Category Archives: Discussions

Style of leadership

Summary of the Findings

Energy- 3

Focus- 6

Speed- 4

Challenge- 7

Post an assessment of your results. In your assessment, do the following:

  • Summarize your findings, including your scores for each Driver (energy, focus, speed, and challenge).

  • Evaluate the validity of this assessment, including whether you agree or disagree with the scores.

  • Explain how self-assessments such as the one you completed can help you “know [yourself] in terms of strengths and weaknesses” (Casse, 2014, p. 30).

  • Delineate the measures you will take to improve your leadership competencies.


Drugs and uses

Consider that many former heroin addicts, once recovered, can be successful members of society. How can communities help to reintegrate heroin addicts successfully into their communities? What steps can ex-addicts take to ensure successful assimilation?


How can an Organization protect itself from Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack?

Term Paper Topic:

How can an Organization protect itself from Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attack?



  • Defining DDoS attacks.

  • Explaining its danger.

  • Explaining the reason why hackers use this technique.

  • Explaining the reason that made it illegal.

  • Listing/Explaining several ways to protect your organization from DDoS attacks.

    • Definition & General Information

    • Examples of recent DDoS attacks


I. Introduction

II. How Dangerous are the DDoS attacks?

III. Why Hackers use DDoS attacks?

IV. How to protect your Organization?

V. Conclusion


R question

Question 1
The following question is from ISLR 6.8 Exercises.
Suppose we estimate the regression coefficients in a linear regression model by minimizing

yi − β0 −

subject to Xp
|βj | ≤ s
for a particular value of s. For parts (2.1) through (2.5), indicate whihc of i. through v. is correct. Justify
your answer.
1.1) As we increase s from 0, the training RSS (residual sum of squares) will:
i. Increase initially, and then eventually start decreasing in an inverted U shape.
ii. Decrease initially, and then eventually start increasing in a U shape.
iii. Steadily increase.
iv. Steadily decrease.
v. Remain constant.



What are the critical path?


A public accounting firm requires the following activities for an audit: ( I attached a file with all information)

  • Draw a network for this project؟

  • Make a forward pass and a backward pass to determine ES, LS, EF, and LF?

  • What are the critical path?



Assembly Language Question

Problem 1 [20 pts]

The purpose of this problem is to familiarize you with the synthesis and place and route process and to give you a rough feeling for the size of a few simplecircuits. Turn in a detailed report with the results for each part. o For all designs register the inputs and outputs, and add timing constraint for the clock (e.g 400 MHz=2.5ns). Check the Slack, if it couldn’t make the timing constraint, slow down the clock until it meets the timing. Report the final clock period and frequency that the design can results to near zero slack (<0.15 ns). o Synthesize and place and route the following blocks and report their total slice count, and BRAM, registers and other resource counts. Make sure you include registers (flip-flops) at the input and output and constrain the timing path as explained in the class. No need to write testbench and simulate, only turn in the source verilog, but your verilog must compile correctly. o After Implementation report the power dissipation of each block for your clock specification that the design can operate. Note that for power number, your design clock must be set to the number that you found in previous step, and Implementation step must be done again. o Report your results in a table. Report the numbers in a single table so it can be used as a note sheet in the future. o Include verilog files for each circuit in the report. o Include the generated schemetic under Implementation in your report. Blocks

a) [10 pts] two input 10-bit adder (11-bit output). Use “+” in verilog.

b) [10 pts] 20-bit by 20-bit unsigned multiplier (40-bit output). Use “*” in Verilog.

Problem 2 [40 pts]

Design a circuit that computes the product of 128 element-vectors, a and b; that is a vector p such that pi=ai*bi (i= 0 to 127). The elements of a and b are stored in separate SSRAMS and the result p is to be written into a third SSRAM. Assume that computation is started by a control signal, go when goes high for one cycle. Then when the computation of all 128 elements is complete, the done signal is to be set to one. Assume a and b are 16-bit values. Design

i.[5 pt] Draw the detailed block diagram with naming the signals

ii. [10 pt] Design a control state machine in verilog for controlling the signals and report these: 1. Control Sequence/steps (page 7 of State Machine slides) 2. Table for control signals (Page 8) 3. State diagram or Transition Function (Page 11 and 16)

iii. [15 pt] Write verilog for the SSRAM memories, datapath and statemachine to have a complete system. Behavioral Simulations iv. [5 pt] Write a testbench and simulate the design Implementation Results [5 pt] v. Perform Synthesis and Place and Route (Implementation) steps and vi. Report maximum clk that the design can achieve by adding timing constraints and minimum slack timing. vii. Report total slice count, and other FPGA resource counts viii. Report the power consumption at the frequency that it can work

