Category Archives: Research Papers

Economics question

Q9 ecn 121B industrial organization

This one requires short calculation and following a brief explanation.


Mechanical Engineering

Hi I need some help in solving the following questions about linkages and position analysis, the use of engineering paper is required for some questions. hand written solution is totally fine but pls make clear hand writing and submit the document as pdf. the questions shouldn’t take more than 1 hour to be solved.


Create an express web application

Create an express web application for your project.

B. Configure the web application to run on your assigned port number.

C. The web application to be comprised of 3 static pages/views: ○ Index ○ About ○ Contact

D. Populate each static page with some basic content appropriate for your website.

Note there are 5 parts to this assignment, so if you are able to continue development with me please accept as ill send invite to other parts upon completion.


Linear Algebra Question

I need help completing a business math course quiz. I hope someone can help


Mathematics question

Must know these topics are:

Complex Numbers

Linear Algebra

Partial Differentiation

Multiple Integrals

vector analysis

For series and Transforms


Forecasting, Inventory Models, Optimization, Simulation, Analysis Matching

Question 2.
The following table displays a record of sales of a certain product over five weeks:
Week Units Sold
1 6
2 8
3 5
4 9
5 12
Using the naïve forecasting method, generate forecasts for weeks 2-5 and calculate the following three accuracy
metrics for your forecasting model:
a. Mean Forecast Error (MFE): (2 pts)
b. Mean Absolute Error (MAE): (2 pts)
c. Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): (2 pts)

Question 4.
Ferris-Steed is a manufacturer of high-quality fabrics. Although the company sells a limited line of finished clothing (e.g.,
coats, hats), its primary source of revenue is sales of fabric to high-end tailors, suit manufacturers, and luxury fabric
stores. Ferris-Steed sells its fabric in bolts, typically 100 yards of woven fabric wrapped around cardboard tube, which
can be measured out and cut as needed. Ferris-Steed creates fabric bolts from two sources: a portion of bolts are made
using raw materials that have been manufactured in-house (through a subsidiary company), and a portion of bolts are
made using raw materials that have been purchased through an external provider. Each bolt made from manufactured
raw materials costs $10 to produce and contributes $11 to earnings, while each bolt made from purchased raw
materials costs $20 to produce and contributes only $8 to earnings. The company has budgeted a weekly maximum of
$2,000 for producing bolts. While each bolt made from purchased materials is more expensive, purchased raw materials
have an advantage in that they arrive with most of the processing already complete, and thus take less time to convert
to a finished good. Each bolt made from manufactured raw materials takes approximately 90 minutes to produce,
whereas each bolt made from purchased raw materials requires only 60 minutes to produce. Total time spent each
week manufacturing fabric bolts is limited to 150 hours. The company’s customers are fickle, so management considers
shortages more ‘expensive’ (in terms of lost goodwill) than surpluses. As a result, the company sets minimums around
its supply plan: management has decided that weekly production must at least 75 bolts.
Management is curious to see what weekly production plan an optimization model would recommend. Specifically, they
would like to know how many bolts to produce using manufactured vs. purchased raw materials in order to maximize
weekly profit contribution.
a. Formulate this problem as a linear optimization model, in terms of an objective function and constraint functions.
(5 pts)
b. Graph the problem using the chart provided (see next page) and identify the feasible region. (5 pts)
c. Solve for the optimal number of bolts made from purchased vs. manufactured raw materials the company should
plan to produce each week. Provide the optimal number of bolts produced from each source of raw materials,
and the corresponding profit contribution achieved through this plan. (5 pts)
d. Does this production plan leave slack in any of the constraints incorporated into the model? (4 pts)
e. Below is a table of the objective coefficient ranges for this solution. In a few sentences, provide an interpretation
of these figures. Imagine you are explaining this to someone who is not familiar with this type of analysis.
(3 pts)



CHM 310S: Environmental Chemistry, Energy Calculations

1. Energy from Biofuels
Do you agree with the statement in the text (page 292)?: “At today’s consumption levels the
amount of land required to supply the world’s energy needs entirely by biomass equals that
of all agricultural land currently developed.” To answer this problem, pick a couple of
biofuels (e.g. trees, sugar cane, palm oil, …). Things you may have to consider are how much
chemical energy they store and how rapidly they can get harvested. The world’s energy needs
are roughly 5×1020 J/year.
2. Planes and Cars
Do you agree with the following statement?: “Roughly the same level of CO2 is emitted if one
flies to the West Coast from Toronto as if one were to drive.” Do some simple calculations
using information about energy consumption of cars and planes to make an informed decision.
There will be a lot of assumptions in your calculation, so make sure to articulate them clearly.
3. Solar Energy
In the text, it is stated (page 367) that: an area of “about 0.1% of the Earth’s surface” could
supply all the world’s energy needs if it was covered with solar photovoltaic cells. Do you
agree? You can do the calculation by assuming that the solar panels track the sun at all times,
and that all the energy is magically available to everyone and does not have to get
transported/stored. These are big assumptions – you can comment on them if you want.



Creating a Unity Project File

Everything Is already given to you all you need to do is make it into a unity project file.



Macro economics question

The table below shows the production possibilities for the countries of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. Determine comparative advantage for each country and the limits to the terms of trade?


Rhetorics of Nature and Environmentalism

Read Chapter Three and Chapter Four answer the following questions (300 to 400 words each):

1. According to Hendry, the Western understanding of nature has four different influences. Identify a contemporary example of each influence and briefly explain its significance.

2. According to Henry, anthropocentric reformism can be seen in four perspectives Identify a contemporary example of each perspective and briefly explain its influence.

3. Radical environmental philosophies are divided into three major camps according to Hendry. How would each camp describe the cause(s) and possible responses to climate change/global warming?

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