Category Archives: Research Papers

Research Proposal

Complete this research proposal in the exact structure of the document below! on the topic The Economic Impact of Healthcare Disparities among Indigenous Communities.


Nursing Question

Research Paper #2

Choose any of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease discussed in your textbook (for example: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS – 2002-2003), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)- 2015-2018), Avian influenza, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) Pandemic – 2009-2010, Novel Avian influenza A (H7N9) Virus 2013-2017, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, Escherichia Coli, Tuberculosis, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease).

1.Introduce the disease

2.Mention signs, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.

3.Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.

4.How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.

5.Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?

6.What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?

  • What is your role as a community health nurse?

  • Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).

Research Assignment # 2


The student will choose (1) of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease (some examples were provided) to develop the research project. Also, the student will use given questions to guide the paper.

General directions

1.You will submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individual assignment).

2.Your research paper must follow APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.). Include a cover page and headings per 6th edition APA guidelines.

3.The research paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or reference pages) – maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references about the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).

Research Paper

Include the following components:

1.Introduction of the disease

2.Mention signs and symptoms of the disease. How do you diagnose this infectious disease?

3.Outline the factors that may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of this infectious diseases.

4.How would you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of Health People 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of the disease / Infection Control Guidelines.

5.Is there a CDC priority for public health response to this specific infectious disease?

6.What is your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?

7.What is your role as a community health nurse?

8.Mention research studies related with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3 research studies in paper).


10.References Page


Anti-racist thinking and teaching

First: watch the following videos and read the articles!


Hip hop, grit, and academic success: Bettina Love at TEDxUGA – YouTube

Why English Class is Silencing Students of Color | Jamila Lyiscott | TEDxTheBenjaminSchool – YouTube


Your Privilege Is Showing | Lillian Medville | TEDxBeaconStreet – YouTube


Strategies for Embracing Anti-Racist Work in Our Classrooms (Opinion) (

Creating an Anti-Racist Classroom | Edutopia

Second: Please write about how anti-racist thinking and teaching could play a role in determining who is successful and intelligent in our classroom. Include two quotes and citations from the above resources.


History course

Book reference Ways of the World with Sources, Volume 2, 4th Edition – 180 Day Option

**must be double-spaced, using a normal-sized font, such as Times New Roman 12-point, and properly cited using Chicago Style citation(Cite sources—whether directly quoted, paraphrased or summarized). 

Write an essay using those sources to address one of the following bulleted question-clusters; your thesis statement should reflect a response to the question-cluster you choose:

  1. OPTION 1: While the different threads of Marxist socialism in nineteenth-century Europe shared some common themes, it was also a divided movement.  Based on the primary documents offered in the “Working with Evidence” section of Chapter 17, how would you describe those common perspectives?  How would you describe the key differences and points of division?

  2. OPTION 2: To what extent did socialist thinking in the period between 1800 and 1914 reflect the issues of the Atlantic Revolutions explored in the previous chapter?  In what ways did socialist thinking depart from those earlier revolutionary upheavals?


  • Your thesis statement should reflect the question-cluster you have chosen.  Be sure to base your response on the documents themselves and the information provided in the preceding chapter.

  • Be sure to read the very first “Working with Evidence” section found early in the textbook, before Chapter 13—it offers guidance on analyzing primary sources.

The essay must be:

    • Between 1000 and 1200 words in length

    • Double-spaced, using a normal-sized font, such as Times New Roman 12-point

    • Properly cited: Cite sources—whether directly quoted, paraphrased or summarized–using Chicago-Style citation

    • Contain use of appropriate scholarly sources rather than dubious sources such as Wikipedia

    • Be plagiarism free: Contain no plagiarism whatsoever; any plagiarized material will receive zero points and may result in further action as per College policy

    • Be submitted to the course Dropbox in Word .doc, .docx, or in .rtf format

  • Be sure that your essay actually points to evidence from the documents. Show me, don’t just tell me.


Quality Improvement in the Nursing unit or system

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing the two elements:

TOPIC: Quality improvement in the nursing unit or system

Part II: Evaluate how the topic applies to 2 of the following course competencies.

  • Integrate concepts related to leadership into the professional nursing role.

  • Analyze the philosophy, goals, and organizational structure of a healthcare system in relationship to the delivery of quality healthcare.

  • Compare selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare agencies.

  • Identify how collaborative leadership styles might be utilized in various community agencies to enhance the role of the nurse leader.

  • Examine change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation.

  • Explain principles of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and the process of quality planning, improvement, and control.

  • Discuss the management process and its impact on the delivery of optimal healthcare.

  • Analyze how accountability, advocacy, and collaboration augment the management of care.

  • Describe the meaning of teamwork in respect to the health care team

  • Identify the essential components of a business plan

  • Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice

In addition to the assignment specifics above, your paper should:

    • Be 3-4 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

    • Source(s) should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use in-text citations pointing to evidence in the literature that supports your ideas.

    • Incorporate a minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed sources into your paper.

    • Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.

    • Include a title page and a reference page listing the sources you used. Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing.


SOLA 2060: Introduction to Electronic Devices

Lab Project 1: Diode Characteristics
1. AIM
The aim of this assignment is to familiarise yourself with the operating characteristics of diodes.
Due to restrictions on face to face activities and to make sure of fairness these activities will be
done through simulations in LTSpice. We will look at forward and reverse characteristics of three
different types of diodes, the impact of temperature, and some simple circuits that make use of
these diodes.



