Category Archives: Research Papers

Website Design question

Create an express web application for your project.

B. Configure the web application to run on your assigned port number.

C. The web application to be comprised of 3 static pages/views: ○ Index ○ About ○ Contact

D. Populate each static page with some basic content appropriate for your website.


Ethical and Appropriate Data Visualizations

Ethical and Appropriate Data Visualizations

Post two questions you would ask when preparing a data visualization, either a graph or dashboard.

One question should be designed to elicit the data needs of the viewer and hone in on the key metrics of interest to them, and the other should be one you would anticipate being asked by the viewer whether internal or external to your department or organization.

Review the following articles for inspiration.

Make sure you add references (sources) on all your posts as appropriate.


Mathlab multi-part question


The engineers at Universally Marvelous Broadcasting and Communications (UMBC) are designing

how to detect the amplitude or the power of a bipolar signal of known amplitude that is corrupted

by Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)1

. Three methods have been suggested:

1) When the signal is received, it is passed the signal through a perfect diode detector, and

only the the positive values are used; or,

1 The model for a signal with AWGN is

r(t) = (±A) + n(t), where r(t) is the received signal, (±A) is the desired signal, and n(t) ~ N(0,σ2

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2) When the signal is received, the processor computes the amplitude by taking the absolute

value of measured signal; or,

3) When the signal is received, the processor computes the amplitude squared by taking the

square of the measured signal, thus producing an estimate of the power.

The engineers have determined that method 1 will cost $10 in production, but that method 2 will

cost $20 in production and method 3 will cost $40 in production. Any of the methods will produce

a result that meets the product requirements.

For all of the following questions, assume that the known amplitude is , that the known

amplitude is equally likely (hint!) to be , and the noise variance is .

2.1 Method 1

2.1.1 Analytical PDF

Using the CDF method developed in class, analytically derive the probability density function for

where is the signal that is actually processed using the first method. For this

element, please use the symbolic (not numeric) values of and .

Expressing the appropriate functional expression of Method 1 as , compute

that is the function evaluated at the expected value of the random variable Save

this value for use in 2.4

2.1.2 Simulated PDF

Using the techniques developed in Project 1, generate a large number of random trials from an

appropriate distribution and simulate the probability density function . Plot the histogrambased pdf, and then plot the analytical pdf you derived in 2.1.1 on the same set of axes. Provide a

professional plot.

Compute the mean of the simulated from the random trials and save for use in Section 2.4.

2.2 Method 2

2.2.1 Analytical PDF

Using the CDF method developed in class, analytically derive the probability density function for

where is the signal that is actually processed using the second method. For this

element, please use the symbolic (not numeric) values of and .

Expressing the appropriate functional expression of Method 2 as , compute

that is the function evaluated at the expected value of the random variable Save

this value for use in 2.4

A = 2V

+A or − A σ2 = 9


s(t), fS (s), s(t)

A σ2

Y = g(X )

Y = g(E[X]), X.

fS (s)


s(t), fS (s), s(t)

A σ2

Y = g(X )

Y = g(E[X]), X.Page: 3

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2.2.2 Simulated PDF

Using the techniques developed in Project 1, generate a large number of random trials from an

appropriate distribution and simulate the probability density function . Plot the histogrambased pdf, and then plot the analytical pdf you derived in 2.2.1 on the same set of axes. Provide a

professional plot.

Compute the mean of the simulated data from the random trials and save for use in Section


2.3 Method 3

2.3.1 Analytical PDF

Using the CDF method developed in class, analytically derive the probability density function for

where is the signal that is actually processed using the second method. For this

element, please use the symbolic (not numeric) values of and .

Expressing the appropriate functional expression of Method 3 as , compute

that is the function evaluated at the expected value of the random variable Save

this value for use in 2.4

2.3.2 Simulated PDF

Using the techniques developed in Project 1, generate a large number of random trials from an

appropriate distribution and simulate the probability density function . Plot the histogrambased pdf, and then plot the analytical pdf you derived in 2.3.1 on the same set of axes. Provide a

professional plot.

Compute the mean of the simulated data from the random trials and save for use in Section


2.4 Looking Ahead: Jensen’s Inequality

For each of three methods, compare the expected value of the simulated data with the evaluation

of the function at the expected value. Is there a consistent inequality relationship that extends

across the three cases. Can you guess the general rule, which is known as Jensen’s Inequality.



Communications Question

Module 1: Discussion 1 — The Surprising History of Public Relations

Now that you have read through the materials and reflected either on your own careers or on what you want to learn about public relations, let’s discuss what you did and didn’t know about the history of public relations and how that affects how you define it.

The purpose of the discussion is to immediately start exploring what you know about public relations and making connections to both research and application of public relations. The discussion in no way commits you to a research agenda or a topic that you might want to explore throughout your assignments (although you could). Rather, the discussion is meant to spark connections with history, theory, and application, as well as help yourself and us, get to know the different ways in which public relations is applied and the lenses through which it is discovered.