Problem 3 [40 pts]

Design a FIFO to store up to 256 data items of 16-bits each, using 256x 16-bit dual-port SSRAM for the data storage. Assume the FIFO will not be read when it is empty, not to be written when it is full, and that the write and read ports share a common clock. Design

i. [5 pt] Draw the detailed block diagram with naming the signals

ii. [10 pt] Design a control state machine in verilog for controlling the signalsand report these: 1. Control Sequence/steps (page 7 of State Machine slides) 2. Table for control signals (Page 8) 3. State diagram or Transition Function (Page 11 and 16)

iii. [15 pt] Write verilog for the SSRAM memories, datapath and statemachine tohave a complete system. Behavioral Simulations iv. [5 pt] Write a testbench and simulate the design Implementation Results [5pts] v. Perform Synthesis and Place and Route (Implementation) steps and vi. Report maximum clk that the design can achieve by adding timing constraints and minimum slack timing. vii. Report total slice count, and other FPGA



Think about the priorities inherent in the basic care and comfort needs of clients

Think about the priorities inherent in the basic care and comfort needs of clients. After meeting the need for oxygenation, identify and briefly discuss the following:

  • Which need is the next priority for you

  • How a change in health status would affect meeting that basic need.

  • Discuss what actions a nurse could take to assist you with this change.


Portfolio Project: A Current business process in a specific industry.

Portfolio Project: This week discuss a current business process in a specific industry.

Note the following:

-The current business process itself.
-The industry the business process is utilized in.
After explaining the current situation, take the current learning from the course and:
Explain a new technology that the business should deploy.

Be specific, don’t only note the type of technology but the specific instance of technology. (For example, a type of technology is smart automation a specific type of automation is automated light-dimming technology).

Note the pros and cons of the technology selected.

Note various factors the business should consider prior to deploying the new technology.

The above submission should be three pages in length. Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references. There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work


Analyzing the motion of objects in free fall with video

What does the motion of an object in free fall on Earth look like? This question was pondered by great minds
such as Aristotle and Galileo. In this lab, you analyze videos that record the motion of falling objects from a set
height (5.56 m). This enables us to make a more accurate analysis of accelerating objects in the Earth’s gravitational
field, with and without the effects of air drag.
1. Go to the video playlist in the lab page on Canvas to preview all of the video clips that we’ll be analyzing, as if they
were made by your lab partners.
2. We are going to analyze each clip to find the fall time, tf , for each object: a heavy ball, a set of keys (twice), and
then a crumpled piece of paper. To do this, we first need to learn how to “step” through each clip frame-by-frame, and
to establish how many frames per second the video is played at. Proceed as follows.
Establishing the video frame rate “FPS” for timing:
Watch the first clip (on Canvas) of the red ball being dropped.
a. Go to the settings (gear wheel icon) below the video and select the highest quality (720p60 if available).
b. Let the clip play, but Pause it between 1 and 2 seconds. You can also slow down the video speed in Settings to make
this easier.
c. Use the period “.” key repeatedly to advance frame by frame, until the “seconds” timer below the video on the left
changes from 0:01/0:03 to 0:02/0:03. You can also use the comma “,” key to step backwards, if needed.
d. Now start counting “.” key presses as you advance the video frame-by-frame until the counter changes by 1 second
to 0:03/0:03. This will tell you the “FPS”, the number of frames per second. Record the value above the data table on
the next page. (This number is usually 60, but is sometimes 30 if you have a slower internet connection.)



Leadership Puzzle 13 DISCUSSION

Followership is a process where an individual accepts the influence of another to accomplish a common goal. There are many typologies of followership including the following: Zaleznik Typology, Kelly Typology, Chaleff Typology, Kellerman Typology, and others. Select two typologies to contrast and compare. Include follower dimensions of importance, as well as the impact to leaders. Which typology do you think is, or will be, most useful in your current work or future work environment, and why?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (including supporting citations) along with at least one current, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. You may find that your discussion of leadership characteristics is easily supported with such current scholarly research while the information about how your chosen leader exhibits those leadership characteristics is supported by popular research.

Keep in mind that current scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Current research means published in the last five years.

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