Category Archives: Exams


This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz., ‘A’ and ‘B’.
(ii) All questions from Section ‘A’ are to be attempted.
(iii) Section ‘B’ has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questionsfrom one option only.
{ZX}e : (i) Bg ‡ÌZ-nà _| Xmo I S> h¢—I S> “A’ VWm I S> “~’ü&
(ii) I S> “A’ Ho$ g^r ‡ÌZm| H$mo hb H$aZm h° &
(iii) I S> “~’ _| Xmo$ {dH În h¢ & narjm{W©`m| H$mo Ho$db EH$ {dH În Ho$ hr ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo h¢ &
1. Name the type of root modification found in Cuscuta. What is its function? 1H$ÒHw$Q>m (A_a~ob) H$s OãS> Ho$ Í$nmßVaU _| nm`r OmZo dmbr {H$Ò_ H$m Zm_ ~VmBEü& CgH$m H$m`© ^r
2. Draw a neat diagram of anaphase stage of mitosis in an animal cell. 1‡mUr-H$mo{eH$m _| g_gyÃr {d^mOZ H$s nÌMmdÒWm H$m EH$ Òd¿N> AmaoI ~ZmBEü&
3. A person has swelling on the front of his neck. Name the disease he is suffering
from and the cause of it. 1EH$ Ï`{∫$ H$s JX©Z Ho$ gm_Zo dmbo ^mJ na gyOZ Am J`r h°ü& Cg amoJ H$m Zm_ ~VmBE {Oggo dh
nr{ãS>V h° Am°a Bg amoJ H$m H$maU ^r ~VmBEü&
4. A person suffered from smallpox at the age of ten years and thereafter he never
had it during his lifetime. Which type of immunity the person has developed? 1EH$ Ï`{∫$ H$mo Xg df© H$s Am`w _| MoMH$ {ZH$br Wr Am°a CgHo$ ~mX Cgo OrdZ n`©›V MoMH$ Zht
{ZH$brü& ~VmBE {H$ Bg Ï`{∫$ _| {H$g ‡H$ma H$s ‡{Vajm CÀnfi hmo J`rü&
5. Define the term ‘ecosystem’. What are the principal components of an
ecosystem? 2″nm[aVßÃ’ e„X H$s n[a^mfm {b{IEü& EH$ nm[aVßà Ho$ ‡_wI KQ>H$m| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBEü&
6. Draw a simple diagram to show circulatory system of cockroach and label any
three of the following parts : 2heart; dor sal si nus; perivisceral si nus; perineural si nus
{VbM≈>o Ho$ n[agßMmar Vßà H$mo Xem©Zo dmbm EH$ gab AmaoI ~ZmBE Am°a {ZÂZ{b{IV _| go {H$›ht VrZ
^mJm| H$mo Zm_mß{H$V H$s{OE :
ˆX`; n•> H$moQ>a (gmBZg); n`©VaßJ H$moQ>a (noar{dgab gmBZg); n[aVß{ÃH$m H$moQ>a (noar›`yab gmBZg)
7. When the stem of a herbaceous plant is cut few inches above its base with a
sharp knife, water is seen oozing out from the cut end. Name the phenomenon.
Why does it happen? 2O~ {H$gr emH$s` nm°Yo Ho$ VZo H$mo EH$ VoµO Yma dmbo MmHy$ go nm°Yo Ho$ AmYmar ^mJ Ho$ Hw$N> BßM D$na
go H$mQ>m J`m V~ H$Q>o h˛E ^mJ go nmZr {ZH$bVm h˛Am {XIm`r nãS>mü& Bg n[aKQ>Zm H$m Zm_ ~VmBEü&
~VmBE Eogm ä`m| hmoVm h°ü&
8. Suppose a plant in your garden is not growing in height. Name the plant
hormone that can be used to solve this problem. Mention another function of
this hormone in plants. 2_mZ br{OE AmnHo$ ~JrMo _| H$moB© nm°Ym bß~mB© _| Zht ~ãT> ahm üh°ü& Cg nmXn hm_m}Z H$m Zm_ ~VmBE
{Ogo Bg g_Ò`m H$mo Xya H$aZo Ho$ {bE ‡`w∫$ {H$`m Om gH$Vm h°ü& nm°Ym| _| Bg hm_m}Z H$m H$moB© A›`
H$m`© ^r ~VmBEü&
9. Why is genetic code said to be degenerate in nature? 2AmZwdß{eH$ Hy$Q> Ho$ ÒdÍ$n H$mo Anım{gV ä`m| ~Vm`m OmVm h°?
10. Why should we conserve natural resources? Give two points. 2h_| ‡mH•${VH$ gßgmYZm| H$m gßajU ä`m| H$aZm Mm{hE? Xmo H$maU ~VmBEü&
11. List any four ways by which AIDS is transmitted. 4{H$›ht Mma {d{Y`m| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE {OZHo$ H$maU AIDS H$m gßMmaU hmoVm h°ü&
12. Define the term ‘tissue’. Mention two structural characteristics of epithelial
tissue of an animal. Which category of epithelial tissue is found in the lining of
kidney tubules? Mention its function in kidney. 4″D$VH$’ e„X H$s n[a^mfm {b{IEü& {H$gr ‡mUr Ho$ E{nWr{b`_r D$VH$ H$s Xmo gßaMZmÀ_H$ {deofVmAm|
H$s MMm© H$s{OEü& d•∏$ Z{bH$mAm| Ho$ AÒVa _| nm`m OmZo dmbm E{nWr{b`_r D$VH$ {H$g loUr _| AmVm
h°? d•∏$ _| CgH$m ä`m H$m`© h°?
13. Draw a neat diagram showing microscopic structure of testis of man and label
the following : 4(a) Seminiferous tubule
(b) Vasa efferentia
(c) Rete testis
(d) Testicular lobe
_mZd Ho$ d•fU H$s gy˙_Xeu gßaMZm H$mo Xem©Zo dmbm EH$ Òd¿N> AmaoI ~ZmBE, Am°a Cg_| {ZÂZ{b{IV
H$m Zm_mßH$Z H$s{OE :
(H$) ewH´$OZH$ dm{hH$mE±
(I) ewH´$dm{hH$m
(J) d•fU Om{bH$m
(K) d•fU nm{bH$m
14. Two men claimed paternity of a two-month-old baby. Suggest the modern
genetic technique that can be used to identify the real father of the baby.
Enumerate this technique in three steps. 4Xmo Ï`{∫$`m| Zo Xmo _mh Ho$ EH$ ~Éo H$m {nVm hmoZo H$m Xmdm {H$`mü& Cg AmYw{ZH$ AmZwdß{eH$ VH$ZrH$
H$m gwPmd Xr{OE {Ogo ~Éo Ho$ dmÒV{dH$ {nVm H$s nhMmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE ‡`w∫$ {H$`m Om gHo$ü& Bg