  • If you were going to pick out a part of public relations history that interests you, what would that be? Why?

  • How does that interest help you redefine your public relations job or confirm what interests you about public relations?

  • Were there any concepts or points that made you want to know more about it?

Please post your initial response by 23:59 CST Sunday of Week 1 (3/21), and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 CST Monday (3/22). (On your syllabus the final deadline is the latter, but please try to comment early in the week, so others have time and substance to discuss!)

Submission Instructions:
Respond directly to the posts of your classmates using the etiquette guidelines provided in the “About” module. Be kind, be interested, and add to the discussion, rather than just agreeing or “piggy backing.”

Relate “your moment in time” to something from the ppts or reading materials (and anecdotally cite it–like the highlighted references in “Hints for Hinton).

  1. Write a narrative discussion combining your conversation and what you read.

  2. Respond to someone else’s post by providing additional insight.

Hints from Hinton:

There are some points for garnering good discussion. Help your classmates out by spreading the love (i.e. responses) out among all your classmates. For instance, if you notice the first post has received 4 or 5 responses, choose a different post to respond to.

It is important you hit the deadline on this assignment so your classmates and finish by responding to other posts.

An example of how to discuss these personal questions comes largely from the way I started this module with the P.T. Barnum discussion, so my post might look like this:

I have always had a bit of a fantasy of “running off with the circus,” so the fact that a lot of what we DO in public relations is based on his initial ideas of promotion, according to Grunig’s Press Agentry/Publicity is really interesting to me on an organic level. I think a lot of people still define public relations solely based on the idea of promotion and publicity because that is often the face of public relations. I think this relates to what Dr. Hinton said in the introduction to this module about learning from the good and bad, and recognizing the ethical path. For instance, Barnum’s circus posters are gorgeous, I think they added to the “landscape” and were precursors to things like Times Square billboards. Purists think that “disney-fies” Times Square or Picadilly Circus in London and detracts from the cultural essence of the public space, but I think these two “piazzas” as well as others in the world, help define world commerce in a way that you really could connect to socio-economic issues, wealth, business leadership, culture and yes, art. And, when you couple that idea with rhetorical history outlined on the timeline, like Cicero connecting style to substance in the effective delivery of persuasive communication, you can see that the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square has things to teach us about culture, whether or not those aspects are good or bad. I haven’t seen “The Greatest Showman,” and I am not sure why Dr. Hinton liked it so much, especially after reading the National Geographic link with the real story, but I might have to check it out.

Then a response to that might be something like:

What really strikes a chord with me, is your comparison of vintage circus posters to Times Square electronic billboards. I have to design a lot of fliers for events in my job and I have never really thought of promotion as art before or even connected it to my undergraduate public speaking class (which I hated)! But when you look at the timeline and that discussion of Cicero, for instance, it helps me understand the significance of those ridiculous little fliers I produce in Canva! I think the next one I produce will be more purposeful thanks to your post and Dr. Hinton’s awesome links. Also, between P.T. Barnum and Ivy Lee, I find it interesting how those original concepts have been built upon by Bernays and others. The people themselves, people like us studying public relations are public relations stories in and of themselves. Self-promotion is often considered undignified, and as slide 3 in the powerpoint “What is Public Relations?” points out, if public relations is good, no one recognizes it as public relations. That is a fine line these men walked. It’s also quite devoid of women’s voices. We, speaking for all women, I guess, are often not good at self-promotion, negotiation or walking into a newsroom and announcing our intentions, like Barnum apparently was. I will be interested to see some of the gender gaps in public relations–like Doris Fleishman, who was behind her husband’s success and doing the actual work of the agency, while Bernays was promoting his ideas and Fleishman’s work.


ECEN424 Fundamentals of Networking

2 Problem Statement In this assignment, implement a server and a client using Java sockets. The server and client must use a TCP connection to communicate with each other. Server The server must have the capability to handle multiple clients simultaneously. The server takes as console input the port number on which clients would connect to it and the maximum number of clients that can connect simultaneously. >./ s e r v e r Upon initialization, the server program asks the user to enter a string (str), e.g., “HelloWorld,” and a positive integer (N). Whenever a client is connected to the server, the server transmits str to the client N times, with a one-second pause between transmissions. The first N-1 transmissions have no end-of-string or newline character at the end. The last transmission ends with a newline character. Client The client takes as console input the IP and the port number of the server in order to connect. >./ c l i e n t You will write two versions of the client. The first version, which we call the NaiveClient, displays every character it receives immediately. The second version, which we call the BufferClient, buffers all incoming characters and only displays everything when it receives a newline character. Both clients terminate after receiving and printing the newline character.



Data Analytics

You need to work on Power BI Dashboards and you are free to create additionally linked dashboards for further exploration.
here is the data:

download the data, the data is in CSV files please load it on to power BI and make 4 dashboards for me.


