Category Archives: Research Papers

Research Project Proposal

  1. One-to-two paragraphs in complete sentences that describe the who, what, when, and/or where of your topic of interest. More specifically, you should say what aspect of marriage/relationships/family in what historical time/place you plan to research.

  2. The summary is to be objectively written, a neutral description — no first-person references and no opinions by you.

  3. Include a proposed question or questions that will focus your research.

  4. One way to think about this is to consider what keywords you expect to search on to find relevant information. Given the theme of this class, that is likely to include some combination of (1) the relevant marriage-related aspect, (2) a time period, and (3) a place, culture, religion, ethnicity, etc.

  5. Try to choose a topic substantive enough to require multiple research sources and about 6 pages of your final 10-page essay to communicate, but not so extensive that you can’t manage it in that space or in the time you have this semester. You want to aim for depth not breadth.

  6. Avoid topics so current that little has been published and all of it very recently. This is why I’m steering you toward research that is historical and/or cultural. It takes a while for scholarly books and articles to cover a topic well.

  7. By the same token, don’t pose topics that are so simple that a quick online search would give you the answer in a sentence or two.

  8. Don’t pose research questions you can’t answer, even with research. In particular, don’t pose questions that require knowing how individuals feel. Don’t pose questions that ask about the future — you can’t research the future, though you may have your own well-informed predictions by the time you get to the conclusion of your whole paper.

  9. You may want to do some quick research — even a Google search or a look at Wikipedia — to see whether your topic is plausible. Note, however, that Wikipedia is NOT a legit research source for your final essay.


Management Question

This individual assignment will take the form of a paper of no more than 1500 words (not including bibliography, references, and cover sheet), which identifies a specific leader (political, business, or religious; alive or dead) and analyzes his or her style in terms that link with the materials covered in the course.

This individual paper should specifically address leadership styles, including a comparative analysis of transactional vs. transformational characteristics and information on your chosen leader’s tendency to use manipulation vs. inspiration, his or her motivational style, etc. You may also wish to use some of the basic principles of emotional intelligence to inform your analysis.

You have a free choice of leader, but it is important that you choose someone of either historical or business significance who has had or does have a meaningful public profile. This will make it easier to find materials to support and reference in your assertions and analysis and will also allow us to grade your paper based on accessible materials and sources.


Chemistry question


Trial #




Time (s)




Temperature (°C)





Trial #

Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3

Volume of 0.0200M KIO3

Volume of H2O

Time (s)


10.0 mL

8.0 mL

2.0 mL



10.0 mL

5.0 mL

5.0 mL



8.0 mL

10.0 mL

2.0 mL



5.0 mL

10.0 mL

5.0 mL




Volume of 0.0200M KIO3

10.0 mL

Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3

10.0 mL

Temperature (°C)


Time (s)



Volume of 0.0200M KIO3

10.0 mL

Volume of 0.0200M NaHSO3

10.0 mL

Temperature (°C)


Time (s)


Questio 1:Using the data for Trials 1 – 3, enter the average time for the Clock reaction at room temperature:


Writing question

This assignment will help you to identify social issues in your community that may need advocacy for change. In this assignment, you will identify the elements of the issue, and advocate for your community by writing a letter to an elected official explaining why this is an issue and what changes are needed.

Choose a social welfare issue discussed in a previous week of this class.

Select an elected official to whom you will address your letter. You may choose a local, regional, state, or federal official.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word persuasive letter to an elected official to advocate for action on your chosen social welfare issue.

Include the following in your letter:

  • A brief personal introduction and explanation of why you are concerned with social welfare

  • The nature and history of the social welfare issue you have selected, and an explanation of the need for change

  • The relevance of the social welfare issue to the official’s constituents

  • A description of the actions you have taken to advocate for this issue

  • A suggestion about how the official can take action on the issue, such as voting on a particular bill or allocating funds

  • Supporting information that explains why such an action should be taken and how it will benefit the public


Strategic management

Assignment Questions                                                      (5 Marks)


  1. Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words). (5 mark)

  2. Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix in the answer sheet. (1 mark)

  3. Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)

  4. Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)

  5. What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify. (5 mark)



Simple Logistic Regression in SPSS (1 Independent Variable & 1 Dependent Variable)

The Assignment

Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Write an analysis in APA format, including title page, references, and an appendix, that includes your data output and addresses each of the tasks listed above. The content should be 2–3 pages, including a discussion of whether the predictive relationship is statistically significant and the odds ratio and what it means. Your SPSS output should be included as an appendix.

Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the General Social Survey Dataset, report the mean of Age. If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES. See page 1032 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a binary logistic regression analysis.


Health & Medical Question

Imagine you work as a risk management supervisor at a local health care facility. You have been asked by leadership to prepare a presentation for the stakeholders on the importance of risk management.

Use the concepts you have learned in this course to create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (not counting the title or reference slides) with detailed speaker notes of at least 100 words per slide.

Your presentation should:

  • Explain the concepts of risk management in the health care industry.

  • Explain factors that influence risk management in the health care industry.

  • Explain the relationship between risk management and quality management.

  • Analyze the information and information technology methods needed to make risk-management decisions in the health care industry.

  • Analyze key risk management tools in the health care industry.

  • Analyze challenges in making risk management decisions.


Computer Science Question

Write the introduction to Health care Industry portfolio project (2-3 pages), comprehensively describing the industry you are choosing to use in the paper and preliminary challenges with information governance that you have identified. Be sure to utilize 5 sources.


Philosophy class

Do not exceed one page. Be sure that your response is sufficient to address the prompt. Excellent journals will use argument and evidence to justify claims. Cite the coursework where it is appropriate. No outside citations are required. Please expect to write one page. Please omit long headings. You may title the journal.

What is Descartes’ account of error? How do we make one and how can we avoid making one?


Public Health question

One from CDC about Brazilian butt lift with a description of the article and the citation in APA style with the link next to every article

3 from PubMed about Brazilian butt lift with a description of the article and the citation in APA style with the link next to every article

One from informal sources and same work.

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