VH$ZrH$ Ho$ VrZ MaUm| H$s gyMr ~ZmBEü&
15. Suggest three ways by which people working in nuclear establishments can be
protected against nuclear radiation. Why are nuclear wastes disposed in lead
containers? 4CZ VrZ {d{Y`m| H$m gwPmd Xr{OE {OZgo Zm{^H$s` ‡{V>mZm| _| H$m`© H$a aho bmoJm| H$s Zm{^H$r`
{d{H$aUm| go gwajm H$s Om gHo$ü& Zm{^H$s` Ad{eÔ>m| H$m {ZnQ>mZ grgo Ho$ nmÃm| Ho$ ^rVa aI H$a ä`m|
{H$`m OmVm h°?
16. How is the level of hormone in man maintained through feedback mechanism?
Explain briefly by giving a suitable example. 4_ZwÓ` _| hm_m}Zm| H$m ÒVa nwZ^©aU ‡Umbr ¤mam {H$g ‡H$ma ~Zm`o aIm OmVm h°? EH$ Cn`w∫$ CXmhaU
XoVo h˛E gßjon _| Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü&
17. What are transgenics? How are transgenic plants produced using
Agrobacterium tumefaciens? Describe in brief. 4nmaOrZr ä`m hmoVo h¢? EJ´mo~°äQ>r[a`_ Q>y_r\o${g`›g H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo h˛E nmaOrZr nmXn {H$g ‡H$ma
‡m· {H$`o Om gH$Vo h¢? gßjon _| ~VmBEü&
18. Briefly explain the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane. How does
transport of small molecules occur across it? Explain any two. 6flbmµ¡_m {PÑr (Ord–Ï` {PÑr) Ho$ ‚bwBS> _moµOoH$ _m∞S>b H$s gßjon _| Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& ~VmBE {H$ Bg
{PÑr Ho$ Ama-nma N>moQ>o AUwAm| H$m n[adhZ {H$g ‡H$ma hmoVm h°ü& {H$›ht Xmo {d{Y`m| H$s Ï`mª`m
19. What are the two criteria for an element to be essential for a plant? State two
functions each of magnesium and phosphorous. 6EH$ nm°Yo Ho$ {bE AmdÌ`H$ {H$gr VŒd H$s Xmo H$gm°{Q>`m± H$m°Z-gr h¢? _°ær{e`_ Am°a \$m∞Ò\$moag _| go
‡À`oH$ Ho$ Xmo H$m`© ~VmBEü&
20. Using punnet square, work out a dihybrid cross between homozygous round
yellow and wrinkled green seed varieties of a pea plant. Identify the Mendelian
principle which the F2
phenotypic ratio refers to. 6nZoQ> dJ© H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo h˛E _Q>a Ho$ nm°Yo Ho$ g_`wΩ_Or Jmob nrbo Am°a PwauXma hao ~rOm| Ho$ ~rM
{¤gßH$a gßH$aU (H´$m∞g) H$am`o OmZo na ‡m· gßV{V kmV H$s{OEü& Cg _o›S>obr` {Z`_ H$mo nhMm{ZE
{OgH$m ‡_mU F2
_| \$sZmoQ>mBn AZwnmV go {_bVm h°ü&
21. Explain the role of the following in the digestion of food in human body : 6(a) Succus entericus
(b) Hydrochloric acid
_mZd eara _| ^moOZ Ho$ nmMZ _| {ZÂZ{b{IV H$s ^y{_H$m H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OE :
(H$) g∏$g E›Q>o[aH$g
(I) hmBS¥>moäbmo[aH$ AÂb
I S>ç~
{dH ÎnçI
( Tools and Techniques of Biol ogy )
( Ord{dkmZ _| CnH$aU Edß VH ZrH|$ )
22. Name two plants used for keeping in aquarium. 1ObOrdembm (Eoπo$[a`_) _| aIo OmZo dmbo Xmo nm°Ym| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBEü&
23. Give the scientific name of fruit fly. 1\´$yQ> ‚bmB© H$m d°km{ZH$ Zm_ ~VmBEü&
24. Your teacher has asked you to collect amoeba for an experiment. How will you
culture it in the laboratory? 2AmnHo$ A‹`mnH$ Zo EH$ ‡`moJ H$aZo Ho$ {bE AmnH$mo A_r~m EH${ÃV H$aZo Ho$ {bE H$hm h°ü& ‡`moJembm
_| Amn BgH$m {H$g ‡H$ma gßdY©Z H$a|Jo?
25. What is a preservative? State the composition of Bouin’s fluid. 2n[aajH$ ä`m hmoVm h°? ~moBZ Vab H$m gßKQ>Z ~VmBEü&
26. (a) State any three differences between a simple microscope and a compound
(b) How are the plant specimens dried and preserved for preparing
herbarium? 6(H$) EH$ gab Am°a EH$ Hß$nmC S> gy˙_Xeu Ho$ ~rM H$moB© VrZ AßVa ~VmBEü&
(I) h~}[a`_ ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE nmXn Z_yZm| H$mo {H$g ‡H$ma gwIm`m Am°a n[aa{jV {H$`m OmVm h°?
{dH ÎnçII
( Eco nomic Bi ol ogy )
( Am{W©H$ Ord{dkmZ )
22. Name two exotic breeds of cattle. 1_do{e`m| H$s Xmo {dXoer Zgbm| Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBEü&
23. Give the scientific name of the cuttlefish. 1H$Q>b{\$e H$m d°km{ZH$ Zm_ ~VmBEü&
24. Your brother cultivates mushroom on a commercial scale. Suggest two ways to
preserve it for a long time. 2AmnH$m ^mB© Ï`mnm[aH$ ÒVa na _eÍ$_ (Hw$Hw$a_wŒmm) H$s IoVr H$aZm MmhVm h°ü& Hw$Hw$a_wŒmm| H$mo bÂ~r
Ad{Y Ho$ {bE n[aa{jV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Xmo gwPmd Xr{OEü&
25. What is hydroponics? State one importance of hydroponics. 2Ob gßdY©Z ä`m h°? Ob gßdY©Z H$m EH$ _hÀd ~VmBEü&
26. (a) How does forest prevent soil erosion? Give three ways.
(b) Describe the structure of a modern beehive. 6(H$) dZ _•Xm-AnaXZ H$mo H°$go amoH$Vo h¢? H$moB© VrZ {d{Y`m± ~VmBEü&
(I) _Yw_äIr Ho$ AmYw{ZH$ N>Œmo H$s ~ZmdQ> H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü&


