Category Archives: Research Papers

CS 512 Cryptography

Question 1.  Understanding and Using “cryptool”  :

Task 1: Download and install Cryptool 2 software

Cryptool 2:

Task 2: Use Cryptool 2 to answer the following questions “Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:


  1. Perform Hill cipher using the key =on the text below and write the ciphered text below:

“Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering”

(Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:)

[Marks: 2]

  1. The following text was encrypted using the Vigenere cipher with Key=”this”. Find the plain-text.

“Mom kxjzwm vn dbmm, lavcya, pa lh mide zmnxu bafla sgk bg zlb mi lqyaa bafla”

(Use screenshots and description to document your successful results”:)

[Marks: 2]



Visuals Communications to Deliver a Global Message


This project allows you to demonstrate your mastery of visual communication concepts discussed in this course.


You are newly appointed to the communication team for a reputable philanthropic organization. The current task is for your team to create a global campaign that visually conveys a social message both here in the United States, as well as globally. This visual campaign message will use strategic visual communication to appeal to these differing audiences to reduce and potentially eliminate racial prejudice. Your visual communication campaign will be directed toward audiences from both the United States and another country of your choice.

The board of directors has asked you to assemble four video presentations and one instructional document to submit for their review. They have asked that the total video presentations’ length be under three minutes, and that you present visual examples while verbally explaining the main points of the analysis. You are reminded that four separate links need to be submitted for their review, along with your instructional document for the communication team.

Visual Campaign Elements:

  1. Create two ideas for promotional documents (flyers, pamphlets, etc.) to appeal to both your targeted U.S. viewers and to your targeted viewers from the other global country of your choice.

    Both of these documents should strategically utilize the following visual communication elements:

    1. color

    2. lines

    3. balance

    4. contrast

    Create your video presentation for the board members clearly explaining how the visual communication elements on each of the two promotional documents strategically convey the message and meaning to viewers. Be sure to compare and contrast how the viewers from the U.S. and the other country might interpret these differing visuals elements, and how you used them strategically to please each targeted audience.

  1. Find two different images to be used on the organization’s website page. One will be for the U.S. website, and one for the website in the country of your choice. Be sure that each of these images visually appeals to these two targeted audience viewers, and that the visual enhances the message to help eliminate racial prejudice. In your video presentation for the board of directors, identify and analyze the visual elements of cultural familiarity, semiotics, and emotional appeal (cognitive). Additionally, explain how each of those visual elements visually persuades the U.S. and global viewers in different ways.

  1. Design two logos for this anti-racism campaign. One logo should be designed for U.S. audiences, and the other should be designed for the other country of your choice. Design your video presentation to explain how each of these logos can clearly be seen on both small and large settings (example: cell phone app size and billboard size), as well as a comparison of how the color, lines, and visual elements are specifically designed to visually appeal to each of these different countries

  1. Create two social media posts, one for the United States and one for the other country of your choice. The posts should include text, images, and the logo matching the country where the social media post will appear. In your video presentation to the board members, compare and analyze how these visual elements (the images and the logo) emotionally engage and persuade each specified target audience (the United States and the country of your choice) to reduce and eliminate racial prejudice.

  1. Create a one-page instructional document for your communication team members outlining the ethical concepts regarding finding and using visuals in communication. Within your instructional document, use images and/or clip art to enhance each of your points in the document, and address the following items:

    1. How might the organization properly obtain and use images from outside sources?

    2. What are the dangers and problems that arise when altering and digitally enhancing images?


The presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

  1. Access the Screencast-O-Matic® homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.

  2. Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)

  3. Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view Recorder Intros.

  4. Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.

  5. Once finished recording click on the “Done” button.

  6. Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic®”.

  7. Select “Publish”.

  8. Choose “Copy Link”.

  9. Provide the “Link” by adding it to the deliverable dropbox.


Computer Science Question

Data: Advanced Graphs in RStudio (ggplot2)

Background: We have moved from simple graphs to advanced graphs to visualize our datasets. In our last data assignment, I told you where to place your data fields. In this assignment, you will place the data field based on keywords in a sentence.


Use RStudio to generate advanced graphs (using the ggplot2 package) using the dataset below.

Use the following videos to learn the commands to produce advanced graphs in RStudio:

Video 1: RStudio – Advanced Graphs2 – Part1.mp4

Video 2: RStudio – Advanced Graphs2 – Part2.mp4

Graphs to Produce:

***** Do not forget to tell RStudio what fields are factors! *****

ggplot2 – Bar Plot: (Use dataset_price_personal_computers.csv)

  • Plot the ram sold in the computers.

  • Breakout how the computer screen sizes based on the ram.

  • Position the computer screen sizes side by side.

  • Drilldown the dataset further based on premium.

  • Label the x-axis.

  • Label the y-axis.

  • Give the graph a title.

  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Histogram: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_indonesia.csv)

  • Plot the distribution of the wages of the rice production. (Use a binwidth = 5)

  • Breakout the land status of ownership.

