Category Archives: Exams

Soil Science calculations

A given parcel of land has dimensions of 1 km x 4 km. If the required concentration of fertilizer for this parcel of land is 1150 kg / hectare, how many kilograms of fertilizer are required?


You have a client who is a one-person operation. The individual is a brilliant programmer but has a reputation as a loner who does not seek advice. As such, they have been asked by their key investors to consult your firm on some aspects of configuration management. The client develops software applications that are eventually sold on app store destinations. Explain why configuration management may not be necessary for applications that are designed by individuals for such a destination.

A1. One of your clients is a ride-sharing company that concentrates exclusively on ride-sharing for scooters. They require a short briefing on how to automate acceptance testing for their rideshare application. As part of the short briefing you must briefly describe acceptance testing in terms of its aim and criteria and describe at least one framework suitable for automation of acceptance testing for this application.
A2. You have university as a client. The following shows their university graduate internships directory. Develop a brief black-box test plan for this interface from a purely functional point of view using strategies you have learned about or any you can think of. You can assume the “SEARCH” buttons are designed to use the field above them in a search operation. Do not forget the top of the page where you can assume that each category (e.g. interns, internships, companies) is a hyperlink.

A3. You have landed a new software client that develops malware-detection software and they have asked for your advice on software testing. They have asked you which of alpha or beta testing is appropriate for testing malware-detection programs and why? Respond.
A4. You have a client who is a one-person operation. The individual is a brilliant programmer but has a reputation as a loner who does not seek advice. As such, they have been asked by their key investors to consult your firm on some aspects of configuration management. The client develops software applications that are eventually sold on app store destinations. Explain why configuration management may not be necessary for applications that are designed by individuals for such a destination.
A5. You have a banking client that has been in operation for over 150 years. In the development of a new banking app, they are considering implementing ‘nightlies’ as part of their system build processes. Provide some cautionary advice as to why such processes may be a challenge for this specific client.
A6. A software development company in Melbourne will develop a customer relationship management system for SCU in 1.5 years, using Scrum process management methodology. Describe and explain possible difficulties/problems that may occur during the development process.
A7. You have a large engineering company as a client and their software development team have informed you that they are intending to implement test-driven (or test-first) development. Describe possible obstacles to the implementation of TDD for this client.
A8. Translate the following statements from natural language to C# XML comments:
a. The parameter args are not used.
b. Returned is a URL.
c. See also TestClass.Main.
A9. A manufacturing company has its suppliers and wholesalers. A software system is needed for their supply chain management. Recommend a distributed architecture for the industry chain management system and explain why your recommendation is appropriate.






Be familiar with the following:

  • What are some hazards associated with earthquakes?

  • Focus and Epicenter:

  • Elastic rebound theory:

  • Seismic tomography:

  • Seismogram:

  • What is the difference between P and S waves (body waves)?

    • Where do seismic waves (body waves) originate?

    • How do P and S waves help us understand Earth’s internal structure?

  • Surface waves –how are they different from body waves?

    • Which are high frequency vs low frequency waves?

  • How do the following respond to high frequency vs low frequency waves: 1) tall buildings, 2) short buildings How do the following respond to unconsolidated material vs rock (bedrock): 1) tall buildings, 2) short buildings

  • Great earthquake:

  • megathrust earthquake:

  • What is magnitude?

    • What is the difference between the Richter Magnitude and Moment Magnitude scales?

    • How is magnitude calculated with each scale (in general)?

  • A 7.0 is_____times more intense, regarding ground shaking, than a 6.0. However, releases _____ times more

  • What is the modified Mercalli Scale?

    • How does this scale differ from the magnitude scale?

    • What is a shake map?

  • What is triangulation? which seismic waves are used?



  • What are some hazards associated with earthquakes? What was emphasized for each hazard in class?

  • Name 2 poor (weak during ground shaking) building materials?

  • 2 building designs to minimize movement during EQ

  • Conditions for Liquefaction to occur? Type of “earth material”?   Why such a common hazard?