Reading List
Rosa Alcala – “The Pyramid Scheme” (1)
Jake Graham – “I Won’t Live Long” (73)
Yusef Komunyakaa – “Wheelchair” (88)
John Yau – “Overnight” (161)
Kevin Young – “Dog Tags” (167)
Ishion Hutchinson – “David” 82
we will do some work based on the first six poems from the file “Reading List.”
1. I am assuming you read the first six poems in the file “Reading List.”
2. The first five poems on the list are about an aging relative who used to be
very mean but is now in a nursing home with dementia, an old person telling
a young person they want to be remembered, someone dealing with a
disability and being inspired by a relative who also had one, giving a farewell
to a friend, and a deceased relative who had a vice that took away all the
family’s money (gambling).
3. When looking at the file “Literacies,” which would be the best to apply to one
of these poems? Tell me which and write 1-2 sentences on why (no need to
4. Write 2-3 sentences total on how you relate to the topics brought up in #2. If
you are struggling, you might write about another way you connect to one of
the poems (it might help to read the author’s comments in the back, though
not all of them comment). If you are REALLY struggling, you might mention
an additional literacy you found valuable instead.
5. The poem “David” is a poem about a statue of the same title. This is known
as an Ekphrasis, which is writing about a work of art, Look at the five links on
Canvas titled Ekphrasis, and write 1-2 sentences on the “story” the image is
telling. It might not be easy but do your best. What is the story there? Is there
one? Also, mention 2-3 images you found interesting.
the-birthday-1915-Marc-Chagall.jpg (948×800) (
40042455812_381806f31f_b.jpg (1024×683) (
kahlo.jpg (820×550) (
The-Sound-of-Silence-1800.jpg (1600×1103) (
The-Sound-of-Silence-1800.jpg (1600×1103) (
The following modes of literary and rhetorical criticism and some of their key underpinnings
have been
adapted from Barry Brummett’s
Rhetoric and Popular Culture.
Economic Criticism
-Materialism, bases, superstructure
According to this type of criticism, everything belonging to the world of ideas, concepts, and
behavior comes from material conditions and practices. How do the material conditions of the
story, ie the available resources, relationships, cultural norms, and natural environment
influence characters’ behaviors?
-Economic metaphors, commodities, signs
How are certain physical details mentioned in the story indicators of class status, or economic
conditions? How do these conditions vary among characters? Do the various conditions
each have their own accompanying images?
-Preferred / Oppositional readings
What would be considered a “target” audience? Why? What type of reader would be inclined to
side with the protagonist, or dislike the protagonist, and why?
Visual Criticism

