a Master of Accounting and Financial Planning. Now after a few years’ experience in practice, feeling more confident about operating a business. He has decided to establish his own tax and accounting consultancy firm. His clients will include local businesses and individuals. His first month of transactions trading as SP Accounting are provided below.


  1. a) You are required to record the following events into the transaction analysis chart or indicating if the event is not an accounting event (template provided).


March 2021

  • Invested $250,000 of his own funds into a business bank account.

  • Sam contributed his own computer equipment valued at $12,000, to the business.


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Cyber security writing question


Project Checkpoints

The course project has a checkpoint strategy. Checkpoint deliverables allow you to receive valuable feedback on your interim work. In this project, you have several ungraded checkpoint deliverables. (See the course Syllabus for the schedule.)undefined

You may discuss project questions with the instructor, and you should receive feedback from the instructor on previously submitted work. Checkpoint deliverables ensure refinement of the final deliverables, if incorporated effectively. The final deliverable for this project is a professional report.


Expected Deliverables


Submit a bulleted list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains.


You work for a high-tech company with approximately 390 employees. Your firm recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30% to the revenue of your organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. You will be allowed to make your own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.

This course project will require you to form a team of 2 to 3 coworkers (fellow students) and develop the proper DoD security policies required to meet DoD standards for delivery of technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency. To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies and standards for your IT infrastructure (see the “Tasks” section below). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies or controls in place’


Writing Question

Expository Essay Assignment Prompt

Reading Material:

The three essays about cell phones and/or multitasking from previous units:

  • Paul Goldberger’s “Our Cell Phones, Our Disconnected Selves”

  • Sherry Turkle’s “The Flight from Conversation”

  • Christine Rosen’s “The Myth of Multitasking”

Prompt: Exposition is a comprehensive description of an idea or theory. In this case, you are tasked with composing an exposition of an idea or theory from your major/minor area of study that can shed some light on how people use technological devices such as phones, laptops, computers and so forth. A prerequisite for this essay is a careful reading of the 3 essays by Goldberger, Turkle, and Rosen. Identify each of these author’s credentials, and the professional point of view from which they are writing. For example, is Goldberger a communication expert, a police officer, or an urban planner? You might have to do some research online to find each author’s credentials.

Your essay should be an informative paper. Approach this essay as an expert in your field of study and use specific ideas, concepts, or theories from your field to shed further light on the use of various mobile technologies in our lives and work. Now more than ever are we using technology to live our day-to-day lives. How does this impact our lives and our work?

Use, reply to, or reflect on several of the perspectives presented by Goldberger, Turkle, and Rosen. Analyzing another person’s argument or point of view requires careful attention (i.e., reading, active listening, etc), so that you can effectively summarize, respond, reflect, analyze, and synthesize their ideas.

The paper should not simply be a summary of the benefits of mobile technologies or a historical essay like “The History of Cell Phones.” Exposition requires analysis, careful thought, and careful editing.

Please include a creative title in your piece.

Please include a works cited or references page (depending on citation style used: MLA or APA).

Purpose: The main purpose of this assignment is to create an interesting, authentic, well-organized, and well-written expository essay that extends the critical conversation on how people use mobile technologies in life and work from the perspective of an expert in your field (you). To do this, use theories or concepts from your field to explore the subject.

Audience: Consider your audience a general reading public: People who enjoy reading as a practice and are eager to think about complex topics; who think critically. Also consider your audience to be composed of people with varying levels of interest in the subject of your essay.


Teen Dating Violence

Research Thesis and Topic Outline – Teen Dating Violence

Final thesis: Educating young people early in life about abusive relationships is the best way to prevent teen dating violence because it helps students recognize warning signs of abuse in their own relationships and in relationships around them, prepares them to ignore violent and controlling pop culture dating influences, and teaches them to set healthy personal boundaries so they can break the cycle of abuse.

Topic Outline

  1. Teaching young students about the dangers of unhealthy relationships helps students recognize the warning signs of abuse in their own relationships and relationships around them.

  1. Educating young people about abusive relationships prepares them to ignore violent and controlling pop culture dating influences, like reality television.

  • Exposing students to relationship education early in life teaches them to set healthy personal and relationship boundaries that can help break the cycle of abuse.


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Review of literature

Every academic argument is a reaction to an ongoing conversation that exists both in lengthy, peer-reviewed documents such as books or journal articles as well as shorter things posted online that are read and responded to quickly such as blog posts and videos. This is the “literature.” When you are doing research on any topic, you must first be able to read the research critically in a way that shows (A) that you comprehend the individual texts but also (B) that you understand the way these different texts fit together into the conversation. After that, you often need to be able to (C) synthesize those to your audience in a way that helps them understand these relationships and (D) lay a foundation for the argument you want to make, or whatever your research purpose might be. Understand Your Individual Research TextsUnderstand the ConversationSynthesize the Conversation for Your AudienceFind Where You Fit in the Conversationliterature review gives you the opportunity to pause for the synthesis, both for yourself and for your audience. Note that a synthesis is different than a summary. In a synthesis, you should organize your paragraphs by topic and not by source, and—in addition to giving the reader an idea of what the source is about—a synthesis should accuratelyconnect the relevant and significant concepts from your texts. We’ll go over how to do that more in class. Source ATopic ASource B . . . Topic BIn the end, you should situate yourself in the conversation. In other words, after having read what all these other people have to say, where do you fit? A revised (and potentially shortened) version of your Literature Review can become part of your longer project. Your Literature Review should: be about 5-7 pages long (or equivalent), reflect your critical reading of 8-12 texts on your research topic, be cited and formatted using MLA/APA style, including a Works Cited/References page,have been drafted multiple times before being turned in, be grammatically correct, edited, and proofread, reflect multiple perspectives on the topic, not just yours, and be flexible so you can make additions or subtractions as you move forward with your project.


ACCT 301 Cost Accounting assignment

ACCT 301 Cost Accounting assignment

Q1 What are support departments, and why are their costs allocated to other departments? What process is used to allocate support department costs?

Q2 How are joint costs allocated? Explain and analyze using numerical example.

Q 3 How are budget variances calculated and used as performance measures? Provide numerical example?


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Communication Management MGT 421

Communication Management MGT 421

One day Jerry comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the restaurant. Things haven’t been going well at home and he was lucky to rummage through some of the dirty laundry and find a relatively clean outfit to wear for work. He admits he needs a haircut and a good hand scrubbing, especially after working on his car last evening. When he walks into the kitchen he notices several trays of uncooked meat sitting out in the kitchen area. It appears these have been sitting at room temperature for quite some time. Jerry is frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he is beating his head against a brick wall when it comes to getting employees to practice food safety.

Jerry has taken many efforts to get employees to be safe in how they handle food. He has huge signs posted all over the kitchen with these words: KEEP HOT FOOD HOT AND COLD FOOD COLD and WASH YOUR HANDS ALWAYS AND OFTEN. All employees are given a thermometer when they start so that they can temp food. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.


  1. What are the communication challenges and barriers Jerry faces? (01.50)

  2. What solutions might Jerry consider in addressing each of these challenges and barriers? (01.50)

  3. What Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) would be helpful for Jerry to implement and enforce? (02)


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English question

1.Explain how Bloom’s taxonomy can be integrated into the elementary English language arts classroom. How might an understanding of this taxonomy be used to support critical thinking and meaning making?

2.How is critical thinking assessed? Provide an example of how you would determine if your future students are thinking critically.


Management discussion question

Discuss the approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of HRM practices, and use examples

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