  • Disturbing forces? How are the waves generated?

  • Why more common in the Pacific Ocean?

  • Why more destructive than wind waves?

  • What is the average wave height and wavelength in the open ocean?

  • How far and fast can they travel?

  • Is there only one wave?

  • How does the wave change as it approaches a coast? (length, height, and velocity)

  • Understand how the waves are generated during subduction zone earthquakes (how does ocean floor move during megathrust EQ?



BIOL 2227 Exam 2

BIOL 2227. Fall 2020

1. Define the role of ATP in muscle contraction
2. Define a sarcomere
3. Describe a motor unit
4. Define tetanus
5. Define muscle tone
6. Describe a length/tension curve both for an individual sarcomere and a complete
muscle group
7. Describe flow and pressure in blood circulation
8. Describe the flow of blood through the heart including the valves
9. Describe the electrical activation of the heart
10. What determines heart rate in a NORMAL human
11. Describe the ionic changes to produce a contraction
12. What is meant by a ‘pacemaker’ in the heart

BIOL 2227. Fall 2020

13. What happens to left ventricular volume during the QRS interval
14. Define systolic and diastolic pressure
15. What is the largest, flightless bird in South America?
16. What is the difference between a graded potential and an action potential
17. If we don’t allow sodium channels to open post-synaptically, what happens to the
post-synaptic neuron
18. If we don’t allow potassium channels to open post-synaptically, what happens to the
post-synaptic neuron
19. Define depolarization, repolarization, hyperpolarization
20. What is the difference between a chemical and electrical synapse?

BIOL 2227. Fall 2020

21. Define a ‘reflex’ arc
22. Define white matter, gray matter in the SC
23. Why is the human brain all wrinkly
24. Define the lobes the lobes of the brain
25. Identify the basic role of the ‘12’ cranial nerves as your textbook identifies them


ECON3301- Intermediate Macroeconomics

ECON3301- Intermediate Macroeconomics

1. The economic growth rate usually
a. is higher when the GDP per Capita is lower
b. is lower when the GDP per Capita is higher
c. has no relationship with the GDP per Capita
d. Both a and b
2. The production is best defined as
a. the supply of labour and capital
b. the act of assembling existing outputs in new products
c. the process of transforming inputs into output
d. All of the above
3. Production is best defined as
a. the supply of labour and capital
b. the act of assembling imports into exports
c. the process of transforming inputs into output
d. All of the above
4. In the Solow Growth Model, the Steady State growth rate is higher when
a. The depreciation rate is lower
b. The productivity is higher
c. The saving rate is lower
d. None of the above

5. In the Solow Growth Model, at the Steady State, we have
a. A zero unemployment rate
b. A zero inflation rate
c. A zero economic growth rate
d. A zero investment rate
6. In the Solow Growth Model, at the Steady State, we have
a. A zero unemployment rate
b. A zero inflation rate
c. A zero saving rate
d. None of the above
7. With an increase in the Capital input
a. The Steady State output per worker increases
b. The Steady State capital per worker increases
c. The Steady State saving rate increases
d. The Steady State values remain the same

ECON3301- Intermediate Macroeconomics

8. With an increase in the Labour input
a. The Steady State output per worker increases
b. The Steady State capital per worker increases
c. The Steady State saving rate increases
d. The Steady State values remain the same
9. To compare economic development across the globe, we can use
a. the GNP
b. the GDP
c. the GNI per capita
d. None of the above

10. To compare economic development across the globe, we can use
a. the GNI
b. the GDP
c. the GDP per capita
d. All of the above
11. Developing countries usually
a. are less agricultural than the rest of the world
b. have strong manufacturing sectors
c. have low levels of income inequality
d. None of the above

12. Developing countries usually
a. have a high level of capital per worker
b. have a saving rate higher than developed countries
c. have a high Human Development Index
d. None of the above
13. According to the Solow Growth Model, the Steady State growth rate is higher when
a. The depreciation rate is lower
b. The productivity is lower
c. The saving rate is lower
d. None of the above
14. According to the Solow Growth Model, the Steady State output per worker is higher when
a. The depreciation rate is lower
b. The productivity is higher
c. The saving rate is higher
d. All of the above