Images as the focus of meaning attribution
Do images serve a rhetorical purpose? Do they accentuate the central meanings/moods of the
text? How?

Images as collective memory, community
Identify some important images in the text and describe their possible cultural meanings. How
might “insider” and “outsider” cultures, as they pertain to the world of the story, see these
Psychoanalytical Criticism

Making the mind and the self
How do characters define themselves in relation to other people? When and why do they say
they are “like” certain people, and “unlike” others? Who are their friends and enemies, and
what does this say about them?

What is it that the protagonist wants, and why do they want it? How might the protagonist react
getting what they want? Is anyone trying to prevent this character from getting what they
want? What does
person desire?
Feminist Criticism

Standpoint theory
This theory states the world is only known to us through marginal perspectives that are limited
by class, race, gender, geography, and sexual identity. Are the perspectives of the characters
limited in these ways, or not? Why is this so?

Gendered language and images
What power structures do the characters experience? What are the “normal” or “expected”
gender roles? Is gender related to power or the lack thereof in any way? How are different
genders expected to behave? Is this significant to the plot?

Empowerment and alternative worldviews
Who exists outside of the dominant power structures of the story? How do they feel about this?
What is their emotional reaction? To what extent is gender a factor in their outsider status?
Narrative Criticism
-Language and motive
Who in the story is adept at using language? How does this serve them? How do characters
attempt to persuade each other? Why or why not does persuasion work?
-Comedy and tragedy
How is social transgression a source of comedy? Is the transgressor accepted back into
What social taboos are committed by the characters? What are the consequences of these
actions? Do the consequences represent societal rejection?
Media Criticism
How are technology and media used socially? Professionally? For good? For evil?
-Media logic
How do media and technology influence people’s daily routines? Their expectations? Their
relationships? Their value systems?

differential equations

James start for his school at 8:20am on his bicycle if he travels at the speed of 10km/h then reaches his school 8 minutes late but on travelling at 16km/h he reaches the school 10 minutes early.At what time the school does started

interpersonal counselling and interview skills

  1. Complete the following table to describe each of the factors listed and how they impact on the communication


Factor Description of factor and impact on the communication process


Factor Description of factor and impact on the communication process


  1. Complete the following table to explain how each factor impacts on communication and how it can be


Communication barrier Description of impact on the communication Resolution strategy
Individual perceptions    
Cultural issues    


Communication barrier Description of impact on the communication Resolution strategy
Age issues    


  1. List three mechanisms that enhance effective interpersonal







  1. Complete the following table by giving an example of all of the following non-verbal communication and describing what this could


Facial expressions  


  1. Describe each of the following learning












  1. Describe how trauma and stress can impact on the communication process, specifically each of the factors


Concentration and attention  
Use of verbal and written language  
Use of body language  


  1. Explain a consideration in relation to using the technique of challenging with a client impacted by trauma and



























  1. As a counsellor, describe a process you might use to recognize your



























  1. List two values you have and describe how these can impact on the counselling


electrical engineering


What is the result of the correlation test between feelings for one’s spouse (v405) and satisfaction with life (v301)? (use 4 decimal places)

标记问题:问题 2问题 210 分

What is the exact p-value for the correlation test? (use 4 decimal places)

标记问题:问题 3问题 310 分

What is the result of the chi-square test using variable v1801 (Gender) with v402 (intimate partner relationship)? (use 4 decimal places)

For v402, 5=don’t have an intimate partner, 1=have an intimate partner. Exclude those who are coded 0.

标记问题:问题 4问题 410 分

What is the exact p-value for the chi-square test? (use 4 decimal places)

标记问题:问题 5问题 510 分

What is the t-test statistic using the variables v1801 (Sex; IV) and v2000 (age; DV)? (use 4 decimal places; 2-tailed test)

标记问题:问题 6问题 610 分

What is the exact p-value for the t-test test? (use 4 decimal places)

grammar question

Q.1   In a farm there are some cows and birds. If there are total 35 heads and 110 legs then how many cows and birds are there?



