Category Archives: Research Papers

Statistics question

This assignment I want you to solve all mentioned questions by using Minitab and documents all answers in word document also I need you to write the procedure of solving each question in Minitab.

part 1a,b,c,d: Q1,2,4,6,8,17a,22a,25,34,36

part2: Q3,4,8


Standard Accounting Procedure

Your company has always depreciated assets using the straight-line method. Your tax accountant has explained that a switch to the double-declining balance method would minimize taxes in the current year, but you are concerned about the impact this change would have on the value of long-term assets on the balance sheet and future tax liabilities.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 400 words:

  • Assuming your projected sales (and therefore tax bracket) are predicted to increase dramatically over the next 5 years, what should you do?


Communications Question

To complete this APA practice assignment, first choose a current news story. Then, locate at least three (3) different versions of the news story from different (credible) sources. Be sure to avoid any sources that are likely to be conspiracy theory sites, bought-and-paid-for research, or any other type of “incredible” source.

Second, you will be comparing the coverage of the general news story as it is laid out in the three different news sources. In one paragraph, briefly describe how each source discusses the basic story differently. Be sure to internally cite each of the three sources as they are discussed, and if you use any direct quotations be very clear in both quoting and citing those sources.

Third, find two (2) scholarly sources that help illustrate the claim you are making about how the story is told differently in different sources. Scholarly sources to back your analysis will help reinforce the value of your claim. In a second paragraph, use these sources to explain what you see happening in the ways the news story is told, citing the two scholarly sources, and any of the news sources that are directly referenced again.

Finally, write your reference page including all of the sources you cited in the two paragraph mini-essay. Be sure the reference page is correctly formatted in APA.

If you choose to use the built-in Microsoft Word citation builder and/or the APA paper template, be sure you enter the information into the correct data sections. Journal titles, magazine titles, and other similar title entries are a common error people make using that technology. If you are using one of the library databases, it’s not always easy to find that information. If you have questions or are unsure, check with the professor or a librarian. They will be happy to help.


MAN6930 Employment Laws Case Summary

Use 400-500 words Summarize the whole problem in this case.

Answer 3 questions


Short writing

Reading: N/A, though you should read through the scholarly article(s) you find on your selected topic before developing and submitting a critical writing prompt ( The Topic is: Settler Colonialism )
Purpose: To produce a writing assignment prompt to help others engage with your selected topic.
Skills/knowledge practiced: Scholarly research; information literacy; presentation design; critical inquiry Submission instructions: Please upload the following in a Word .doc

  1. writing prompt of 60-80 words in length that will be assign as a homework option for your fellow students and due the day you present. (You will not have to answer your own writing prompt.) Your prompt should help students engage with some aspect of the scholarly article you assign as reading.

  2. A list of 3 critical discussion questions that you will integrate into your class facilitation. These questions do not have to be directly tied to the scholarly articles, though it is encouraged that you make use of your selected research to inform our class discussion. Good discussion questions are those that encourage students to participate; consider a topic from a new perspective; help students reflect on their own practices or behaviors; promote learning and intellectual growth, etc.

  3. Two quotations from the your selected research article that you would like the class to discuss in depth. In order for our discussion to stay focused, your quoted passages should not exceed 100 words.


Professional email

Advanced Technical Writing – Assignment #6 – Professional Email

Writing 321, Section C-2 – Spring Semester –2021

This assignment should be prepared as a document (not an actual email) and is due March 18th, before 11:00 a.m., via Turnitin, using the following format:



March 18th, 2021

Name of Recipient

Address of Recipient

City, State and Zip code of Recipient

Dear Ms./Mr. Last Name or First Name, depending on the relationship: (colon)

Body of the email:

The email should be approximately three paragraphs long and include the following:

  • An introductory paragraph that provides context

    • First contact? First Introduction?

    • Follow-up/Response to an inquiry?

    • Known or unknown recipient?

  • Message substance

    • Information request?

    • Editing/Comment request?

    • Attachment explanation (you will not have an actual attachment, but may refer to one if appropriate)?

    • Update?

    • Setting a meeting?

  • Instructions and closing remarks

    • Action required?

    • Confirm attendance?

    • Type of response needed?

    • Deadlines?

  • Request for confirmation of receipt of email

  • Complimentary closing (Sincerely, Best, Regards, etc.) followed by a comma

  • Signature Block

    • Your signature

    • Your typed name and title

    • Complete Address

    • Phone

    • Email

    • Web address if appropriate

Please use the following file naming convention:lastname.Assignment6.C2

Make sure your email follows all grammar rules.

Use block format and a readable font.

Maintain a professional and positive tone.

Possible Topics:

  • Update/Progress Report on any project project

  • Requesting input on an attached document

    • Purpose of document

    • Editing/Commenting request

    • Timing/Deadlines

  • Cover/Transmittal letter for an attached document

    • Background

    • Purpose

    • Requesting comments/decision

    • Timing/Deadlines

  • Meeting Announcement

    • Purpose of meeting

    • Attendees

    • Brief agenda

    • Meeting time, place and date (virtual or in person; link to virtual platform if appropriate)

    • Confirmation of Attendance

  • New Policies Announcement

    • Background

    • Brief summary of new policy or policies

    • Implementation schedule

    • Request for questions/comments

  • Follow-up to an interview

    • Thanking the reader for the opportunity

      • To speak with interview committee

      • To tour facilities

    • Offering to Answer additional question

    • Looking forward to hearing from the employer


Management presentation

Changes in the way meetings are held

Changes in program execution schedule

Need to hire more people

these are the 3 points, you can add two more,

I need footnotes for these and plus 2 more point


Instrumental Analysis

I need you to answer 3 questions in the Data and Results based on the experiment and attached data.


Management Question

It is time to complete and submit your final training. For both face-to-face and technology-based training, be sure you have included the following:

  1. An attention-getting introduction.

  2. A summary of what learners will be able to do by the end of the training (in other words, tell them the objectives).

  3. Detailed training of the specific tasks or content.

  4. Engaging activities/practice.

  5. Assessments.

  6. A conclusion summarizing what has been learned and emphasizing the relevance and the benefits.

Here’s how to submit your training:

Face-to-Face Training

For face-to-face training, submit a participant’s guide and a facilitator’s guide in a zipped file.

Technology-Based Training

For technology-based training, submit the training in a file that can easily be read by your instructor and classmates. You may use any software to create your training. For example, Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and it can be used on a Windows or Mac computer.

No matter what software you use, make sure that both your voice and the content (for example, PowerPoint slides) are clearly captured.


IT666 – Password Audit Lab


This lab uses virtual environment to complete a scenario maintained by NICE.

 This lab will be completed in class.


  1. Account setup

  2. Audit of weak AD passwords.

  3. Audit of weak web site password.

  4. Solution write-up (100% of grade)

Task 1: Account Setup (To be completed PRIOR to class)

You will receive an email invite like the one below with a one-time password.  Login to the provided account.



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