ECON3301- Intermediate Macroeconomics

15. At the Steady State, we have
a. A zero GDP per capita
b. A zero Head Count Ratio
c. A zero economic growth rate
d. All of the above
16. The economic growth usually declines
a. As output increases
b. As inputs decrease
c. As exports increase
d. As imports increase
17. The GDP per capita inadequately captures
a. Income inequality
b. Infant mortality
c. Literacy rate
d. All of the above
18. The HDI
a. arguably adds little information above the GDP per capita
b. can be used to estimate the GDP
c. is developed by the World Economic Forum
d. All of the above

19. The HDI is comprised of
a. exports – imports + taxes
b. incomes + exports – imports – taxes
c. GDP +GNI + Life Expectancy
d. None of the above
20. The HDI is comprised of
a. exports, imports, taxes
b. incomes, exports, imports, taxes
c. GNI per capita, education, and life expectancy
d. None of the above


Canadian income tax midterm exam

  1. 2 Robert (Bob) Gibson is a commission salesperson for Industrial Horticulture (IH), a leading manufacturer of fertilizers and pesticides. During 2020 he earned a base salary of $95,000. Because of recent changes in the agricultural industry Bob only earned commissions of $12,000.  The following amounts were withheld from Bob’s pay by his employer:

Federal and Provincial Taxes

 $               24,000

Registered Pension Plan Contributions (Note 1)


Payments for Group Disability (Note 2)


Payments for Group Life Insurance (Note 3)


Note 1:  IH has a company pension plan with the company and the employee making equal payments to the plan.

Note 2:  Bob is covered by a comprehensive disability plan which provides income during periods of disability.  The premiums for the disability plan are paid entirely by the employees of the company.  During the year Bob was forced to take eight weeks off due to an unfortunate auto accident.  He received $3,400 in disability payments during this period.  Bob has paid in a total of $1,600 since starting with IH.

Note 3:  Bob is covered by the company’s group life policy that will pay his family $250,000 in the event of his death.  Premiums for the plan are paid by the company at double the amount paid by the employee.

Other Information:

  1. For Christmas, IH gave all of the employees of the company memberships in the Cheese of the Month Club. The membership has a fair market value of $200.

  2. As his job requires a significant amount of driving, IH provided Bob with a car. From January 1st to April 30th Bob used the company Lexus LS 460, which had been purchased the previous year for $83,000.  He drove the Lexus a total of 36,000 km, of which 16,000 could be considered employment usage.  On May 1st Bob was in a serious car accident and totaled the Lexus.  When he returned to work, on July 1st, he was provided with a brand new Prius that the company was leasing for $380 a month, payments include $65 a month for insurance.  From July to December Bob drove the Prius a total of 32,000 km of which 30,000 could be considered employment usage.  All operating costs are paid for by the company.

  3. During the year Bob incurred the following expenses related to his job as a commission salesperson, none of which were reimbursed by the company:

    1. Travel costs of $14,000, of which $2,500 was for meals while of the road.

    2. Client entertainment, consisting of tickets to sporting events, of $6,000

    3. Other promotional expenses of $2,000

  4. During the year IH paid $1,200 for Bob to see a financial planner to discuss financial issues related to his retirement.

Compute Bob’s minimum net employment income for the year.



Romans and Republican Sources Quiz

1.How does the Laudatio Turiae ‘Eulogy for a Wife: In Praise of Turia’ (source 5.4) offer insight into gender and family roes in Roman society? What virtues does Turia’s husband extol the most?

2.How is ‘Virgil, The Aeneid‘ (source 5.3) grafting Roman history onto the story of the Trojan War and why?

3.According to Livy, ‘Battle of Cannae’ (source 5.1) what were the main reasons for the Roman army’s crushing defeat? What were the principal reasons for Hannibal’s success?