  • Each bird has 1 head and 2 legs and cow has 1 head and 4 Step 1: Start

Step 2: Suppose number of cows are x and birds are y. Step 3: Total number of heads are 35 then x * y = 35 Step 4: Total legs are 110 then 4x * 2y = 110

Step 5: Multiply step 3 by 2 then 2(x * y) = 35 x 2 so 2x * 2y = 70

Step 6: Subtract step 5 from step 4 so 4x * 2y = 110- 2x * 2y = 70 so become 2x    40 the value of X= 20

Step 7: Put value of x = 20 in equation x * y = 35 so value of y becomes 15 Step 8: So total number of cows are 20 and total number of birds are 15


ebraic Form Let no of cows Let no of birds Total heads = 35

Then x *  y = 35———- (i)

Total legs = 110

Then 4x * 2y = 110——- (ii)

Multiply equation (i) by “2” 2(x * y) = 35 x 2

2x * 2y =

Subtraction equation (iii) from (ii) 4x*2y      110

2x * 2 y    70

2x             40



Put x = 20 in equation (i) X * y = 35

20* y = 35 Y = 35 – 20


So number of cows x = 20 So number of birds y = 15


  • Draw a flowchart that Input two numbers n1 and n2. Determine whether nlI divides




  • Draw a nowchart that Input a year and determine whether it is a leap year or not. Ans:


  • Draw a nowchart that Input a number and calculate its factorial. Ans:


  • Draw a nowchart to fmd LCM (Least Common Multiple) of two numbers. Ans:


Q.6   Draw a nowchart that Input a number and display its factors. Ans:

























  • Define problem and problem Ans:


A problem is an obstacle, hurdle, difficulty or challenge, or any situation that needs to be removed or solved.

Problem solving:

Problem-solving is a skill which can be developed by following a well-organized approach. Programming is also a problem solving activity. Problem Solving is the main task of computer science which is the job of computer programmer.


Q.8   List the problem solving steps. Ans:

The following five steps are involved in problem solving 1: Defining a Problem

2: Understanding a Problem. 3: Planning a Solution.

4: Defining Candid Solutions. 5: Selecting the Best Solution


Q.9   What do you mean by define the problem? Mention strategies. Ans:


Defining the problem is initial stage of problem solving. A well-defined problem is the one that does not contain any ambiguities. When we are going to solve some problem first we need to see whether the problem is defined well or not. If the problem is not defined well first of all define the problem. If the problem is not well defined then use the following are strategies to define the problem:

  • Gain Background
  • Use
  • Draw a


Q.10    What do you mean by well-defined problem? Ans:

A well-defined problem is the one that does contain ambiguities. All the conditions are clearly specified and it has a clear goal. It is easy to understand and solve.


Q.11    What do you know understanding the problem or analyzing a problem? Ans:

The process of understanding the problem for developing its solution is called analyzing the problem. It is important to understand the problem before jumping into the solution of the problem. Understanding of a problem usually includes identification of the 5 Ws (what, who, when, where, and why).


Q.12    Give one example of understanding the problem by using 5 Ws? Ans:

Understanding of a problem usually includes identification of the 5 Ws (what, who, when, where, and why).

Example: Suppose your class teacher assigns you a task to prepare a list of students in your school whose names start with letter ‘A’. The list is required in order to prepare an alphabetical directory of all school students and there is only one week to complete the task. We can analyse this problem by identifying 5Ws in the problem statement as given below:

  • What: List of students names starting with letter ‘A’.
  • Who:
  • Why: To prepare the directory of
  • When: Within a
  • Where:


Q.13    What do you mean by planning a solution? Mention strategies for problem solving. Ans:

Planning the solution of the problem is a creative stage of problem solving. It refers to dividing the solution into steps and arranging them into proper order that will solve the problem

  • Divide and conquer
  • Guess, Check and Improve
  • Act it Out
  • Prototype (Draw)


Q.14    Define Candid Solutions



The word candid refers to something spontaneous and unplanned. All the possible solutions of a problem that produce estimated result are known as candid solutions. To find candid solutions of a problem programmer has to look for different methods to solve the problem and come up with several solutions. It is not necessary that candid solution is the actual solution of the problem.


Q.15    What do you mean by selecting the best solution? Ans:

After defining the candid solutions, only one solution can be selected. The selection of final solution of a problem should be based on the following criteria.

Speed: The selected solution of the problem should be efficient.

Cost: The selected solution of the problem should provide a cost-effective way of implementation.

Complexity: The selected solution of the problem should not be complicated. It should contain minimum number of instructions ‘ simple steps.


Q.16    What is Gain Background knowledge to define the problem. Ans:

We try to know the situation and circumstances in which the problem is happening. In this way, we can identify the given state. It also helps to know what a good solution will look like. How we shall be able to measure the solution.