Data Analytics question

Q1. a) Which male celebrity has the highest requested salary? b) Which female celebrity has the highest
requested salary? Both queries Q1a and Q1b should result in a single row showing the male/female
celebrity with the highest salary (10pts)
Q2. Calculate a new measure for each celebrity called overall popularity ranking. The overall popularity
ranking measure is the result of combining each of the four ranking measures weighted as follows:
Rank Measure Weight
TV/Radio Rank 40%
Press Rank 20%
Marketability Rank 30%
Social Rank 10%
Based on overall popularity ranking, which celebrity is most popular? Remember, a rank of 1 is the
highest ranking indicating the most popular while 100 is the lowest ranking indicating the least
popular. Your query should result in a single row showing the celebrity that is most popular based on
the overall popularity ranking measure. (10pts)
Q3. a) What is the overall average requested celebrity salary? b) How many celebrities ask for an above
average salary? Both queries Q3a and Q3b should result in a single number answer. (10pts)
Q4. What is the average requested salary by male celebrities? How many male celebrities ask for a below
average salary? Both queries Q4a and Q4b should result in a single number answer. (10pts)
Q5. Is there a difference between the average marketability rank across different category level celebrities
(i.e. A-level, B-level, C-level)? Your result should show average marketability rank by category level.
Q6. Is there a difference in average salary between male and female celebrities? Your query should show
average celebrity salary by gender. (10pts)



Computer Science

Instructions: upload your pdf and annexes in Blackboard (under assignments, in your group session) 1) Based on the topic you selected for your project and the specifications you provided for phase 1, complete the project report following the structure described below. If you need to extend the scope of your project with additional requirements and features to complete the diagrams, feel free to do so. The report will be evaluated according to the quality of the contents, considering both completeness and correctness of each diagram. The project contents are based on course materials. Illustrative examples are provided in the course book (check Chapter 10). If you have questions or comments, please contact the instructor or TA. 2) After completing your report, upload the pdf document online in Blackboard under assignments. Do not forget to add the project title, the name of each student in your group, and the answers to each item defined in the project structure (as described below). Use comments and annotations, as well as graphs, tables, figures or external references whenever needed to illustrate your work. Report Structure Using Unified Modeling Language to Design and Analyze a System – Behavioral and Structural Aspects [100 points] 1) Define a class diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of classes and objects (at least 5), methods and attributes b. Examples of different relationships and constraints, including inheritance, aggregation, and associations 2) Define a sequence diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of classes, objects and lifelines (at least 3) b. Examples of calls, methods, messages (synchronous and asynchronous) and parameters 3) Define a statechart diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of states (at least 4) b. Examples of transitions 4) Define a use case diagram for the system you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of actors (at least 2) and use cases (at least 5) b. Examples of inclusion and extensions c. Examples of packages (at least 2) 5) Define an activity diagram for the use case(s) you proposed, including [20 points] a. Examples of forks and joins b. Examples of swimlanes (at least 2).


Beautify article presentation

Need a draft to present for each pages and beautify the powerpoint.


Health & Medical Question

1. Using Kotter’s tables comparing the 20th and 21st century organizations and his tables on lifelong learning, in Leading Change, write a 6-8 page paper discussing the following.

  • To what extent has your practice setting in your workplace moved into the 21st century model? Give specific examples.

  • Briefly describe yourself in terms of the characteristics of lifelong learning depicted in the table and analyze your competitive capacity.

  • Discuss the extent to which you have the mental habits that support lifelong learning as outlined in the Table on mental habits in lifelong learning. Give specific examples.

2. Continue working on Stages 5 and 6 of Kotter’s Change Model and apply to your topic.

Stage 5: Empowering Employees for Broad Based Action

Stage 6: Generating Short-term Wins

Discuss how the system empowers employees for broad based actions of change as it applies to your system and how the system generate short term wins for achievements of strategic organizational goals. This assignment should be approximately 500-700 words in length.


  • Evaluate how your identified organization has utilized Kotter’s stage 7 and 8 of consolidating changes to produce more change and anchored the new approaches within the organization. This should be approximately 700-1000 words.

    • Stage 7: Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change

    • Stage 8: Anchoring New Approaches in the Culture


4. Conceptual and Theoretical Models – Write a 1500-1700 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count.

Choose a theoretical premise in healthcare delivery. Develop a conceptual model with words and graphics. You may choose a premise that has a conceptual model but you MUST revise the model both in words and graphics.

5. Subject Matter Experts and Data Collection – Your interview should be 1500-1700 words and should include at least three (3) citations. Clearly mark each heading to identify the interviews and summaries. Follow the guidelines for APA writing style. Be sure to use APA guidelines for referencing in an interview.

Choose a research topic that interests. This can be any topic you would like to research either qualitatively or quantitatively. An example might be effectiveness of a tool for monitoring home administration of medications however you can choose any topic you like. Develop a tool for collecting data (be sure to keep it fairly simple in the interests of the project), find three subject matter experts and have them evaluate your data collection tool through interviews. Include their assessment of the effectiveness of the tool. Be sure to include any recommendations for change in the tool. Then describe how the tool will change based on the recommendations.

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