4.Livy, ‘Battle of Cannae’ (source 5.1) reports that when the news of the defeat at Cannae reached Rome, ‘never before … had there been such excitement or panic within its walls.’ Which members of Roman society were singled out for punishment as a result of the defeat?

5.What larger political events serve as a backdrop to Laudatio Turiae ‘Eulogy for a Wife: In Praise of Turia’ (source 5.4)? How do the put the Laudatio Turiae into historical context?


Applied Thermodynamics exam

QUESTION 4 (2 POINTS): A 250 kg piece of copper is heated from 25 C to 300 C. How much total heat is required (kJ)?

QUESTION 6 (6 POINTS): 5 kg of water in a piston-cylinder is heated at constant pressure from 25 C, 200 kPa to 200 C. How much total heat (Q) must be provided (kJ). Explain sign.

QUESTION 5 (6 POINTS): Water in a rigid tank is heated from 25 C, 250 kPa to 200 C, 1000 kPa. How much specific heat (q) must be provided ( kJ/kg)? Explain sign.



EE524/CPTS561- Amdahl’s law provides a very useful metric to measure speedup when we make applications parallel using more resources. However, Amdahl’s law’s basic form makes an assumption about the application that may not hold in real-world scenarios. State the assumption made by Amdahl’s law and describe conditions that may break the assumption.

Question 3 [10 points]
You are trying to optimize the classical five-stage pipeline used in your company. The current pipeline uses forwarding to avoid stalls as much as possible. After doing some profiling, you discover that the ALU stage of the pipeline is taking the longest to execute, which slows down the clock. As a result, the execution time of the applications is higher. In order to address this issue, you propose to split the ALU into two pipeline stages. With the ALU split into two pipeline stages, you now have a six-stage pipeline. Note that the result of the ALU is only available after the second ALU stage and the data after the first ALU state is not useful. Describe how this change of adding a pipeline stage affects Read after write (RAW) hazards. How would you resolve the new complications for RAW hazards that result from the six-stage pipeline? Please list changes and/or hardware needed for resolving the RAW hazards. You may use two consecutive ALU instructions with a RAW hazard for the purposes of this question.

Question 4 (Short answer questions) [20 points]
(a) Amdahl’s law provides a very useful metric to measure speedup when we make applications parallel using more resources. However, Amdahl’s law’s basic form makes an assumption about the application that may not hold in real-world scenarios. State the assumption made by Amdahl’s law and describe conditions that may break the assumption.
(b) What type of misses are reduced by each of these cache optimization techniques. List all types of misses reduced for full credit. In addition, list the possible disadvantages of using the optimization technique.
• Data and instruction prefetching:

• Pipelined cache accesses:
• Higher associativity:
• Larger cache capacity:



Accounting 303 Exam

Accounting 303 Exam

Introduction to Financial Statements
 Identify the forms of business organization.
 Explain the three principle types of business activity.
 Describe the four financial statements and how they are related.

Assurance, Attestation and Audit Services
 Differentiate among assurance, attestation, and audit services.
 Describe the different types of audit services.
 Identify the roles of different regulators and organizations that affect the audit profession.
 Discuss the audit expectation gap.
 Explain the concepts of reasonable assurance and materiality on the audit of financial statements.

An Introduction to Taxation
 Introduction to tax
 Types of tax rate systems
 Taxing units and basic income tax model
 Choice of business entity

Managerial Accounting
 Identify the features of managerial accounting and the functions of management.
 Describe the classes of manufacturing costs and the differences between product and period costs.
 Discuss the trends in managerial accounting

Budgetary Planning
 State the essentials of effective budgeting and the components of the master budget.
 Prepare budgets for sales, production, and direct materials
 Prepare budgets for direct labor, manufacturing overhead, and selling and administrative expenses, and a budgeted income statement.
 Prepare a cash budget and a budgeted balance sheet
 Apply budgeting principles to nonmanufacturing companies.



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