Q.17    Define the problem by using guesses. Ans:

We try to guess the unknown information through appropriate guesses. These guesses may be based upon our past experiences.


Q.18    Define “Draw a picture” strategy for well-defined problem. Ans:

If the problem is not well-defined, we can draw a picture and fill the undefined information.


Q.19    What is top down design or divide and conquer rule? Ans:

At this stage the problem is decomposed into sub-problems. Rather on concentrating the bigger problem as a whole, we try to solve each sub-program separately. This leads to a simple solution. This technique is known as top down design (also called divide and conquer rule).


Q.20    Define Algorithm md nowchart. Ans:


An algorithm is a finite set of steps, which, if followed, accomplish a particular task. It is written in natural language for human understanding.


Flowchart is the graphical or visual representation of an algorithm to solve problem using symbols.


Q.21    What is the purpose of oval shape / Terminal shape symbol in nowchart? Ans:

An oval shape symbol that represents the Start or End of a flowchart.


Q.22    What is the purpose of Input/Output Symbol in nowchart? Ans:

A parallelogram represents either input or output operation regardless of the input or output method.

Q.23    What is the purpose of Rectangle symbol in flowchart? Ans:

Rectangle shape symbol is used to represent the process or action taken or shows all the calculations and store results.

Q.24    What is the purpose of Diamond symbol in flowchart? Ans:

A diamond represents a decision symbol used for comparison or a decision. It changes the flow of control and computer decides a particular path to be followed.

Q.25    What is the purpose of Connector symbol in flowchart? Ans:

A small circle represents a connector symbol and is used to join various parts of a Flow chart.

Q.26    Draw a flowchart to convert Celsius (Centigrade) to Fahrenheit temperature. Ans:


  • Draw a flowchart to find acceleration of moving objects with given mass and the force.









  • Draw a flowchart to fmd the volume of cube. Ans:


  • Draw a flowchart to fmd plain interest on an amount. Ans:
  • Draw a flowchart to fmd the area of a parallelogram. Ans:
  • Draw a flowchart to determine whether a given number is odd or even. Ans:


Q.32    What is role of algorithm in problem solving? Ans:

The Role of algorithm in problem solving is as follows:

  • An algorithm has a vital role in problem solving as it provides a step-by-step guide to the problem
  • Computer programming is the process of taking an algorithm and coding it in a programming
  • Formulating an algorithm is the first step for developing a computer program


Q.33    How we measure the efficiency of an algorithm? Ans:

The efficiency of an algorithm is measured on the basis of two metrics:

  1. Number of steps: An algorithm must be considered efficient if it takes less number of steps to reach the
  2. Space used in computer memory: An algorithm using less space in computer memory is considered more efficient with respect to memory


Q.34    What is Test Data? Give example. Ans:

Test data is data which has been specially identified for use in test, typically of computer program. After solving a problem, we need to test whether the solution is correct or not, and for testing, we need “Test Data”.

Example: If we want to test the algorithm to find the largest among three given numbers a, b and c, then we need three values. These values can be positive, negative or zero, e.g., (a = 100, b = 200, c = 30), (a =22, b = -45, c 38). (a = 14, b 0, c  10), etc. So, for thinking about  testing, we also need to think about test data.


Q.35    Why test data is important? Ans:

After solving a problem, we need to test whether the solution is correct or not, and for testing, we need Test Data. Test data helps to point out the defects and errors made during finding a solution to some problem. By using test data we improve the solution of the problem.


Q.36    What is Valid and Invalid test data? Ans:

Valid test data is data that is valid with the input requirement of the algorithm while Invalid test data is data that is invalid with the input requirement of the algorithm.


Q.37    Compare verification and validation. Ans:

Verification means to test if the solution is actually solving the same problem for which it was designed while Validation means to test whether the solution is correct or not.


Q.38    What is a Trace Table?



A trace table is a technique used to test algorithms, in order to make sure that no logical errors occur while the algorithm is being processed.


Q.39    What happen if you give invalid data for testing the algorithm? Give example. Ans:

When you give invalid data as input to the algorithm during testing process then algorithm gives you unexpected output. Testing an algorithm using invalid data ensures that the algorithm can gracefully handle unexpected data inputs.

Example: If an algorithm is supposed to take a numeric value between 1 and 50 as input, but that input is not between 1 to 50 so it is invalid test data.


Q.40    Which thing you first see when problem statement is given? Ans:

When we solve a problem statement, first we need to see whether the problem is defined well or not.


Q.41    What happens if your algorithm is failed during verification? Ans:

If an algorithm is failed during verification, then it is important to identify the root cause of failure and then to correct it. Sometimes the error is logical. It means the solution is working but not giving required results.


