Category Archives: Discussions

Health & Medical question


You recently stepped into the role of information security manager at a medium-sized e-commerce company with roughly 500 to 1,000 employees organization-wide. The company has hired a third-party consultant to evaluate its information security posture. The consultant has concluded the evaluation and noted several high security risks. These action items must be addressed to ensure that the company’s information assets are secure. Your task is to provide recommendations to address multiple identified security risks and explain your decisions to your leadership team.



Haskell question

you developed the data types necessary to implement a solver for the Rush Hour puzzle. See that assignment for a description of the puzzle and for an overview of a solution strategy


English Question

What problems does this cause? What solutions can you suggest to deal with this situation?

  • Plan and write a 4-paragraph problem/solution essay, including

  • A clear outline with emphasis on a focused and specific thesis statement and a topic sentence for each paragraph

  • Describe a problem and suggest 2 solutions (in 2 paragraphs) to overcome it


Econ3338.01: Introduction to Econometrics I Project

Econ3338.01: Introduction to Econometrics I Project, all requirements are in the file, I already have the project topic and data, you may use STATA to working thourght it. And I will leave good tips if it doing well.


Ecology question

1. In lecture we went over an experiment by Bshary and Grutter (2006) that addressed the maintenance of a cleaning mutualism for coral reef fishes. Describe their experiment and the conclusions that they reached based on their experiment.

2. Which correctly describes the roles of alpheid shrimps and gobies in their protection mutualism?

Group of answer choices


Gobies chase away fish predators and shrimp chase away invertebrate predators

Shrimp get a meal of parasites and gobies get cleaned of parasites

3. Which is true about the association between the goby fish Gobiodon histrio and corals of the genus Acropora?

Group of answer choices

4. Which is true of protection mutualisms between corals and small crustaceans?

Group of answer choices


Corals that have protecting crustaceans produce excess mucus compared to corals that do not have protecting crustaceans

5. Which mutualism is maintained easily because there is very little cost to the association?

Group of answer choices

6. Which would be an example of an obligate, specific mutualism?

Group of answer choices


Economics Question

Please prepare a minimum of five pages of APA formatted report with 8 peer reviewed articles as references that analyzes the search engine industry and Google’s competitive position in the industry. Your report should include:

  • A Five Forces analysis

  • A list of industry driving forces and key success factors

  • A SWOT analysis and financial analysis for Google’s performance between 2009 and 2019.

Also, please recommend strategies necessary to allow Google to strengthen its lead in the search industry and to make a success:

  • Its smartphone business

  • Cloud computing

  • Entry into emerging markets

  • Other recent ventures.

You should also provide a recommendation concerning any potential ethical lapses at the company. Your recommendations should be specific and supported with facts from your analysis. (You should use the financial ratios presented in the Appendix of the text as a guide in doing your financial analysis of the company.)


MathLab question

2 PROJECT TASKS Perform the following tasks, then document your results and submit them in written form in accordance with the instructions in Section 3, below. You may use this document as a format. 2.1 Sum of Independent, Identically Distributed (iid) Random Variables from U(0,1) Generate the sum of N random variables distributed for . MATLAB users will use the function rand. Generate a large number of such sums, say 100,000 or more, for each value of . Plot a histogram of the results for each , scaling the histogram appropriately to be a probability density function. In each case, compute the mean and standard deviation of the samples and compare it to the theoretical expected value and variance for an infinitely large ensemble of such sums. N Y = Xk k=1 N ∑ Xk mk 2 s k Y m = mk k=1 N ∑ σ2 = σ k 2 k=1 N ∑ N Xk Xk ~ U(0,1),k = 1,2…,N NNN === 2, 6, 12 N N On the same plot as the histogram, plot an appropriately scaled Gaussian curve with the theoretical mean and variance. Discuss what you did and what you observed and why it does or does not make sense. One plot required for each value of N for a total of three plots. 2.2 Sum of Independent, Identically Distributed (iid) Discrete Random Variables Repeat all the sections of 2.1 where the random variables are generated using randi simulate the rolling of the fair eight-sided dice, followed by the sum of the values from each roll. Repeat this experiment a large number of times to create the histogram of the sum (I’m not interested in the values of the individual rolls!). Repeat the whole process for . For each value of N, compute the mean and standard deviation of the samples and compare it to the theoretical expected value and variance for an infinitely large ensemble of such sums. On the same plot as the histogram, plot an appropriately scaled Gaussian curve with the theoretical mean and variance. Discuss what you did and what you observed and why it does or does not make sense. One plot required for each value of N for a total of two plots 2.3 Sum of Independent, Identically Distributed (iid) Random Variables from Repeat all the sections of 2.1 where the random variables are generated using the function randx provided with Project 1. Use . Note that this pdf has a sharp discontinuity at , but that eventually the histogram does approach the Gaussian! The CLT is a powerful theorem! In each case, compute the mean and standard deviation of the samples and compare it to the theoretical expected value and variance for an infinitely large ensemble of such sums. On the same plot as the histogram, plot an appropriately scaled Gaussian curve with the theoretical mean and variance. Discuss what you did and what you observed and why it does or does not make sense. One plot required for each value of N for a total of three plots. 2.4 Sum of Independent, Identically Distributed (iid) Bernoulli Trials Let a single Bernoulli trial result in either a one (1) or a zero (0), with . Perform independent trials. What is the form of the pmf of the random variable ? (I’m looking for a specific name here, go review the standard pmfs.) Because the random variable is a sum of independent random variables, each of which has finite mean and finite variance, , the CLT should hold. Use values of and as large as you can without causing a MATLAB overflow. Note that is the number of Bernoulli/Binary random variables in the sum. The sum itself produces one value of the random variable . You need to do this process many times to generate your histogram. N N = 2,N = 10,N = 50 0.5 ( ) 0.5 x X px e- = N = 2,N = 10,N = 100 x = 0 Pr 1 0.5 [X = =] N K = number of 1’s in N trials K m = 0.5 2 s = 0.5 N = 4,N = 8, N N K Each figure should consist of two subplots. On the first, plot the (theoretical) probability density function of the sum of independent Bernoulli trials. Plot the CLT Gaussian approximation on the same plot and compare the results. On the second, generate and plot the scaled histogram for the sum of a large number of random trials of the sum of iid Bernoulli experiments and compare it to the theoretical. Plot the CLT Gaussian approximation on the same histogram plot and compare the results. There are three figures, one for each value of N and each figure has two subplots