  • Drilldown the dataset further based on the varieties of rice produced.

  • Label the x-axis.

  • Label the y-axis.

  • Give the graph a title.

  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Box Plot: (Use dataset_tipping_data.csv)

  • Plot the Day vs Tip of the meals.

  • Breakout the time of day.

  • Drilldown the dataset further based on gender.

  • Label the x-axis.

  • Label the y-axis.

  • Give the graph a title.

  • What story is presented in this visualization?

ggplot2 – Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_edgar_anderson_iris_data.csv)

  • Plot the petal length vs petal width of the flowers.

  • Breakout the species of the flowers.

  • Drilldown the dataset further based on the species.

  • Label the x-axis.

  • Label the y-axis.

  • Give the graph a title.

  • What story is presented in this visualization?


English Question

Please design a Plagiarism Contract using your own words to acknowledge your understanding of plagiarism.

Your contract must include:

  • A comprehensive, thorough definition of plagiarism (discussed in the lecture, in our textbook, online, and various sources)

  • A statement indicating your understanding that if you plagiarize work, you will earn a zero for that assignment and may fail the course, or be suspended or terminated from the program

  • A response to the question, “What is the cost of plagiarism?”

  • Your signature

  • References:

  • Concorde Career Colleges. (2019). 2019-2020 catalog. Aurora, CO: Concorde Career Colleges.Plagiarism contract. (n.d.). Retrieved from Contract.doc


Microbiology Question

Assignment 6 Questions will post the pictures of the Assignment, The first four questions are meant to be short answer. You may not necessarily need to use complete sentences for some of them. I will attach everything you need to know about i








Pinegar Article Abstract

Attached is the Pinegar article as well as the abstract instructions. Only Part A is required. Please label each of the 4 parts in Part A.



BUS190: Quantitative Business Analysis

Hey, I have worked with you another before with my friend account for statistic major and you did an excellent job for me. This time I have a midterm on Wednesday 24th March at 9am pacific time till 10:15am (75 minutes) for 50 questions. Multiple and true false. Can you help me on that? and how much you charge? you need to be online with me at the same time. Please let me know ASAP. We are using a lock down browser so i have to take a picture and send it to you at the same time you answer and help me. is it possible for you? I am a fair person and will pay a good tip if i get a good result so do not worry :)

class name is Quantitative Business Analysis at sanjose state university you can read the description online about it.


Political Science question

Choose any topic from Alexander, Hellenics or Romans period

    • This is a very broad choice, but remember you can choose on anything that might be of interest to you (i.e. politics, history, arts, culture, religion, etc.)

  • You must demonstrate research skills by having at least one footnote and one item (source) in a bibliography. Since you may not have access to the library, you can find reference articles online


Political Science Question

I will mention the requirements below, however this is a study guide only. The actual questions will be sent to the tutor once I am able to get them. There are a total of 4 questions. Each questions requires a paragraph long answer. ALSO, when I receive the actual questions, it will be a TIMED assignment, which will be 120 minutes only.

Study Guide: Specifically, Materials within the coverage.

–All of Phase V (Substantive Due Process)

*Selective v. Total Incorporation of Bill of Rights; *Overbreadth Analysis of Speech regulation; *Obscenity, Adult Pornography and Offensive Speech affecting Adults; *Fighting Words; *Establishment Clause limits on government support of prayer and other religious practices; *Strict Scrutiny under Lukumi Babaluundefined*“Hybrid Rights” Exception to Smithundefined*Establishment Clause limits on government support of prayer and other religious practices; *Establishment-Clause “Purpose” Approach; *Establishment-Clause “Accomodationist/Non-Preferential” Approach; *Establishment Clause Analysis in Bladensburg “Peace Cross” decision]


English Question

Assignment #2 – Visit the Steelcase website at: (Links to an external site.)

And read about electronic whiteboards. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using a whiteboard during a meeting? Would you recommend purchasing this product? Explain why or why not. Draft a memo to your boss outlining your recommendations and a plan for action (tips are listed below).



When preparing a memo, you

May use a lower-grade paper than you use for letters

May be asked to use a special memo form

Include the title “Memo” (or similar) at the top of the page either centered or flush left

At the top of a memo (arranged in almost any order), place introductory information such as





If a memo has wide distribution, type “See distribution list” after “To:” and place recipient names at the bottom of the page (usually in alphabetical order).

The subject line (or lines) should be short but informative.

For the body of the memo:

Start on the fourth line below heading.

Use single-spacing, with double spacing between paragraphs (unless the memo is very short).

Either indent paragraphs or make them flush left.

Head the second page just as you would head the second page of letter.

Although no complimentary close or signature block is required in a memo, the sender may initial the memo beside his or her name or at the bottom of the memo.

Handle reference initials, enclosure notations, and copy notations just as you would in a letter.

Memos may be delivered by hand, interoffice mail, or post office.

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