Category Archives: Discussions

Write a set of at least 5 SQL updates that would modify relative and important data in your database.

  1. Application Implementation

You Must write each of the following SQL commands:

Write a set of at least 6 SQL queries that would retrieve relative and important data from your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL updates that would modify relative and important data in your database.

Write a set of at least 5 SQL deletes that would delete some data from your database.

Write a set of at least 2 SQL views that would define some virtual tables in your database.


For each of the above SQL commands give a brief explanation of the purpose of each command and the output (if any) for each.


Create forms, reports, queries, menus or navigation forms as needed on top of the tables. In general, a simple data entry form should be created for each table. For example, if the business takes orders from customers, create a form with Orders and Order items with


Management case study


Read “Case 3-1, You Can’t Get There From Here: Uber Slow On Diversity” on page 108 of your textbook. After you have read the case study, write an analysis of the case study.

Write an introduction to give context to your paper by explaining what the paper will cover. Then, divide the body of your paper using the seven headers below. Address the points within that section, as indicated under the header.

Employment Law

Identify what employment law Susan Fowler’s sexual harassment claim would be characterized as. Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

Type of Harassment

Identify the type(s) of harassment to which Ms. Fowler was exposed. Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

Uber’s Actions

Identify actions Uber has taken to limit their liability relative to sexual harassment charges. Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

EEOC and Affirmative Action

After reviewing Uber’s diversity report, does it appear Uber is in violation of any EEOC and affirmative action laws? Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

Diversity Matters

Explain why diversity matters in general and more specifically to Uber. Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

Benefits/Challenges of a Diverse Workforce

Identify and explain the benefits and challenges Uber derives from a more diverse workforce. Be sure to develop your answer to include your rationale.

Legal Provisions of Uber Case

Write a summary that identifies legal provisions or considerations covered within this case study as it relates to a human resource management (HRM) perspective.

Conclude with an analysis with your thoughts on how ethics and HRM professional standards are framed by legal provisions within a specific organization or industry (e.g., business, health care).

Your case study must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Accounting project

I’m working on a accounting project and need support to help me understand better.

our project is to solve file (N). there are a transactions in the file and he financial statement etc. the dead line on 12 april


Math Probability matlab exercises

I’m working on a probability multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Please read all questions carefully. The accuracy of the assignment must be 90%+. Only bid if you are very confident that you can answer. Thank you.


Finance Question

The exam will consist of 21 Theory Questions (all multiple choice) worth a total of 39%. Each question is worth 1.5 marks; and17 short calculation questions worth a total of 61%. Questions are worth either 2.5 or 3 marks each.Total marks = 80The first section will consist of the theory questions divided by topic (i.e., all capital budgeting theory questions will be grouped together), but not necessarily in the order we studied them.Calculation questions will be a combination of multiple choice and short calculation.Make sure to carry all decimals and round your final answer to 2 decimal places. Do not include units or commas. These questions will also be grouped by topic.There is only one question per page, and you cannot move backwards once you leave a page so please ensure you have answered the question completely before moving on (there will be a prompt before you move to next question).The exam is open book – you can use any resources you wish.


Article writing writing question


  • BPG112 Ethics in Academic Practice comprises 3 components:

    • Ethics in Academic Practice Quiz

    • Paraphrasing Document Exercise

    • Ethical Approval Form & Business Project / Dissertation Work Plan

  • Any student who fails to complete any of these components by the relevant deadline will be prevented from proceeding to the Business Project / Dissertation stage.


  • Students must read the Guidelines on Research Ethics ( before completing this

  • You CANNOT use fellow Aston students or staff for the purposes of data collection unless you are specifically undertaking a business project / dissertation on a topic that directly relates to an issue in Higher Education or you are undertaking a business project / dissertation for a department within the In such cases, the business project / dissertation must be referred to the Associate Dean Postgraduate Programmes for approval and no work can be undertaken until approval is received.

  • The earliest date a student can be absent from the University for the purposes of data collection is the end of Term 3 and then for a maximum of 59 days. Students on a visa will be required to obtain an authorised absence for the purposes of data

  • Students who are absent from the University for the purposes of data collection MUST continue to engage in student monitoring activities.