Q.42    What are advantages of flowchart? Ans:

Some advantages of flowchart are following:

  • Easy to
  • Easy to understand problem
  • Easy to identity errors (if any).
  • Easy to observe flow from one step to the


Q.43    What are disadvantages of flowchart? Ans:

Following are some disadvantages of flowchart:

  • More time is required to draw a
  • Modifying a flowchart is not very easy every
  • It is not suitable for very large and complex


Q.44    What are advantages of algorithm? Ans:

Some advantages of algorithm are following:

  • Easy to
  • Techniques to write an algorithm are easy to
  • To solve a large problem, algorithms are


Q.45    What are disadvantages of algorithm? Ans:

Some disadvantages of algorithm are following:

  • Modifying an existing algorithm is not very easy every
  • Showing the flow from one step to the other is not very
  • Usage of goto makes it difficult to identify errors


Q.46    What do you mean by Boundary test data values? Ans:

A solution is tested on extreme values.

Example: To calculate interest we consider principal amount as 0 or a very huge amount.


Q.47    What do you mean by Absent data? Ans:

It is also important to investigate that the solution still works if less number of inputs are given than expected. Example: If a system asks to enter driving license number, then everyone cannot provide this information. It is important to see how the system reacts in such situations.


Q.48    What do you mean by. Wrong data format? Ans:

It is to check how the system reacts on entering data in wrong format.

Example: Giving a numeric value as input when alphabet is expected.


Q.49    Write any two criteria for selection of final solution of a problem. Ans:

Two criteria are following:

Speed: When the solution is implemented in a programming language, the program should run fast.

Cost: The selected solution of the problem should provide a cost-effective way of implementation


Q.50    What do you know about Act it Out strategy? Ans:

In this strategy the designer defines the list of “to-do” tasks. Afterwards he’she performs the task.


Q.51    What do you know about Prototype (Draw)? Ans:

This technique draws a pictorial representation of the solution. It is not the final solution. However, it may help a designer to understand the important components of the solution.


Q.52    What are the tasks performed by most of the nowchart? OR List steps for drawing

a flowchart. Ans:

Mostly flowchart performs following tasks.


Input to the flowchart

Type of processing required Decisions to be taken

The output to be produced after processing


Q.53    How to plan a solution using guess, check and improve strategy? Ans:

The designer guesses a solution to a problem Checks the correctness of the solution.

If the solution is not according to expectations, then he’she refines the solution the refinement is an iterative process.




Question. (20 points) Suppose you are a consultant for a monopolist worried only about its policies in the short run. What would you recommend in terms of quantity changes (raise, cut, shut down, or stay put) and price changes (raise, cut, or stay put) if

MR = $100; MC = $50; and AVC = $90


Question. (20 points) Is the following (italicized) statement true or false? Explain.

The four-firm concentration ratio must be greater than the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) for the same market

Math 2003 S2EA

Find the profit function if cost and revenue are given by C(x) = 129 + 1.6x and R(x) = 8x − 0.04x .
The profit function is P(x) = − 0.04x + 6.4x − 129 .
YOU ANSWERED: − 0.04x − 6.4x − 129
Why might the slider not permit a positive slope in the demand equation?
(Use the interactive figure to find your answer. Change the sensitivity of the slider by pressing the Alt key when
moving the slider.) Click here
to launch
Choose the correct answer below.
A. As demand goes up price goes up, and the price cannot go too high.
B. As price goes down demand goes down.
C. The slope of a demand equation can never be positive, because if real life demand increased
without bound, then the market would crash.
D. As price goes down demand goes up.
Use the interactive figure to find the equilibrium quantity for a business that has demand equation
p = 10 − 0.5q and supply equation of p = 4q.
(Use the interactive figure to find your answer. Change the sensitivity of the slider by pressing the Alt key when
moving the slider.)
Click here
to launch
q =
(Type an integer or decimal rounded to two decimal places as needed.)
8/7/22, 2:59 PM Section 1.8 Homework-Angie Lopez 2/5
*4. Use the information listed below to solve parts a through h.
Suppose that the demand and price for a certain model of a youth wristwatch are related by the following equation
p = D(q) = 16 − 1.25q
where p is the price (in dollars) and q is the quantity demanded (in hundreds). Find the price at each level of demand.
Answer parts a through d.
a. Find the price when the demand is 0 watches.
The price when the demand is 0 watches is $ .
b. Find the price when the demand is 400 watches.
The price when the demand is 400 watches is $ .
c. Find the quantity demanded for the watch when the price is $6.
At a price of $6, the demand is for watches.
d. Graph p = 16 − 1.25q. Choose the correct graph below.
0 20
0 20
0 20
0 20
Suppose the price and supply of the watch are related by the following equation
p = S(q) = 0.75q
where p is the price (in dollars) and q is the quantity supplied (in hundreds) of watches. Answer parts e through g.
e. Find the quantity supplied at a price of $0.
At a price of $0, the supply is watches.
f. Find the quantity supplied at a price of $10.
At a price of $10, the supply is about watches.
(Round to the nearest whole number as needed.)
g. Graph p = S(q) = 0.75q on the same axis used to graph p = 16 − 1.25q in part d. Choose the correct graph below.
0 20
0 20
0 20
0 20
h. Given that the demand function is p D(q) q and that the supply function is p S(q) q, find the
equilibrium quantity and the equilibrium price.
= = 16 − 1.25 = = 0.75
8/7/22, 2:59 PM Section 1.8 Homework-Angie Lopez 3/5
The equilibrium quantity is watches.
The equilibrium price is $ .
Let one week’s supply and demand functions for gasoline be given by and , where p is
the price in dollars and q is the number of 42-gallon barrels. (a) Graph these equations on the same axes. (b) Find the
equilibrium quantity. (c) Find the equilibrium price.
p = D(q) = 288 − q
p = S(q) = q
(a) Choose the graph of D(q) and S(q).
0 800
0 800
0 800
0 800
(b) The equilibrium quantity is barrels.
(c) The equilibrium price is $ .
Let p and C(x) x, where x is the number of garden hoses that can be sold at a price of $p per unit and
C(x) is the total cost (in dollars) of producing x garden hoses.
= 24 − x = 695 + 3
(A) Express the revenue function in terms of x.
(B) Graph the cost function and the revenue function in the same viewing window for Use approximation
techniques to find the break-even points.
0 ≤ x ≤ 576.
(A) R(x) =
(B) Choose the correct graph for R(x) and C(x) on [0, 576] × [0, 2400].
0 200 400
0 200 400
0 200 400
The break-even point on the left is approximately , .
(Round each coordinate to the nearest integer as needed.)
The break-even point on the right is approximately , .
(Round each coordinate to the nearest integer as needed.)
8/7/22, 2:59 PM Section 1.8 Homework-Angie Lopez 4/5
*7. At a price of $ per bushel, the supply of a certain grain is million bushels and the demand is million bushels.
At a price of $ per bushel, the supply is million bushels and the demand is million bushels.
2.25 7500 7800
2.36 7900 7700
(A) Find a price-supply equation of the form p mx b, where p is the price in dollars and x is the supply in millions of
= +
(B) Find a price-demand equation of the form p mx b, where p is the price in dollars and x is the demand in millions of
= +
(C) Find the equilibrium point.
(D) Graph the price-supply equation, price-demand equation, and equilibrium point in the same coordinate system.
(A) The price-supply equation is p = .
(Type an exact answer. Use integers or decimals for any numbers in the equation.)
(B) The price-demand equation is p = .
(Type an exact answer. Use integers or decimals for any numbers in the equation.)
(C) The equilibrium point is .
(Type an ordered pair. Type an exact answer. Use integers or decimals for any numbers in the expression.)
(D) Choose the correct graph below.

