Category Archives: Research Papers

Equity Valuation- DCF Analysis

Requirement&Structure: You will be given an outline of the structure of this submission which must be followed.(see screenshots and document below) .I’m working on a data analytics project and need support to help me study.This is a Equity Valuation course, and Professor let us complete a detailed valuation of the firm using the analytical techniques taught in the course. And please give me the excel spreadsheet. Thank you

( and i will also give you the examples with same requirements , you can use it as a tool )

Format: power point format

The company is Clearwater Seafood, this is their company’s website

This is the website that the teacher gave us and it has the data for this company…


Criminal justice case study

• Write the intelligence briefing as if you were writing a report on
policing/crime/ intelligence in Saudi Arabia for a superior. [CILO 4:
Write Reports],
• Cadets should suggest some method of dealing with the crime they
are talking about. [CILO 3: Recommend Strategies]
• Cadets must use some type of graph or diagram or chart or statistical
data in the briefing. [CILO 2: Present Results]
• The briefing must be referenced properly.
• Copying or sharing will be treated as plagiarism and penalties will be



Psychology question

In the context of animal communication and adaptive significance, what do you think is the similarity between a male stickleback having a red belly, and a man driving a flashy red sportscar? In answering this question, you may also discuss the issue of genetics versus the environment.


Social Welfare Issue Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive, critical and evaluative paragraph, the annotation, which provides your view of the relevance and importance of the source to the policy. Students will write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book, article or documentary. You will need a minimum of 10 resources, with a minimum of 4 scholarly articles from recognized research journals, and no more than 2 documentaries or films. Sources should be no older than 7 years. It would be wise to have at least the relevant, state or federal laws; state or national statistics; or government documents as this bibliography will be used for your final assignment. Sources such as Wikipedia,, etc. are not appropriate for this assignment.

Include one or more sentences that discusses or presents:

  1. The authority or background of the author

  2. Intended audience and level of reading difficulty

  3. Purpose

  4. Bias or standpoint of the author

  5. Theoretical Framework/political stance/ School of thought

  6. Findings, results, arguments and conclusions

  7. Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited

  8. Explain how this work illuminates or is relevant to your policy


Literature Question

In this assignment, you will show that you are achieving important learning outcomes:

  1. Interpret information through close and critical reading.

  2. Demonstrate effective use of the writing process.

  3. Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method.

  4. Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically.

  5. Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation.

You will submit a formal, alphanumeric, full-sentence outline formatted in proper APA style. The outline must organize your argument into an introduction, conclusion, and at least five body sections (approximately 550 words or more). The introduction section must include a working thesis statement, which is an arguable response to your research question. Each body section should contain a topic sentence and subordinate claims and evidence from at least five credible and scholarly sources. Paraphrases, summaries, and quotes must be cited accurately and used with integrity. This assignment requires a title page and a reference list.


Computer science writing question

The survey at the link in the assignment below is the actual assignment. The reflection will be included within the survey. This is simply an informational piece detailing what you should include in your reflection that is part of the survey.

Nearing the end of the semester, it is now time for students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Please complete the survey/reflection to the best of your ability.

Students should;

  • Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future employment.

  • Be able demonstrate the application of theory to workplace in written form.

  • Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.



Students will individually complete a case analysis of Case 45 American Greetings. There are
three due dates relevant for this case. The initial case writeup is due for anonymous peer review
Tuesday, February 23 by 12:30 p.m. to Students will be assigned two cases
to peer review and provide feedback (one fellow student and your own case). This feedback is
due Thursday, February 25 by 12:30 p.m. Students will then revise their cases based on peer
feedback and the final case submission is due by Thursday, March 4 by 12:30 p.m. (uploaded to
Blackboard). The case must be completed individually (i.e., completed without consulting with
other students) and the document will be checked via SafeAssign for plagiarism. You may not use
any materials or data aside from that presented in the case. The rubric on page 2 will detail how
grades are calculated.
This case will be returned to you no later than Tuesday, March 16 with comments and critique of
the writing clarity and technique only. Students can then choose to revise the writing clarity and
technique only and resubmit the case via Blackboard no later than Tuesday, March 23 by 12:30
p.m. The writing portion only will be regraded and the student’s final grade for the case will be an
average of the two grades.


20210323030616individualcase1_s2021_2_ (1)

Computer science writing question

The survey at the link in the assignment below is the actual assignment. The reflection will be included within the survey. This is simply an informational piece detailing what you should include in your reflection that is part of the survey.

Nearing the end of the semester, it is now time for students to reflect on the knowledge obtained in their course(s) and determine the effectiveness of incorporating real-world experience into our academic curriculum. Please complete the survey/reflection to the best of your ability.

Students should;

  • Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future employment.

  • Be able demonstrate the application of theory to workplace in written form.

  • Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.


Sociology Question

Starting Your Professional Portfolio – Introduce Yourself


Where are you coming from as an early childhood educator? Have you always known you wanted to be a teacher? Did you receive training in another field and then discover early education by accident? Did you come to early child education with your own children? How do you think the path that brought you to ECE might influence your perspective as a teacher?

This assignment supports student learning outcomes 1 & 2 and student learning objectives 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 9.


Attachments cannot be more than 1 MB and must be in Word, RTF, or PDF format. Please provide thoughtful responses to the journal question. You are expected to produce college-level work. Submit this assignment in an essay type format with an intro/body/conclusion and you will need to provide one citation or reference in the response. A one to two sentence paragraph for an intro/body/conclusion isn’t sufficient.


Civil Engineering course


Previously you have produced a research project proposal and completed a literature review relating to the topic you have chosen for the research project.

In this current assignment you have to:

  1. conduct your proposed research project, after which you will

  2. produce a Written Report and

  3. prepare a Research Presentation about the findings in your research project.

You will write your report and prepare your presentation for an academic audience, so a formal, academic style should be maintained throughout.

The aim of this task is to give you practical experience in conducting research, collecting and analysing data, and reporting research findings.



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