History Question

I’ve assigned the movie Seven Samurai by acclaimed Japanese director Kurosawa Akira (or in the West, Akira Kurosawa). Why? The movie is set in the 1580s at the end of over a century of nearly constant warfare. Also, the movie was made just after the end of World War II. It is considered one of the greatest movies of all time; and it has been studied for what it says specifically about the medieval period, but also for what it says more broadly about war, community, family, love, etc. The challenge will be to analyze it as a way to understand Japanese history. So, I’d like for you to read the short chapter on medieval warfare, and to listen to the mini-lecture and then to write a review of the film. If you have the optional guidebook for this class, the guidelines for writing about movies for history classes is in your Pocket Guide on pages 45-48. If you don’t have the book with you here is a short summary of things to think about as you watch:

1. Documentary or feature film? This is a feature film. When was it made?

2. Can you find interviews with the director to see if he cared about historical accuracy?

3. What can you find out about the film’s background and the intentions of the director, screenwriter, etc.?

4. Does the film reflect accurately practices of the time: warrior practices, armor, behaviour of peasants, etc.?

5. What do you think about the filming techniques as they convey messages? (black and white or color, focus on certain things, use of music to enhance the moods of the movie, etc.

6. Structure of the narrative–straightforward or not chronological? Multiple perspectives? (Kurosawa’s most famous movie was called Rashomon; it was a story told from multiple perspectives that gave doubt to the accuracy of each one and gives us the famous phrase “the Rashomon effect.”)


Game Theory Question

I’m working on a game theory exercise and need support to help me study.

This is two questions about game theory, I uploaded the questions.

The writer should finish in 3 hours by a word document.

Only need to do question 1 and question 2.


attachment_1 (1) attachment_2

Cyber security writing question

Required Source Information and ToolsWeb References:

Links to Web references in this document and related materials are subject to change without prior notice.

The following tools and resources will be needed to complete this project:

  • Course textbook

  • Internet access

  • DoD instructions or directives

  • Risk Management Framework (RF) for Department of Defense Information Technology (IT)… and…

  • Department of Defense Information Security Program

  • Department of Defense Internet Services and Internet-Based Capabilities…

  • Department of Defense Proposes New Information Security Requirements for Contractors:…

  • School/public library (optional)

  • 12 servers running Microsoft Server 2012 R2, providing the following:

    • Active Directory (AD)

    • Domain Name System (DNS)

    • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

    • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application (Oracle)

    • A Research and Development (R&D) Engineering network segment for testing, separate from the production environment

    • Microsoft Exchange Server for e-mail

    • Symantec e-mail filter

    • Websense for Internet use

  • Two Linux servers running Apache Server to host your Web site

  • 390 PCs/laptops running Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8, Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, and Adobe Reader

  • Select a team leader for your project group.

  • Hold weekly team meetings as a group and/or with your instructor to be sure your team is proceeding correctly.

  • Create policies that are DoD compliant for the organization’s IT infrastructure.

  • Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.

  • List controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.

  • List required standards for all devices, categorized by IT domain.

  • Develop a deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.

  • List all applicable DoD frameworks in the final delivery document.

  • Write a professional report that includes all of the above content-related items.


Project Checkpoints

The course project has a checkpoint strategy. Checkpoint deliverables allow you to receive valuable feedback on your interim work. In this project, you have several ungraded checkpoint deliverables. (See the course Syllabus for the schedule.)undefined

You may discuss project questions with the instructor, and you should receive feedback from the instructor on previously submitted work. Checkpoint deliverables ensure refinement of the final deliverables, if incorporated effectively. The final deliverable for this project is a professional report.


Expected Deliverables


Submit a bulleted list of DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains.


You work for a high-tech company with approximately 390 employees. Your firm recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30% to the revenue of your organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. You will be allowed to make your own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.

This course project will require you to form a team of 2 to 3 coworkers (fellow students) and develop the proper DoD security policies required to meet DoD standards for delivery of technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency. To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies and standards for your IT infrastructure (see the “Tasks” section below). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies or controls in place’


History Question

I’m working on a history question and need support to help me learn.

words should 2000-2300 sources will be provided and need superscripts footnotes and bibliography

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