Category Archives: Discussions

Accounting Question

Answer the following questions

1. Cost/Benefit Analysis
a. Carler Company wants to purchase a Punch Press costing $ 50,000. Based on the company analysis, the new machine will result in a savings of $ 9,000 per year for 5 years. Calculate the Return on Investment. Show your work.

2. Payback Period
a. Using the above information what is the payback period for the Punch Press. Show your work.

3. Operating Leverage
a. Define the term fixed costs and give an example

b. Define the term variable costs and give an example

c. Define the term contribution margin and the calculation formula

d. What is the Breakeven Analysis formula?

watch this video:


Social Science question

Based on the readings, viewing the online materials & resources on the Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of Native Americans?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.

  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.


Writing Question

A.General guideline

·Watch the counseling mock video that is provided on the course page.

·Assess the counseling skills of AT LEAST five and make a thorough reflection and critique outlined below.

B.Counseling technique

oCritique at least 5 counseling techniques from attending skills, responding skills, influencing skills, self-disclosures, body language, paraphrasing, mirroring, feedback, directives, and establishing trust.

C.Structure of the paper

  • Introduction (0.5 page)

    • Brief summary about the session: Where and when did it take place? What was the client’s story?

    • What was the purpose of the session?

  • Reflection (1 – 2 pages)

  • Document how the counselor applied five counseling techniques.

  • Document each application of skills with the direct quotes from the dialogue between the counselor and the client (see exemplar paper).

  • Critique (2-3 pages)

Write a critique of the counseling session, addressing all the questions below:

o In general, how well do you think the counselor conducted the session?

o Name two things the counselor might have done differently and why?

o What areas or themes do you wish the counselor had covered in the counseling but did not? And why?


    1. The text except for direct quotes should be double spaced, font 12.

    2. Direct quotes should be single spaced, font 10 in a separate paragraph.

    3. For citation, use APA 7th manual. ( )


What is the Big Bang Theory?

How did The Big Bang Theory happen? just provide an outline on the big bang theory and give some information on it.


MATH 122 (Calculus for BA – Soc Sciences)

I will of course provide my Hawkes Learning account to the tutor that starts working with me on this question. I basically need to certify the following 4 easy homework sections at Hawkes Learning:

– Lesson: 5.3 Differentiation of Logarithmic Functions

– Lesson: 5.4 Differentiation of Exponential Functions

– Lesson: 5.5a Applications of Exponential Functions: Growth and Decay

– Lesson: 5.5b Logarithmic Differentiation and Elasticity of Demand


Research & Summaries question

On the digital economy

It consists of an introduction in which we write briefly about our topic and the aspects that we will cover in the article

After that, it is an account of literary references, and this is the most important point in the article, for example, there are people who have studied this phenomenon and concluded that etc. In the end I put my personal analysis

The last paragraph, in which we write a summary, recommendations and personal notes


ENC 1101: English Composition 1

ENC 1101: English Composition 1

Directions: Choose one of the following topics and/or form your own topic (must be able to
debate it) to create a well-developed argumentative essay supporting your point.
● An infamous 1998 medical journal report by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, whose research
sparked international concern claiming that the MMR vaccine caused autism. Although
Wakefield retracted his statement, which alarmed so many, there are still parents who are
not allowing their children to receive the recommended vaccinations. Prior to his
research, vaccinations were commonly given to protect individuals from common
diseases such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc. There is no medical evidence
that autism is linked to immunizations. Why then is there still debate nearly twenty years
later, and why are parents still choosing not to vaccinate?
● For decades, the educational system relies on standardized assessments for student
placement, achievement, etc. Are tests like SAT, ACT, FCAT, FSA effective/reliable?
● Visit the website, and research some criminal cases that resulted in the
death penalty. Write an essay using these accounts to support your arguments either for or
against the death penalty. Be sure to document your sources and to include a works cited
● Over the years, technology has expanded and enhanced the lives for many individuals in
hopes of bringing us together with means of providing better communication. However,
does technology really bring us together or does it make us more alone?



Electronic devices and measurements

Questions to solve in the attached file. The solution is in the same file and send it again or in a speared word file. Please solve it without matching from websites, and stay away from similarity and plagiarism. This is an important condition in solving the file.



Logistics Management MGT322

Logistics Management MGT322

Critical Thinking

The global marketplace has witnessed an increased pressure from customers and competitors in manufacturing as well as service sector (Basu, 2001; George, 2002). Due to the rapidly changing global marketplace only those companies will be able to survive that will deliver products of good quality at cheaper rate and to achieve their goal companies try to improve performance by focusing on cost cutting, increasing productivity levels, quality and guaranteeing deliveries in order to satisfy customers (Raouf, 1994).

Increased global competition leads the industry to increasing efficiency by means of economies of scale and internal specialization to meet market conditions in terms of flexibility, delivery performance and quality (Yamashina, 1995). The changes in the present competitive business environment characterized by profound competition on the supply side and keen indecisive in customer requirements on the demand side. These changes have left their distinctive marks on the different aspect of the manufacturing organizations (Gomes et al., 2006). With this increasing global economy, cost effective manufacturing has become a requirement to remain competitive.

To meet all the challenges organizations try to introduce different manufacturing and supply techniques. Management of organizations devotes its efforts to reduce the manufacturing costs and to improve the quality of product. To achieve this goal, different manufacturing and supply techniques employed. The last quarter of the 20th century witnessed the adoption of excellent, lean and integrated manufacturing strategies that have drastically changed the way manufacturing firm’s leads to improvement of manufacturing performance (Fullerton and McWatters, 2002).

Consult chapter 7 of your textbook or secondary available data through internet and answer the following questions.


  1. Why Companies adopted Lean Thinking and JIT model? (1.5 Mark)

  2. Discuss major types of Waste, companies has to keep in mind during production. (1.5 Mark)

  3. Due to pandemic COVID 19 emergency, do you think agile supply chain is the right concept in this kind of situation? Give reason with example. (1.5 Mark)

  4. Reference (0.5 Mark)



CSCI 2134 Assignment 4

CSCI 2134 Assignment 4

1. Review the old specification (specification.pdf) in the docs directory. You will absolutely need to understand it and the code you are extending.
2. Review the extension specification at the end of this document, which describes all the extensions to be done.
3. Design and implement the extensions using the best-practices we discussed in class.
4. Provide a readable, professional looking UML diagram of the updated design. This should be
a PDF file called design.pdf in the docs directory.
5. For each new class that you implement, you must provide unit tests in the form of Junit5
tests. You should design your classes and modify existing classes to facilitate the testing.
6. In a file in the docs directory called refactoring.txt list all the class-implementation
and class-interface refactoring that you will do and refactoring that you would recommend.
7. Perform any class-implementation and class-interface refactoring that you promised to do.
8. Bonus: Research the Factory pattern that is used to instantiate classes derived from the same
superclass or interface. E.g., when you create different types of links they could implement
a Link interface or be subclasses of an abstract Link class and be constructed by a new LinkFactory class. Implement the Factory pattern to improve the creation of Values in Value.
Be sure to update the UML diagram and provide unit tests.

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