Business question

Please help paraphrase these Bolded part only because those are plagiarism. One of tutor gave me the work with 40% plagiarism and I got an F. I need you to paraphrase so I can re-submit. It will need to be submitted on turnitin so plagiarism have to be under 10%. You could either paraphrase the bolded part only or the whole thing. As long as everything is under 10% plagiarism when I use content checker. I will also ask for edit if needed.

What is insider trading? According to the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC, the definition of insider trading is any securities transaction made when the person behind the trade is aware of nonpublic material information and is hence violating their duty to maintain confidentiality of such knowledge. Such information is referred to as (MNPI) and it includes any confidential fiduciary data that may impact the trading price of the company’s stock. Some examples are:

  • ● Unannounced stock split

  • ● An announcement the company will receive a tender offer

  • ● Unreleased buy recommendation by an analyst or brokerage

  1. Who is considered to be an “insider? The SEC rules define insiders as the following: An “insider” is an officer, director, 10% stockholder and anyone who possesses inside information because of his or her relationship with the Company or with an officer, director or principal stockholder. This rule also covers any employee who has obtained material non-public corporate information, as well as any person who has received a “tip” from an Insider concerning information about the Company that is material and nonpublic, and trades the Company’s stock or other securities. This policy also applies to your family members who reside with you, whose securities transactions are directed by you or are subject to your influence or control.

  2. Who are considered to be tippers and tippees? Tippers and Tippees are terms used in the industry to describe those with insider information (the tipper) that share it with an outsider, the tippee. The tipper is the person who has broken their fiduciary duty when consciously revealing inside information. The tippee is the person who knowingly uses such information to make a trade.

  3. When is it legal? SEC Rule 10b5-1 allows company insiders to make predetermined trades while following all insider trading laws and thus avoiding insider trading accusations. It is important to note, pre-determined which, specifies that the trade be scheduled in advance and without any material non-public information that could either positively or adversely affect the share prices. The SEC rules governing these trades are as follows:The price and amount must be specified and certain dates of sales or purchases must be noted. There must be a formula or metrics given for determining the amount, price, and date. The plan must give the broker the exclusive right to determine when to make sales or purchases, as long as the broker does so without any MNPI when the trades are being made.

  4. When is it Illegal? SEC Rule 10b-5 prohibits corporate officers and directors or other insider employees from using confidential corporate information to reap a profit (or avoid a loss) by trading in the Company’s stock. This rule also prohibits “tipping” of confidential corporate information to third parties. Insiders may be sued civilly either by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) or by private litigants if they trade in securities while in possession of material nonpublic information concerning the issuer of the securities. They may also be charged with a criminal violation.Why does insider trading matter? it matters because Insider trading occurs when a trade has been influenced by the privileged possession of corporate information that has not been made public yet. Because the information is not available to other investors, a person using knowledge is trying to gain an unfair advantage over the rest of the market. Using nonpublic information for making a trade violates transparency. Information in a transparent market is disseminated in a manner by which all market participants receive it at the same time. Under these conditions, one investor can gain an advantage over another only through acquiring skills in analyzing and interpreting available information. If one person trades with nonpublic information, they gain an unfair advantage. This is not only unfair but also disruptive to a properly functioning market. Insider trading and the unfair advantage that it creates, would quickly undermine the confidence of the public. Investors demand transparency and equality in the market, without it, the system would fail.

What are some real-world examples of legal and illegal insider trading?We also have an example of illegal insider trading:

In December 2001, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it would not approve a new cancer drug called Erbitux from the pharmaceutical company ImClone. As a result, the company’s stock dropped rapidly. While many investors experienced losses, family and friends of the CEO of Erbitux, Samuel Waksal, were unharmed. The SEC later discovered that prior to the announcement of the FDA’s decision, numerous executives had sold their stock based on the instructions of Waksal. In fact, just days before the announcement was made, the American retail business woman, Martha Stewart, had sold 4,000 shares of the company. At this time, the stock was still trading at a high level and Stewart made nearly $250,000 on the sale. The stock ended up dropping from $50 to over $10 in the following months.Stewart claimed to have a pre-existing sell order with her broker, but it was later revealed that her broker, Peter Bacanovic, tipped her off that ImClone’s stock was going to drop. Stewart resigned as the CEO of her own company. Waksal was arrested and sentenced to more than seven years in prison and fined $4.3 million in 2003. In 2004, Stewart and her broker were found guilty of insider trading. Stewart was sentenced to a minimum of five months in prison and fined $30,000.


Evidence-based Practice

What is the staff nurse’s role in evidence-based practice in your organization? How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues on the nursing staff?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.

  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.


Organic chemistry: complete the following worksheet

I’m trying to study for my Chemistry course and I need some help to understand this question.

organic chemistry: complete the following worksheet, show your work

Requirements: 1 worksheet   |   .doc file

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