probability and statistics HWprobability and statistics HW

Problem 1 (1.5 points)

A plan for an executive travelers’ club has been developed by an airline on the
premise that 5% of its current customers would qualify for membership. A random
sample of 500 customers yielded 30 who would qualify.
(a) Using this data, test at level 0.01 the null hypothesis that the company’s premise
is correct against the alternative that it is not correct. (0.5 point)
(b) What is the probability that when the test of part (a) is used, the company’s
premise will be judged correct when in fact 15% of all current customers qualify?
(1 point)
Note: To get full points, include major intermediate steps.
Problem 2 (1.5 points)
Suppose a sample of 16 wires is selected and each is tested to determine tensile
strength (N/mm2

). The resulting sample mean and standard deviation are 2150
and 40, respectively.
(a) The mean tensile strength for springs made using spinner straightening is 2100
. What hypotheses should be tested to determine whether the mean tensile
strength for the roller method exceeds 2100? (0.5 point)
(b) Assuming that the tensile strength distribution is approximately normal, what
test statistic would you use to test the hypotheses in part (a)? What is the p-value in
this case, and what would you conclude at significance level α = 0.05? (1 point)
Note: To get full points, include major intermediate steps.
Problem 3 (1.5 points)
A new design for the braking system on a certain type of car has been proposed. For the current system, the true average braking distance at 40 mph under
specified conditions is known to be 120 ft. It is proposed that the new design be
implemented only if sample data strongly indicates a reduction in true average
braking distance for the new design.
(a) Define the parameter of interest and state the relevant hypotheses. (0.5 point)
(b) Suppose braking distance for the new system is normally distributed with
2 = 100. The sample average braking distance for a random sample of 36 observations is 116.5. What is the p-value in this case, and what would you conclude at
significance level α = 0.05? (0.5 point)

(c) What is the probability that the new design is not implemented when its true
average braking distance is actually 110 ft and the test from part (b) is used? (0.5
Note: To get full points, include major intermediate steps.
Problem 4 (1.5 points)
Considering the following Highway Runoff data in Table 1 for a particular location, where x = rainfall volume (m
) and y = runoff volume (m
). A simple linear
regression model is built based on such data using least squares estimation.
Table 1: The accompanying data in Problem 4
x 17 23 30 40 47 55 67 72 81
y 15 15 25 27 46 38 46 53 70
(a) Calculate point estimates of the slope and intercept. (1 point)
(b) Calculate a point estimate of the standard deviation σ. (0.5 point)
Note: To get full points, include major intermediate steps.

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