Computer Science question

Do a bit of research on the hearsay rule in legal proceedings. In your own words, explain the hearsay rule and describe how it relates to the concept of an expert witness.


Research & Summaries Question

Topic: Overharvesting in the Desert

Thesis: The Overharvesting and overexploiting of deserts all over the world has caused significant damage to the environment, especially water resources, natural resources, and plant life in the deserts. Unless solutions are brought in the next few years, more harm will continue to fall onto desert environments.

 8-11 pages, Double space, not counting the citations.

– FOLLOW MY outline which is attached and write the paper based on it.

– ((((((((((( I attached an example for the same topic, You will write a VERY similar one to it. Make sure you follow the example as much as possible but do not copy directly anything from it, If you take anything, PLEASE paraphrase but NO copy and paste))))))))))))))))

– NO direct quotes. You have to paraphrase

– Minimum of 10 sources, ALL should be from Google scholars and 8 of them need to be Peer-reviewed. USE the 6 sources in my outline

– Organism names: scientific names (genus and species) go in italics and common names are lowercase; family names do not go in italics but start with a capital letter.


Nursing Question

Chief Complaint: “I fell down in my house a week ago and my knee is still hurting”.

History of Present Illness: Mr. Brown is 45-year-old male teacher who presents to the clinic with symptoms of right knee pain related to a fall sustained at home one week ago while he was coming down the stairs. Patient states that he tripped and during the fall, the right knee twisted and was caught between two bars of the stair wells. Immediately after the fall, the pain was sharp and stabbing, and he was unable to walk straight and apply weight on the knee. He applied ice and took 800mg of Motrin and went to bed. Patient states he did not want to go to the emergency department because of the long wait. After 24 hours he applied warm compresses intermittently and took extra strength Tylenol as needed. Mitigating factors include ES Tylenol, heat application, and resting the knee. However, sometimes the pain is so severe that even Tylenol does not help. Aggravating factors are standing too long, bending the knee, and climbing stairs. He describes the pain as sharp, and annoying at the same time. At present time he feels like “something is not right inside the knee”. Level of pain is 8/10. He denies previous musculoskeletal injuries. Patient also reports shortness of breath but denies chest pain.

PMH: Asthma, bipolar disorder. Left knee anterior crucial ligament (ACL) 10 years ago from basketball injury.

Past surgical history: Right hip replacement 15 years ago from kick boxing.

Medications/OTC: Theophylline, Prednisone, Singular, Geodon, Prozac, Benadryl.

Allergies: NKA.

Past family history: One brother with asthma, and another brother with bipolar. Maternal aunt with DM type II.

Health Maintenance: Immunization up to date.

Social history: Patient does not smoke, drink or use recreational drugs. He maintains a regular diet and exercises 3 times a week. He has been married for 10 years and lives with his wife and one adult son, and one teenage daughter. He is a mathematics teacher in the same high school where he attends clinic. He sleeps well.

With the information provided above, please continue the patient’s soap note to include:

Subjective: A thorough review of systems

Objective: A thorough physical examination

Primary diagnosis

3 differential diagnosis with one citation for each ddx (APA formatted).

Laboratory tests

Diagnostic testing

Management plan


Non-pharmacological approach


Business Analytics Report (Predictive and Prescriptive)

Business Report:

A recipe box company in the UK aims to:

a) improve their brand recognition by optimising the impact of their social media posts

To help the company improve their brand recognition, the company would like to know which characteristics of the post impacts the social media activity as this would help the manager to decide on whether to publish a post.

To optimise the impact of their social media post, the company had gathered data on their social media activity and the characteristics of each posts to conduct analyses (Social Media Dataset: Social Media Metrics).

The characteristics of the posts include:

1. Type of content (e.g. video, photo, link, status)

2. Post category (e.g. promotion, product, tutorial)

3. Date of the post

4. Total number of likes in the page

5. Paid or not paid advertising

Task 1: Predictive Analytics

1.1 Develop a regression model for each of the social media metric of your choice (minimum 3). Justify the social media metrics chosen for the task

1.2 Identify the post characteristics that are relevant in predicting the performance of the social media metrics

1.3 Provide further analysis to show how each relevant feature influenced the performance of the social media metrics

b) attract more customers by advertising their products in different advertisement media

They would like to know how many to use from each type of media so that the number of audience reach is maximised.

To attract more customers, the recipe box company had identified four advertisement media to advertise their products (Social Media Dataset: Advertising Media).

The advertisement media includes:

1. Flyer

2. Online advertising in other platforms (e.g. Twitter, Instagram etc)

3. TV

4. Radio

To ensure a balance use of advertisement media, TV advertisement must not exceed 50% of the total number of advertisements, flyer and radio must not exceed 10% of the total number of advertisements. In addition, there should be at least 10 online advertisements. The advertising budget is £190,000.

Task 2: Prescriptive Analytics

2.1 Apply prescriptive analytics to recommend the best possible option. State any assumptions that you have made. 2.2

2.2 Develop and solve an optimisation model to determine the number of each type of media to use such that the number of audiences reached is maximised

2.3 Perform what-if analysis for the optimisation model.

2.4 Explain the best option and trade-offs that must be made to increase the numbers of audience reached. Use the Sensitivity Report to facilitate your analysis.



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